BD tom. 2/17
Date: 2/16/99
From: spaz119
Don't forget now girls!! Like you pervs could!! The big 25...still
youthful enough to useful and tasty!!! I'm getting him (surprise) a
towel, but heck if I can find it for him as he gets out of the shower.
Oh, well...can't find my beret either? Yaaaaa Baby!!!
I say we get this boy and give him a real BD gift so he doesn't have
to ever hug, kiss, or touch another one of his female guests' knees!!!
Hubba Hubba...the ole spaz "Fantasy factory" has the
crew on OT Baby!!!

have to stop
Date: 2/16/99
From: 1013shan
reading your posts while I'm eating or drinking anything!! It's not
good for my nose!!! :)
So he'll be 25 huh...your b-day present rocks!!!I'm rushing off to
work, but while I'm there I'll spend the day thinking about what I would
do for a perfect Jerry-o-rama birthday....(why actually work?)
Later Second Lieutenant

makes him
Date: 2/16/99
From: Slider_Sarah
an aquarius as am I. Two aquariuses are meant to be very compatible.
Okay, I'm feeling a bit delusional at the mo but who really cares! We
can all dream!

Date: 2/16/99
From: Mychand
Me too! Darn, if mom could have only held out one day, I could have
shared his birthday. Well, ok, I WAS born a few years ealier. :o)
Oh, and keep up the polls. You did a great job!

I was going to get him a towel
Date: 2/16/99
From: SciFiWatcher
I guess I'll have to take him dancing instead! If I was only born 10
days earlier (and a few years later) Jerry and I could have had the
same B-day. Atleast we're both water signs.
Three cheers for Jerry!

Date: 2/16/99
From: Slider_Sarah
Why do I always forget things?
For me to have the same bday, I would have to have been born several
years earlier minus about 2 and half weeks. The only problem being my
parents weren't even married when he was born. I'll just have to be
satisfied with same starsign, after all, they span the years.
Why is everyone getting him a towel. Wouldn't he be better without
one? (On second thoughts, I won't even go there; I don't want to be
accused of being a complete pervert.)
"We're here. Then again, maybe we're not."
and Ladies
Date: 2/16/99
From: spaz119
Please, as one complete full-fledged perv, it's ok to
NOT get him the towel. See, I was going to get him a
towel..but when he NEEDED the towel, he would just have to settle for
the waiting arms (I'm being careful here...) of spaz. It's a better
gift. I
promise, it will be the gift that keeps on giving. I
got a whole lot on that damn energizer bunny!!!! And..I've got a beret..there
is a particular "hide
the beret" fantasy...(man, I've got one for everything don't I?)
Bummer......guess who's BD is April 21 while mine is April 26? Charlie.
I think I'll get him a personality this year. Maybe an acting lesson
or two. Okay, okay, I'll get him a towel I won't let him have when he
gets out of the shower (I hope he doesn't start to cry) and if he's
"up" to it, a game
of "hide the beret", but I fear it will be an icecream and
cake deal (hey wait.........this could also talking you understand....and
for god's sake no running...)
Date: 2/16/99
From: Robin14334
I think as a birthday present (more for me than for Jerry) I'll *steal*
the towel! I'm sure he'd appreciate it. I know I would. But he can just
don his beret (on his head!) and we can all sing happy birthday to Jerry
in his birthday suit! Ok now I'm getting a little too excited... I gotta
stop this. <puts on trusty beret to calm self>
P.S. My birthday is exactly 26 days after Jerry's, just for reference.
(Hint hint! Put the date on your calendars and send presents. But...
no towels please!)
is a...
Date: 2/16/99
From: spaz119
really beautiful thing isn't it girls? Jerry appears
in a towel in TEEN PEOPLE and my world has not been the same since!
Why? Lust. Pure, hot , sudsy, molten lust. I don't know how I get through
the day really. It must have to do with the towel photo taped to my
tv.(hi there Jerry), steering wheel, hidden in my lab coat at work.....ya,
that's how I do it .
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