Hello, this is HurriKain from SliderNews. It has appeared on this BBoard
has become a virtual battleground. The cause....berets. It all started
when the Sliders' ep. "Net Worth" aired, when it featured
Maggie (Kari Wuhrer) and Rembrant (Cleavant Derricks) donning berets
for the show. Then a slew of posts concerning the headgear started.
First the matter was quiet and eventually died down, but in a recent
game, the issue was brought up again. Now, the issue is getting serious.
Many posters with mixed reactions with the beret matter, separated into
2 groups, and declared war on each other. These groups are the Anti-Beret
League, ran by BritSlider and QBall79, which all the members are men.
And the other is the Berets For All league, which is ran by 1013shan
and spaz119, and the mojaority or all of the gorup are women. This is
genuinely a great battle of the sexes folkes. And I am here to bring
you coverage of this great war. And now a word from our sponsors...
Hello, I am HurriKain, and welcome back to our special coverage. I
have secretly snuck into ABL headquarters, and have now blended in because
of my gender, but i was hard for my cameraman to hide his equipment
since the press should not be here and we are not to disclose the location
of the headquarters for security reasons. The hall of this establishment
seems empty because the leader, BritSlider, has announced a rally tonight
in one of the rooms here.
I am wandering the hall to see where the rally is held and... look someone's
still here... alright Murray (cameraman) you hide around the corner
so he doesn't suspect anything, oh, and hold my mike.
(Camera walks in closet, seeing reporter talking with a ABLer. Reporter
smiles as the man walk away at a safe distance. Camera walks out into
the open.) OK, I found the rally's location, we should sign off to avoid
any confrontation.
OK, we are at the rally, back row. We see the leader of the ABL, BritSlider,
is now taking the podium and to about every sentence and idea he says
the crowd cheers immensely. since we are in the back row I can't decipher
a word the man is saying. I can't believe it, since I started my carrer
as a reporter i never seen a sight as of this, but with this crisis.
And now QBall79 is now brought up to the podium. After his short and
powerful speech (damn this back row for not hearing anything.) A patriotic
song rang threw the PA systems and it seems that everyone is singing
what appears to be the ABL anthem. What a sight this is! Wait... someone
has spotted us... now everyone's attention is on both of us... now QBall79
has sent an order to capture us... Oh boy, Murray, shut the camera off
and run.........(static)