Date: 2/16/99
From: 1013shan
you're IN girlie girls!!!! you may choose any beret color you wish
(after all this isn't a dictatorship - not for you guys at least!)
So...don your berets and join the ranks... lets go ladies!! time is
a wasting
<whispering to the troops>
..and if I know that sneaky BritSlider he's not sleeping, he's up plotting
against us right now...damn the time difference..but what he doesn't
realize is that the more he mentions berets, the greater the beret-zone
grows....<yelling like a loon>.. there is no stopping it..there
is no way for the men to win!...he may as well give in and be my slave
for life!..ahem..I wait ..that was exactly what I meant!!
give up BS!!!
spaz119 and Mychand, would you like to rally the troops???
by the beret is red and has a smiley face on it :)

Date: 2/16/99
From: SouthernSlider
gray. That's what spaz said I should have. Read #3723 to find out why.
But it's NOT because I have any gray hair!!!!
Lead on, McDuff.

is this a private party...
Date: 2/16/99
From: SciFiWatcher
or can any girlie girl join. I have a beret. It's yellow with JOC and
me dancing on it. And, of course, he's wearing a towel. I'm ready to
fight the good fight. Down with the beretless men! BritSlider must be
stopped and we're the ladies to do it. When do we march? I'll be waiting
for orders Captain 1013shan.

Date: 2/16/99
From: Grim_Reaper
My beret is black with white skullbones, and I am ready to mow down
any foolish *men* who wish to disparage our berets!
Bring 'em on!
Hmmm. So, 1013shan, you want to share DD? Hmmm. I have never down THAT
before! C:-P Why not?

takes up
Date: 2/16/99
From: spaz119
the rears...I mean rear. I'll attack the men from
the back with my towel and do some serious butt snapping on those men!
Actually I'm still fixated on Mychand telling me Hurrikain is JOC and
SL4ever is COC (LOVE, I say LOVE those intials COC!)...I have to know.
A quick peek and I"ll be back among the ranks,honest. This LT needs
some time to try and convince the boys they've been misled. All my interrogations
are conducted via "the taunting beret/ while they wear towels"
method so I'm sure there will be conversions.
(sigh) I hope they'll be a moment of silence from the conflict to celebrate
Jerry's BD.....(just one
little bite of a chimpmunk cheek, it's all I ask. I
don't care which ones)
You realized of course I need some serious Jerry-lovin!

Date: 2/17/99
From: Slider_Sarah
I'll choose...
a pole powder blue beret. I think I look better in it than lilac which
is my fave. Oh, BTW, I'm in the same time zone as Britslider so I'll
have to try and hold the fort on this side of the pond.
Berets for all!
"We're here. Then again, maybe we're not."
Slider_Sarah (she of the powder blue beret)
and additional
Date: 2/17/99
From: Slider_Sarah
It's meant to say PALE powder blue, not pole. It's a pastaly knida
colour. Oh, and it's got a lilac coloured hippie peace symbol (also
anti-nuke) on it.
Berets for all!
"We're here. Then again, maybe we're not."
Date: 2/17/99
From: SL4ever
FYI, berets look terrible on men, and sexy on women, so you gals can
have them. Remmy needs to give it a rest, however.
like to start wars
Date: 2/17/99
From: HotelTwilightZone
These men, sigh, they just don't understand.
They don't have to go off half-COC'ed all the time, do they?
I mean Berets are for Headwear, aren't they?
Let's revisit the 60's for a moment. Make Love, Not War !
Let's have a Beret-In !
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Baby!
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