As anyone who's read a good deal of posts on this board knows, a recent
fashion development, some might even call it a fashion crisis, has broken
out. Fullscale war. And it seems to be taking a sexual overtone.
What can we, the average, nonpartisan poster do about it, you ask?
Well, I'm glad you asked that question, because conveniently I have
the answer. I speak for a silent majority, one who sits in horror and
shock as these events take place, but feel helpless to do anything about
it. Ladies and gentleman, the Beret War, which has been become a virtual
battle between the sexes, needs a neutral faction. A neuter-al faction,
if you will. I propose that we found that faction and nip this thing
in the proverbial bud. We few, we happy few, we band of posters yearning
to breathe free, must join together. For we are the world, we are the
Make love, not hats.