From: EustiSlider
EustiSlider enters the basement of the ABL headquarters.
"Is the system working yet?"
Nobuyuki looks up from his workstation. "Not yet. The Hunter
finished up the remotes days ago, but he's having a difficult
time staying focused on this end. I think he feels like the
JOC aspect is a little too cruel."
SlidersCentral adds, "Who can blame the guy? We all know
how he feels about Jerry. Anyway, the image stabilizers are
working now, but there are singularities in some of the inversion
"Try applying the filter in the frequency domain instead
of the time domain. I put in a bid for VectorAnomaly's services.
Hopefully he can help iron out these last few glitches. I want
to deploy the system, and soon."
Nobuyuki: "Are you sure this is what BritSlider wanted?
He never mentioned it to me before being kidnapped, and I haven't
heard anything from QBall79 since the 'Boyz' almost killed us.
I spoke with the DRC earlier and they don't seem to know what
we're up to either."
Eusit looks uncertain for just a moment then storms over to
Nobuyuki. "Are you suggesting I'm not loyal? We have to
do SOMEthing. Other than your revenge attack on the BFA's mess
hall, the ABL hasn't done sh%t! Mess halls and septic systems
can be rebuilt easily, but THIS..... Let's just say that I've
always considered psychological warefare to be more effective
than blowing things up."
SlidersCentral: "Um, I hate to bring this up, but a pair
of shades is missing. There were five pairs here before Slider_Sarah's
bash, but now there are four."
EustiSlider hesitates again before replying, "you must
have miscounted. I never built more than four. If you need me
I'll be upstairs. Sliding_Cpt_Bridger deserted and it's left
me swamped."
Eusti made his way to the stairs then froze in his tracks. "Hey,
did anyone remember to bid for BritSlider's release?"
SlidersCentral and Nobuyuki replied in unison, "Oh, sh%t!"
