Terminus Maximus(LoB
VII) |
From: darkslider
Since alot of you are NOT going to like this, let me tell you.
There is NO outs. This one is for REAL. People are going to
DIE in this post. Be prepared...
With that, let the saga of sass continue:
Dellyone yelled into her computer: "Furthermore, I DEMAND
the money to be delivered by Billy D. Williams, or all of the
hostages will be subjected to more of my useless banter. And
to re-iterate BLAH Blah blah...." She stopped abruptly.
"You getting all that?" she asked as she made a few
more corrections to her "scrambler" which consisted
of an Etch a Sketch connected to a fully functioning Lite Brite.
The Lite Brite spelled out the words "Secrete Scrampbler".
The computer responded, "Achenfsdkl;kI love poopy droplins
"Bloody HELL!" she screamed at the Furby as it continued
it's recitation of her horrid speech in it's own language.
All of the hostages continued to watch "Sweating to the
Oldies" with avid interest...
Darkslider listened to all this and shook his head. First Tembi's
little talk about her idea for sweet sausage lovin, and now
this nonsense. He picked up his Poppaphone(tm) and called Space.
"Dude, why am I here again, instead of watching PORN? I
can’t believe you stopped the lovin Tembi and I were having
this morning for this..” Dark dryly asked.
"We're here to rescue the hostages and get rid of the excess
mercenary teams, you retard." Space yelled back, "Jesus
you're a MORON."
“Plus” Space said, “We all missed out on lovin. This morning
I had Lolita, Sarah, AND the St. Paulie’s Girl all in Momma’s
Love Den. Mmmm…”
"Enough, you fairy. What do we do now?” dark asked.
"Meet me out front with the others. We're gonna decide
how to do this."
Outside was not far. In fact, Dark barely turned round and he
was out of the mobile home that a tornado should have removed
long ago. As he walked toward the LoB, Dark turned around to
look at the place.
The "X Team Hideout" was a metallic mobile home on
cinder blocks. Decorating the front was a puke green polyester
couch and some scattered hubcaps. A pair of dirty Wonder Woman
underoos christened the doorway along with the sign that told
the reader "This is the Hideout for Groop X. Please knock
before entering. This means you MOM.."
Dark could feel the headache coming. It was going to be a long
"Alright simps, listen up. You're orders are simple. Step
one: go in there. Step Two: KILL EVERYONE. Step Three: go to
the Dominion and make ourselves sterile and comatose on alcohol."
"You got that?" Space asked the LoB.
"What does 'listen up' mean, exactly?", Lolita asked,
"I mean how do you listen...up? Is that possible? Where
am I?"
Dark rubbed his temple with his left hand as he reached down
and turned off the safety on his Sassblaster. He began to lift
the gun when Space stopped him.
Dark sighed."I know..I know...we can only kill the OTHER
factions' members.."
"No, HOMO. Do whatever you want. She just looks too damn
sassy to kill right now, plus Momma needs to deliver a dose
of sausage lovin soon or he's gonna burst"
Brand_S looked at the hideout and asked the logical question
that had been in dark's mind.
"Why don't we just blow it up from here with a Molotov
Cocktail, and get them all right now?"
"Is that a new drink? Can I have a taste?" Lolita
"Dammit, will you just do what I say?" Space asked.
He continued, "Look, we're going in because they have some
underground catacombs that span the sewers. PLUS half the beauty
of this is that we get to see who we kill and CONFIRM THAT THEY
ARE DEAD. No more goddam clones, people in disguise or other
idiocies. This ones for keeps."
Dark, S, and the others liked the sound of that. They were all
tired of killing putty people. Plus, Dark needed to vent. Stuffed
yak? What the hell did Tembi need that for?
"Alright, Poppa, you're with me. S and Sober, go around
the back and take out anyone you see. Tembi, Sassy and Sophie
have 'near naked hotties' duty.
"Again?" Tembi, Sassy, and Sophie simultaneously asked.
"What about us?" Vance asked.
"You, Kipper, and Slider8_ have an important job. Take
Lolita and get her a book on Literacy for Dummies." Space
added, "Be back in ten minutes. This will be quick."
Space and Dark walked to the front door as S' team went to the
back. All of them cocked their Sassblasters.
Tembi's team slowly removed clothes, revealing LoB bathing suit
thongs. They too took out their blasters and cocked them.
Vance got into the Sassmobile and began to explain to Lolita,
what exactly, the metal box they were getting into was used
Dark and Space walked to the door. Just before kicking in the
door, Matt stopped.
"What's going on with you, Poppa? Are you okay?” Space
worriedly asked,
"Dude, I don't want to talk about it. This day is getting
worse by the minute." Dark spat as he rubbed his temple
with his left hand.
"Is this about the stuffed yak lovin Tembi wants to try?”
Space asked with a grimace.
"I said 'I don't want to talk about it. Now can we do this?”
Dark yelled.
Dark kicked the door with the force of a semi. Unfortunately,
it was too hard. The Underoos fell onto his head as he rushed
in, leaving him blinder than RandomJudgement's love for Dennis
the Menace. He stumbled in and fell with a thud. Matt gracefully
jumped over him and fired two shots, right into the eyes of
the Velvet Ike Turner that hung over the television. Behind
the tin can thin walls, the GODS heard a thud and a scream.
"Groovy." Matt said as he picked up Dark.
"I'm sorry, but can you help me? I’m supposed to be at
Sabrina’s house, and I’m a little lost" a voice asked from
There's times to think and times to act. That time that the
Midget Pole Vaulting Team paid RJ's mom to help them with an
all night session of practice was a time to think before acting.
The time Matt had that Hooters girl hitting on him was a time
to ACT, not think. This time, there was no time to think.
Dark's aggression at the situation, the low blood alcohol level
and the Rumundies Tembi had worn the night before had gotten
to him. Before he could think, he turned and shot the questioner
TEN times in the head and crotch before he noticed Matt telling
him to stop.
TemporalFlux fell to the floor dead with the question still
on his lips. His 'I Break for Seahorses' T-shirt was now soaked
with blood. The map he'd been holding floated away in the breeze.
"Ooops." Dark whispered.
"Forget it. Let's go." Matt yelled as he turned and
led the way down the foot long "hallway".
Matt opened the door to the room where Dark told him the hostages
Inside the hostages sat drooling while staring at the TV. Turns
out the "'Sweating to the Oldies' was an odd porn. It was
Sweating Honeys 400+. Dellyone was nowhere to be seen.
Well, the hostages basically almost crapped their pants when
they realized that they were saved. Sadly though, they were
FAR from the truth.
Space surveyed the room. Nothing big was in there, save the
two GODS, the hostages and a table.
"Dude, I have to know. What's the story with the buffalo
and Tembi?" Matt asked as he lowered his gun.
"Will you STOP ALREADY with your questions?" Zach
angrily responded "It's no big thing"
Eustislider spoke up. "We're a little sore, could you possible
untie us...maybe..?"
"Shut-up you snaggle toothed tea junkie" Space interjected.
He turned to Poppa, "Just tell MOMMA it'll make you feel
"Uggghhh...fine. Tembi wants to try something new. She
wants to try and make it on a stuffed animal, preferably a stuffed
yak." dark said as he leaned against the wall.
"And don't EVEN get me started on where the ice machine
gets involved." he added.
"I am and you AND Tembi love it", Dark said.
"No I don't. Neither does she. You're useless", Space
informed Dark.
"I'm not! I do PLENTY. I can-", Dark stated
"Use-Less. You. Are. Useless", Space sighed as he
looked around the room for the body of dellyone, or for any
hidden doors.
"I can shoot better than you. AND I'm better at driving
a respectable 85mph in the Sassmobile. PLUS. . I’m better at
delivering LOVIN"
"Prove it."
Dark looked around the room. "Dude, this is hardly the
TIME nor PLACE to be doing that. Besides, I thought we were
"No, moron. A shooting contest." Space plainly stated.
"With WHAT? Everyone's shoes?" Dark asked.
"No, stupid. Here, take this tic-tac and put it into Eusti's
mouth. Try to shoot it out of his teeth. I could do it because
I'm a GOD. You....you are just my hoe." Space laughed as
he handed the green Tic-Tac to Dark.
Placing it into a worried Eusti's mouth, Dark walked to the
other end of the room and took aim. He fired with the skill
of Brisco County Jr. Eusti fell dead with a hole the size of
a beer can in the back of his head. The tic-tac was no longer
in his mouth.
"See? I am GOD. Eat me." dark said, "Sorry Eusti".
"Dude the point was to shoot it OUT OF HIS MOUTH AND NOT
KILL HIM", Matt yelled, "Lord, you're stupid".
"Fine. Show me your 'powers' you monkey", Dark answered
Space took another Tic-Tac and put it into Vigeant's mouth.
Vigeant looked worried, but held perfectly still. Matt went
to the other side of the room. With the speed of a real gunslinger,
he shot once from the hip.
Vigeant fell over-dead.
The tic-tac was still in her mouth though.
Dark stared at his friend.
"Dude, she MOVED.", Matt finally spoke.
"You saw it!! .She moved at the LAST second" Space
"Fine, try again.” Dark proposed.
Before the contest could be finished, the door swung open with
a bang...
Yeontoo burst in. "This is WRONG, and you know it Matt.
It's against the rules. Even if they are clones, you can't do
"Don't worry. They aren't clones. They're REAL. Eusti and
Vigeant are DEAD.”, Matt said with a smile, "And now..so
are you"
What happened next is by FAR the strangest thing this writer
has ever seen. Space whipped out the Yeontoo Be Good Stick and
swung with all he was worth.
Yeontoo didn't see it coming. One minute she was standing there,
and the next, she was 6 Billion Years in the future, just before
the sun went Nova. Before the dying sun's last burst of heat
consumed the Earth, Yeontoo's last thoughts were "Fuck.
I KNEW I should've joined the GODDAM LoB. I love those BASTARDS".
Brand_S and Sober were talking about S' menage-a-trois when
they heard a rustling behind them. Both drew their guns and
prepared to fire.
But before they could what appeared to be the only survivor
of the Lollipop Guild came out from behind the bushes. He emerged
from the bushes while pulling up his silver manhandler. He completed
his ensemble of travesty with a pair of spurs and a Kerropi
Brand_S stared in disbelief “What the hell is THAT?”
Sober shrugged, “ I have no idea, man. What do you want to do?”
The walking Lawn Gnome spoke up, “I am a guard for Group X,
and you are my prisoners. Now, reach for the sky!” He produced
what appeared to be a Super Soaker and aimed as high as he could,
which was about crotch level.
The little man had spunk, but like Nature, the LoB GODS, did
not take him seriously.
Brand_S burst into laughter. Sober followed suit.
The little man sighed. He’d seen this all before.
The laughter continued until the “magic midget” could take it
no more.
“That’s it you bastards! I’m RandomJudgement and it’s time for
a few CALLS…” he screamed.
Brand_S continued to laugh. AS he did though, he aimed his Sassblaster
at the man and fired twice.
Random fell to the ground (which was not that far away from
him). He screamed in pain. With amazing skill, S had shot both
knees out from under RJ.
S stooped down and knelt next to the midget. “Now, you listen
to me, you Webster stunt double. I need answers. How many other
guards are around the compound?”
“No. Neener neener, blah blech. I like young boys, “ was RJ’s
Brand_S had spent time in ‘Nam back in ‘68 with Dark and Space.
He KNEW how to handle the enemy. They called him Ear Lobe S.
for reasons we’re not allowed to discuss for legal reasons.
He worked the magic on RJ. He squealed after one minute.
“Alright! All right! There’s about—“ he yelled out.
“You know what? I don’t want to know anymore! We’ll figure it
out on our own.” S cut in as he shot three times into the malformed
melon that was RJ’s skull.
“Dude, that was unnecessary,” Sober whined.
“Shut up”, was all S said to him as they went around the back
of the trailer.
As soon as they turned the corner, the shit hit the fan…
“Oh My GOD” Sober whimpered.
----Legion of Booze ----
Made by aspiring alcoholics FOR aspiring alcoholics.

it! Hold it! Hold everything! |
From: EustiSlider
I don't have a problem with being killed. It would
certainly get me out of the hole I've written myself into and
very few dead people are forced to wear berets or towels. My
only nit is that I was not a hostage. BritSlider was.

Control |
From: darkslider
Before there's any more questions, let me say this:
Vigeant's sex is in question. It's revealed in the next chapter.
Eusti, your hostage status is also covered.
Alll DEATHS are final, though.
No Clones
No Alternate Realities.
This is the real-deal.

From: dellyone
Dude that was hilarious. Etch a Sketch, Lite Brite, Furby. BWHAHAHAHA.
Yeah I was going to use those Furbys for my target practice
since my stupid Group X team infuriated me thereby going through
my supply of those 'insanely happy yellow rat' targets too fast.
I have to use the regular targets for the next two weeks. Now
I can't rant and rave while practicing. Then my team had the
nerve to tell me that there were no more warehouses to target.
I'm only doing it for the children!
Oh sorry that was the slightly off-kilter dellyone of Group
X writing there.;-) I got to get her in line. She's giving me
a bad name. LOL. dark, that was brilliant!:-)

lovin' it Dark! |
From: Sabre_Edge
Very, very nice read man. The best writers know how
to poke fun at themselves and STILL come off being cool. You
do that great man. Good job!

*A* *C* *K* |
From: Yeontoo
Dear Zacky the Kitten,
Ah Zack ~You hit me with a stick? Ack!
and its
HA HA HA! Don't tear the sawdust stuffings out of the teddy
bear when he gives you a saucer of milk.
ps Nice writing!
