Beret War: Group X strikes |
From: dellyone
Disclaimer: I’m giving this work of fiction an R-rating
(just like the movies) because of the language. I found that
the situations depicted necessitated language that was appropriate
to make it realistic. Now on with the story.
Group X HQ
Location: Unknown
7:29 PM
A self-satisfied dellyone dressed in black with a comm over
her left ear, waited for the videoconference to begin. Behind
an ornate mahogany desk, she relaxed in a comfy leather chair
in anticipation. In front of her were five screens from left
to right for the BFA, ABL, GOCUB and the two mercenary groups,
the Dec. 10 Boyz and the Legion of Booze. She specifically asked
that the Dec. 10 Boyz sit in on this meeting and the BFA agreed.
She seriously doubted that the Legion of Booze were going to
show up since it was that time for another Glory Boys (LoB’s
reference for the Dec. 10 Boyz) clones bloodbath.
She talked into her comm, “Did the LoB ever check in? <beat>
No. That’s what I thought. Cut off that line then.”
The cameraman counted down to air. She sat up as the screens
came alive with the images of the faction representatives. All
tried to cover up their strained faces - some better than others.
The factions had never heard or claim to not have heard of Group
X. Some believed that it was a mercenary group that secretly
worked for one of the factions. Others believed that this mercenary
group pledged no allegiance to any side. Some believed that
there was no Group X at all and this was a group of people wanting
to get attention during the Beret War.
From left to right on the screens, the representatives were
as follows: BFA - Sleepingtiger and Slider_Sarah, ABL - Blinker
and QBall79, GOCUB – Echos, and the Dec. 10 Boyz - Sabre_Edge
and JorgeCis, who was in the background looking at different
“Ladies and gentlemen thank you for taking time out of your
busy schedules for this meeting. My name is dellyone and I am
the leader of Group X. You are probably wondering who is Group
X and whom we work for. The answers to those two questions are
inconsequential. Of importance is the answer to the following
questions. Why aren’t your leaders at this crucial meeting?
I don’t see the BFA’s Mychand, the ABL’s BritSlider and GOCUB’s
Vigeant. What is so important that they can’t be here now?”
She asked in a serious tone of voice.
The representatives talked in hushed tones to each other while
Echos looked down on a sheet of paper. She knew she struck a
chord and the representatives were scrambling for an answer.
Sleepingtiger, wearing a burgundy beret with a silver star,
began, “Mychand is on a business trip.”
“Yeah. She went to Arizona,” added Slider_Sarah, who wore a
pale powder blue beret with a lilac anti-nuke sign.
“BritSlider is in hiding, preparing for retaliation,” said QBall79.
Blinker added, “I assure you he is in a safe location, contrary
to what the BFA wants everyone to believe.”
Before Sleepingtiger or Slider_Sarah could respond, dellyone
yelled, “SILENCE!” She knew that this was going to lead to bickering
between the BFA and ABL. This shocked both BFA and ABL into
silence. dellyone stood up and waited for an answer from Echos.
Echos answered, “Vigeant was called away to an urgent business
meeting on another parallel world.”
JorgeCis and Sabre_Edge were conferring with each other about
the unusual telemetry they were receiving in tracing Group X’s
transmission. They conferred with other members of the BFA with
their comms. The flickering green spots periodically changed
positions, causing concerns.
“The signal’s jumping all over the place. One second it’s in
the United States the next it’s in Europe then it’s somewhere
else,” whispered JorgeCis.
Sabre_Edge knew that meant that they were either bouncing the
transmissions off different satellites or jamming them so they
can’t be traced. “This is going to be a hard to track them down.
Keep working on it. I hope this meeting is long so we can trace
their transmission.”
The camera did a close up on dellyone as she walked away from
her desk. The camera followed her as she moved to the right
side of the room. “There’s something I want all of you to see.”
As the camera pulled back, the rest of the room was revealed.
dellyone had a smug grin on her face when she saw all their
faces agape in shock.
Group X HQ
Command Center
8 hours earlier
A confident dellyone paced back and forth in the busy control
room. Her plan had finally come to fruition. She gave orders
to her team over her comm. Across from her three feet higher
than eye level were various screens showing team movements,
target location, primary and secondary egress points and real
time feeds from the field as well as satellite reconnaissance.
PoliteSliderFan watched the intel pour in from the field. She
had recently been promoted to this post and position as second-in-command.
It was her responsibility to gather the intel and immediately
interpret it while running ops. This was crucial for the success
for any mission. She was up to the challenge since had watched
and learned studiously from her teacher.
“What’s the status of Team 1?” asked dellyone as she stopped
in front of a screen showing a live feed from the field.
PoliteSliderFan checked the intel and it was a green light.
“They’re in position and are awaiting your go ahead.”
“Team 1, do you have the target?” asked dellyone as she saw
a busy parking lot. Cars were entering and exiting at a rapid
rate because it was the lunch hour.
Team 1 leader answered, “Target acquired and we are awaiting
your orders.”
“Green light. Repeat green light,” dellyone replied as she watched
the ops.
Desert Rose Restaurant
Parking lot
11:48 AM
She was enjoying this business trip since this was her first
time in the West. She had finished her delicious lunch and was
ready to go back to the hotel for some down time before the
next meeting. She got into the rented red Ford Taurus and waited
for an opening so that she could back up.
After a couple of minutes, she quickly backed up. *Crash* She
looked back and saw that she rammed into the passenger side
of a black Firebird.
“Shit. Where the hell did that car come from? It wasn’t there
a second ago. That’s all I need a lawsuit,” she muttered as
looked in the rearview mirror. A man got out while talking on
his cellphone. She sighed as she opened her door – time to face
the music.
He had his back toward her when she approached him. Her jaw
dropped when he turned around. She screamed, “Matthew Perry.
Oh my god I’m sorry for what I did to your car. I’m so sorry.
My apologies. Is it really you?” She was floored as she stared
at him.
The man smiled at her. “Yes that’s me, but this was my fault.
I was talking to my agent and I wasn’t paying any attention.
Don’t worry about my car or yours for that matter. My people
will call your people. Can I buy you a drink?”
“Yeah sure. But that car is a rental. What about…”
He cut her off. “Let’s talk about that later. A drink first.”
She nodded yes.
In front of the Desert Rose restaurant, a black van pulled up.
She ignored it since she was thoroughly engaged in conversation
with Mr. Perry. As they reached the van, the side door opened
up, startling the two. Before he could do anything, she was
already inside. The unmarked van sped away though the parking
Sitting across from her were the men who grabbed her. “Who are
you? Let me go. Where are we going?” she asked as she started
to tremble and bite her bottom lip.
“Welcome Mychand. We’ll see how much the BFA is going to give
us for your safe return,” replied one of the men. She was silent
for the entire trip.
Group X HQ
Command Center
12:09 PM
dellyone was watching a different monitor when word filtered
back that Mychand had been taken to the rendezvous point. “Good
job Team 1. Get her here ASAP,” she said over her comm.
“Roger and out,” replied Team leader 1.
“Team 2 green light. Green light.” She watched the live feed
from a building security camera.
VIDTC Building
12:14 PM
A man, carrying a white bag and an expresso, approached the
busy secretary who was handling paperwork and the phones.
She saw him and put the phone against her shoulder. “Go right
in. He’s been waiting for you for the last ten minutes.” She
went back to her phone call. “Yes, I know, but you know his
schedule …”
“Thank you ma’am,” he replied. He knocked on the door.
“Come in. Come in,” said a man’s voice through the door.
He entered the office and saw a busy Vigeant with a pile of
paperwork and portfolios strewn all over his desk. Vigeant looked
up and saw him. “My bagels and expresso. Thank you.”
“Where do you want me to put them?” asked the man.
Vigeant quickly pushed a pile of paper onto the floor. The man
quickly placed the food and drink in the empty space. Vigeant
grabbed the hot expresso and downed it in a few seconds. The
man stood in awe.
Vigeant wiped his mouth with handkerchief and apologized, “I’m
sorry, but I needed a caffeine boost badly with all this work
I have to do.”
“No apology is needed. It’s that I’ve never seen someone do
that before.”
A few minutes later, the secretary heard shouting from inside
the office. “Call 911. He collapsed.”
She quickly called 911 and ran into the office. “What happened?”
she asked as she saw the man checking Vigeant’s breathing as
he lay near his desk. She just stood near the door in shock.
He looked up. “We were just talking when he just keeled over.
Does he have any medical conditions?”
“Um… what… none.” The secretary was shaking as the man helped
her to a chair inside Vigeant’s office. They watched in silence
as the minutes ticked by.
Finally the paramedics arrived. The two paramedics rapidly checked
his vitals. All were fine as they put him on a gurney and rushed
off leaving the man and the secretary alone in Vigeant’s office.
“I’ve got to get back. Are you going to be okay?” the man asked.
She nodded yes so he left.
Group X HQ
Command Center
12:48 PM
dellyone talked in her comm. “Make sure the perimeter is secured.
We don’t want anything leaked to the media. Good job Team 2.”
“dellyone, intel coming in from the field. Team 1 has reached
the second rendezvous point,” said PoliteSliderFan as she watched
the computer screens in front of her.
“Thank you. All is going as planned. We’ve got a good team here.”
“That we do. It’s too bad she isn’t here with us,” said PoliteSliderFan.
“Yeah. Too bad.” dellyone moved in front of another screen showing
three men in a 24-hour superstore. “Team 3 green light.”
Rolling Green Superstore
1:03 PM
Three men were standing in front of the beer section of the
store. They were looking for their favorite brews. There were
six shopping carts filled with food already and three empty
ones waiting for the alcohol.
“Come on BritSlider, we’ll think of a plan,” said Chaser9.
“Yeah. The quest for the Holy Fedora was a bust, but we’ll think
of something,” added HunterD.
BritSlider was looking over the different brands looking for
his favorite - Fosters. “We always think of something. Can we
stop talking now and grab what we need? I don’t like being exposed
like this. Who knows who’s watching us.”
The other two nodded in agreement and swiftly filled the remaining
carts. They were on the way to the checkout when BritSlider
accidentally ran into a young blonde woman as she came around
the corner. She dropped the shopping basket she was carrying,
spilling its contents. The three men ran after the rolling items.
BritSlider quickly apologized as he picked up the lettuce and
tomatoes. “I am sorry ma’am. I have been preoccupied and I was
in a hurry.”
“No I should be the one apologizing, I wasn’t looking.” As she
looked at BritSlider, his jaw dropped.
It took him a few seconds to recover. “You’re Kellie Martin.
I don’t believe it. I’m a fan of yours. Too bad they killed
off Lucy Knight. She was my favorite character on ‘ER’.” He
started shaking her hand.
“Yeah, everyone’s told me that. Thank you for watching ‘ER’,
” she replied as BritSlider continued to shake her hand.
“I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”
Chaser9 and HunterD watched from a distance. “Hey, isn’t that
what’s her name on ‘ER’. You know the one he keeps talking about,”
said Chaser9.
HunterD took another look. “Lucy right? Yep. That’s her. Why
don’t we go stand in line while those two talk.” Chaser9 agreed.
As they pushed the fully loaded carts to the checkout area,
there were long lines at all the checkout lanes. It was just
after lunch and everyone was piling in to do a little shopping.
They finally decided on a lane and moved the carts in that direction.
Both of them could hardly see over the heaps in the shopping
“Hey, watch where you are going,” said a man.
“You almost ran into my brother,” commented another man.
Both Chaser9 and HunterD cringed when they heard the two voices.
They both stepped away from the carts. It was them in living
color – Jerry and Charlie O’Connell. Chaser9 and HunterD could
barely contain their hatred of the two.
“Hey Jerry, ‘Mission to Mars’ sucked big time. You call that
acting? ‘Sliders’ went downhill when your acting did,” said
a venomous HunterD.
Chaser9 added his own fuel to the fire. “Charlie, that UPN movie
whatever it was called was crap. What kind of acting was that?
Sorry bud, but you need years and years of acting lessons.”
Their comments surprised the O’Connells. “For you information,
we were contacted by Mr. Weiss to make a ‘Sliders’ movie,” replied
“Yeah, and I’m going to be in it too,” interjected Charlie.
HunterD was going to go after the brothers, but Chaser9 held
him back. “It’s not worth it. Let’s find BritSlider, pay for
this stuff and go.”
HunterD looked at Chaser9 and he silently agreed. They pushed
the carts past the brothers and got into the nearest checkout
line and waited.
Ten minutes later, HunterD went to go look for BritSlider. He
looked up and down the aisles, but didn’t see him anywhere.
He ran back and told Chaser9 that he was missing. The two of
them ran to the head of security demanding that no one leave
and a search to be started. HunterD and Chaser9 then went to
the surveillance room to look at the security camera videos.
“We want to see all the videos that were taken around this store
inside and out,” said Chaser9.
“And give it to us now,” added HunterD.
The security guard sheepishly answered, “I’m sorry, but all
our cameras are down for maintenance including the ones showing
the exterior of the building.”
Group X HQ
7:52 PM
As the camera pulled back, the rest of the room was revealed.
dellyone had a smug grin on her face when she saw all their
faces agape in shock. She walked behind an ornate mahogany table.
Sitting from dellyone’s left to right, were Vigeant, BritSlider
and Mychand. All three were gagged, handcuffed and alive. In
front of Mychand was her amethyst beret. Behind dellyone were
two guards – one man and one woman.
“Now you all know where your leaders are. They’re right here.
I am proposing a business transaction. I will release your leaders
and in return for a finder’s fee. Why work for someone when
you can be your own boss?” dellyone said as she saw the shock
wear off. Loud overlapping conversations began.
“SILENCE,” yelled dellyone over all the voices. All conversations
stopped. “I can tell that I’ve got the real BritSlider and Vigeant
here just from your faces, but I can’t figure out whether or
not Mychand here is a clone or not. Here read the barcode on
her beret and you tell me.” dellyone picked up the beret and
the camera did a close up on the barcode.
Slider_Sarah and Sleepingtiger both gasped. “It’s her.”
“Well, I’m still not entirely convinced. From Sabre_Edge’s expression,
he’s telling me I have a Mychand clone. He won’t mind if I blow
this clone away then,” dellyone quickly chambered a round and
pointed her gun to the back of Mychand’s head.
“WAIT!” yelled Sabre_Edge. “You’re not a cold-blooded murderer.
I’m speaking to you as a friend. You don’t have to do this,”
he pled.
She turned her attention to the image of Sabre_Edge and lowered
her gun. “You know that is *funny* coming from you of all people.
Besides there’s a first time for everything. ”
He wasn’t going to back down. “Come on we’re friends. I know
you won’t do it. I’m calling your bluff.”
“*Friends.* You still think we’re friends after what you did.
With friends like you I don’t need enemies. We both had a friend.
Don’t you even remember? It hasn’t been that long,” she spat
Sabre_Edge was confused. “Who are you talking about? Tell me
what this is about,” he answered in a calm voice.
Anger seeped into dellyone’s voice. “My second-in-command, you
fucking retard. You remember her right? My double. Your friend.
You gunned her down in cold blood, you cowardly bastard. Right
in the fucking back. <dellyone points her gun to the image
of Sabre_Edge.> She called a fucking cease-fire during the
damn Dominion War and handed you a stupid flier to join the
H-side. You killed her over a fucking paper cut you son of a
bitch. Then you had the audacity to tell me that she happened
to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. That’s bullshit
and you know it. What kind of fucked up reason is that?” She
raised her gun again and aimed it to the back of Mychand’s head.
*Great… so this where she’s headed. Why can’t she let it go?*
raced through Sabre_Edge’s mind. He stood up and leaned toward
the screen.
“I don’t know what happened. I just snapped. If I could, I would
take it all back…”
dellyone interrupted, “Screw your apologies. I’m through listening
to those fucking lies. Let’s just say that Mychand here just
happened to be at the wrong place and time. Everyone say ‘Goodbye
The camera panned up to the ceiling and stayed there. dellyone
controlled what the reps saw and that’s how she wanted it. The
reps could only see what the camera showed them while she saw
all of them.
A single gunshot pierced the air. Two seconds later, a body
thudded to the floor. “Get her out of here,” said a now calm
dellyone. Shooting a gun released all her anger. Other than
the sounds of people moving about and a door closing, there
was absolute silence.
A wicked smile appeared on dellyone’s face as she watched Sabre_Edge
hang his head in defeat. He ferociously ripped off his comm
and threw it against a wall, smashing it to pieces. He looked
up at the screen, but still saw the ceiling and that didn’t
matter to him.
Sabre_Edge roared, “Dammit dellyone, you didn’t fucking have
to do that. She wasn’t a clone she was the real deal. You crossed
the fucking line and you’re gonna fucking pay. I’ll see to that.
You’re going to be watching your fucking back for the rest of
your life. So *friend* get fucking used to me being your fucking
shadow. Dammit Jorge where the fuck are they?”
“I can’t trace the transmission. I need more time,” he yelled
back. He pressed some buttons on different screens trying to
get a lock on Group X’s base.
dellyone turned her attention to the other reps. Slider_Sarah
and Sleepingtiger were silently weeping. Echos ripped up the
sheet in front of her and put her face in her hands. QBall79
and Blinker were seething with anger.
dellyone motioned to cameraman. He panned back down. The trio
of hostages was still sitting there. The room became silent
again as the reps saw Mychand still alive. The woman that stood
behind them earlier was now gone.
“Well Sabre_Edge you called my bluff and I salute you for it.
Now I know that this is the real Mychand. You’re right I’m not
a cold-blooded killer *yet*. That was just a warning,” threatened
dellyone with a maniacal smile.
Sabre_Edge was furious at himself for giving into her game.
*Dammit, I’m tired of her stupid games. She tricked me this
time, but I’m going to get the last laugh. *
“That was a *warning*?” hissed a pissed off QBall79. “You’re
a madwoman. How can we be sure that the hostages will be released
if we give you a ransom?”
“And don’t say you are going to give your word. We don’t trust
you,” commented Slider_Sarah as she wiped away a tear.
Sleepingtiger added her two cents in, “Trust is earned not given.
To think we were going to let you join us. Now I’m glad you
Blinker responded, “You’re an egotistical 7:-# who thinks she
can get away with anything. The ABL will hunt you and every
member of your team.”
“So will the BFA,” said Sleepingtiger and Slider_Sarah in unison.
“Don’t you think you’ve done quite enough, dellyone? I don’t
like what you’ve become. I think you should release all of them
and stop this insanity,” commented an angry Echos. “Vigeant
is your friend and you are still mine so as a favor to a friend
let them all go.”
“See Sabre_Edge, that’s a friend,” said dellyone as she pointed
to Echos. “Sorry Echos, I can’t do that. There’s too…” A serious
of short rapid beeps stopped dellyone. She looked at her watch.
“It’s time to end this meeting. Another transmission will be
sent with the terms for the hostage release.” A man and the
same woman, who everyone thought was dead, came into view. The
three pulled up a hostage and gripped their hostage’s arm.
“Wait,” all called out.
“No can do. It’s time to slide,” said dellyone. She pulled out
a timer and pointed it to the left. The sound of rushing wind
and bright lights flashed throughout the room. “Well we’ve got
to go. See you all later.”
All quickly moved off camera while the reps were shouting for
them to wait. They heard the vortex whoosh close. Two seconds
later they heard explosions. End of transmission.
Dec. 10 Boyz HQ
8:33 PM
JorgeCis was busy as Sabre_Edge paced back and forth. “I’ve
got good news and some bad news,” said JorgeCis as he pulled
up a split screen.
Sabre_Edge stopped dead in his tracks. “Good news first.”
“I found them,” replied an ecstatic JorgeCis.
This lifted Sabre_Edge’s spirits. “What’s the bad?”
“You have to see this.” Sabre_Edge walked over and looked over
his left shoulder. “On the left screen was Group X’s transmission
and on the right is our transmissions. What do you see? This
is so weird.” Both watched as the green spots move around the
Sabre_Edge examined both screens for a few seconds. “They’re
in perfect synchrony, but that’s not possible there… Wait, you
said this is our signal and that was their signal. They piggybacked
their signal onto our transmission. They must have tapped into
our line at that decoy base that they hit earlier. The one where
they superglued a beret and doo rag on our clones. That’s why
we couldn’t get a lock. We were chasing our own shadow.”
“Dude they’re good. So we were on a wild goose chase.”
“Yeah. Both the hunter and the goose,” replied Sabre_Edge.

Terms of Hostage Release |
From: dellyone
Terms for Hostage Release:
1. Date, time and place for the hostage exchange will be posted
2. No more than two representatives for your faction can be
present at the hostage exchange site. The reps will be searched
before the hostage is released. The reps can either be faction
members, mercenaries or neutral parties. Post who is going to
be your faction’s reps under this post.
3. Your faction posts the amount of ransom your reps are bringing
to the site. This will be counted at the site.
4. Group X’s services can be retained for an additional fee
- at least the same amount that was offered to the Dec. 10 Boyz
in addition to the ransom you are bringing.
5. Any leader not ransomed back will be (at my discretion) put
up to auction to the highest bidder.
6. Any rescue attempts will be dealt with appropriately.
Commander in chief of Group X

Very nice writing
D1 |
From: Sabre_Edge
Now I know how you won those X-files fanfic awards.

You did your homework! |
From: Slider_Sarah
except for one thing... Brit hasn't seen the ep where
Lucy dies yet... it's on terrestrial next week :-)
Amazing writing!
How much are you asking for ransom? It's customary to set a
Sarah (she of the pale powder blue beret with lilac anti-nuclear
BFA Secretary
P.S. You won awards? Wow!
Wow. A new twist. |
From: Yeontoo
Dear Dellyone,
Madam, Nice! :)
A Message from
Group X regarding ransom |
From: dellyone
The following transmission goes out to the BFA, ABL,
and GOCUB.
A serious dellyone appears once again behind a mahogany desk.
"Now you are wondering what kind of figure I am asking
for the release of your hostages. I was going to leave that
up to the present leadership of your faction, but since Slider_Sarah
asked to name a figure I'm going to tell all of you. 20 million
dollars or the exchange rate in pounds for the release of your
hostage. I don't think that is an exorbitant amount do you?"
End transmission
Slider_Sarah it was for three contests. I posted them on the
Studios USA board. BTW your ficcy you sent me was awesome and
good for intel for grabbing the hostages. Yeah, I thought Brit
saw that already. Hope I didn't spoil it for him.

Thanks for your
comments. |
From: dellyone
To all,
Thank you for your wonderful comments. I was hoping that I wasn't
going too far with this post in regards to the situations and
the language. I hope you enjoyed this little piece.
Thanks also to the posters on the Studios USA Board for putting
up with my sometimes strange and rambling party posts. That's
where I honed my skills. LOL. Others may say I drove them crazy
which is true too. So to all of you and you know who you are
my hearfelt thanks.

As per request,
BFA information: |
From: sleepingtiger
Two neutral represenatives (Logan91 and lilsweetheart)
will have $30 million to retrieve Mychand and her beret.
Actually.. |
From: Mychand
We rented a Crysler Seabrine (sp?) :o)
Okay, I know I'm suppose to be a hostage...but WOW..this was
good! You sure did your homework!
My :o)