LoB - Mantra |
From: SpaceTime
Jorge wrote this in what he says was five minutes.
It leaves me wondering: when did the purple Teletubby leave
him alone for more than 15 seconds at a time?
LoB Mantra
We terrorize and kill
all the Brown 1602's,
We're a force not to be reckoned with,
We are the Legion of Booze.
We like to blow things up
and just destroy our stupid foes,
We then take all their money
So we can buy ourselves more hoes.
We're led by our Matt Hutaff,
controller of Space and Time,
along with our Zach Kimble,
his dark partner in crime.
Only a few elitists
can fit within our bubble
for we like to crash and burn things
and basically cause trouble.
Who here has the gall
to try and start with us a fight?
Dare to try to stop us,
and you will perish beneath our might.
We pillage all that suits us,
and then we take our snooze,
For we're probably hung over,
for we are the Legion of Booze.

My Judgement |
From: RandomJudgement
Explosions, murder, pillage, plunder, sex and rape.
I like the LoB.
Tell all Matt Hutaff, aka SpaceTime, how was Angie, aka Yeontoo,
when you had her all night? Post the description.
You did with Sarah.
