Legion of Booze -
End Game |
From: SpaceTime
So many people die in this one it ain't even funny.
Sober couldn't believe his eyes.
The shit had hit the fan all right. It was sprayed all over
the floor, walls, and, most bizarrely, BritSlider, who was wearing
a copper-plated Manhandler and scooping the "chocolate
goodness" from it so he could watch white become brown.
Earlier, BritSlider had been captured by Deli-Buns and her Group
X, a group financed entirely by Douglas Copeland, who irritated
billions by coiing the phrase "Gen X." By financed,
the author means that Group was stocked with Nutter Butters
and Lincoln Logs. And, inexplicably, the faction had a state-of-the-art
broadcasting facility. Interesting considering the only thing
Group X had done prior was peddle low-grade acid at Phish concerts.
Group X sequestered its members in an underground bunker deep
beneath the Chula Nutz Trailer Haven and strapped BritSlider
down. PoliteSlidersFan smeared 9 Lives on his face. Then the
torture began.
Sometimes, people just need to use their imagination. Use it
now, since the unimaginable, indescribable torture that Group
X brought down on BritSlider left him in a comatose, fecal-throwing
state. How Group X acquired a Belvederean poo smock is unknown,
although Deli-Buns was seen earlier that afternoon in the Blue
Light District of the BBoard, which as we know is a haven for
Sober called for reinforcements and soon the rest of the LoB,
save Lolita and Vance454 were on the scene. No one could make
sense of the vacuous look in his eyes.
"What do we do about this guy?" Dark said as he replenished
his alcohol reserves.
"He's in charge of the ABL, right?" Space questioned.
"I've got an idea. Let's hose him off. Kipper, Sober, that's
your job."
"Are you fucking kidding me?!"
Space rolled his eyes. "Anyone remember what we did to
the first Sabre-Edge clone?" Memories flooded back...
flashback - http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/19612
"Come get some," Space said.
"Whoa, easy there!" Sabre managed to eek out before
thousands of rounds of ammunition tore through his body. The
roar of the guns, the odor of gunpowder and the clink of ammo
dropping to the floor overwhelmed even Space. For good measure,
Space took an atomizer (last seen in "Strangers and Comrades")
and hurled it at Sabre's limp and mangled corpse. It went off,
turning his battered flesh into component molecules and sending
them in a thousand different directions.
"How's it like being unstuck?" Dark quipped.
end flashback
"I'll get on it," Sober said grudgingly as he tossed
Kipper the sponge and went for the hoses.
Vance drove the Sassmobile at a respectable 85 mph, with Lolita
sitting in the passenger seat trying to figure out how to escape
the Chinese finger trap Dark had given her before she left.
"Tell me again where we're going?" Lolita asked.
"To get you a book on how to read."
"Isn't that paradoxical in nature?" she asked. "The
very nature of a book demands that the person participating
in the dialogue on the pages be literate, even in the most modest
of circumstances."
Vance hit the brakes and pulled over. He was confused. Hell,
he was 15. "I don't get it," he said, "sometimes
you've got the intellect of a tick and then you have these flashes
of insight that are so... PROFOUND... it drives me nuts!"
Lolita smiled. She was wearing her favorite skirt. It was the
one that Space liked the most, slit all the way up on both sides
to her waist, yet form-fitting enough that it showed up her
shapely body. "I'm a smart girl," she insisted. "I
get these burning sensations in the back of my head and then
I know things."
*Probably a synapse firing,* thought Vance.
At the Dominion
Dark looked at the tally board. It had been a good day, kill-wise.
More importantly, they'd been killed by the Creativity Disruptor™
- a device designed by the LoB specifically to inhibit those
shot from reinserting themselves creatively into any story.
Therefore, anyone dead by it's hand was DEAD. And the Disruptor
had been installed on the Yeontoo Be Good Stick™, so 6 billion
years from now, she couldn't possibly think of any way of getting
back to the present as she was DEAD.
BritSlider sat at the table, fed a mixture of beer and gruel.
He was watching a tape of N'Sync in the hopes that his instinctual
rage at their existence would overpower his desire to remain
a drooling mess.
"Wait a second," Space thought suddenly while pounding
some Colonel Kwik-E-Mart Fine Kentucky Bourbon. "This guy
is BritSlider, right? So who was that guy that I killed shooting
the Tic-Tac out of his mouth?"
"That was Vigeant," Dark said. "And you didn't
shoot it out of his mouth."
"Look, dude, all British teeth look like Tic Tacs, so I
was probably overwhelmed... confused. At any rate, it doesn't
explain why Vigeant was there. He wasn't a hostage."
"Yes, he was. The guy *I* killed wasn't a hostage,"
Dark said. "That was EustiSlider."
"Oh, yeah. What was he doing there?" They gazed down
into the empty eyes of EustiSlider's body, eyes that seemed
to tell a tale... a tale of how he came to be in the Breedin'
... backstory ...
EustiSlider heard the news. There were hostages, and where there
were hostages, there were people bound and gagged. And that
meant an audience.
EustiSlider knew that his pro-feminism poetry wasn't popular,
and that his songs about the natural love between man and goat
weren't exactly the cat's meow. But dammit, sometimes things
just need to be heard and this was the opportunity. ES made
his way to the Breedin' Bunker by walking, oddly enough. Inside
the trailer, he noticed a picture of Executive making sweet,
ill-informed and "First Wave"-biased love to a sheep
and he knew he was home.
The elevator ride was short and the hallways narrow. ES made
his way through the mazes of inbreeding and sheep-lovin', stopping
wistfully every time he heard a "bah-ahahahah." There,
in the central room, was BritSlider, his transformation complete.
Off to the side was Mychand and the rest, strapped down in a
style only Ludivico would approve.
This is where EustiSlider sat down.
He sang and spoke, played and emoted... about goats. About Womyn.
About everything that makes a red-blooded American male cringe
with disgust. And the hostages took every second of it in ear-splitting
And then Mychand was gone. Disappeared. Vamoose, the product
of Group X's teleportation of their prize to another location.
Five minutes later ES was dead, the contents of his head a nice
reminder never to EAT TIC TACS expressed beautifully on the
wall behind his torso.
"Who's left to kill?" Dark said. "I want LoB
dominance over the other factions ASAP."
"The Glory Boys should be our next target," Space
"Let's roll."
Charmin Factory
Jorge and Sabre-Edge were having a grand time, wrapping each
other in triple-ply, spring-scented Charmin toilet paper. Sabre
pretended he was The Mummy and went around swatting at his nuts.
They itched.
Jorge was making sure every inch of his body was covered in
fluffy white goodness when he was overpowered. Not by sheer
force, mind you, but by the gallons of tequila flowing through
his veins and arteries. Now that's what I call a trooper. The
alcohol took weeks before it finally hit Jorge, but when it
did, it hit with a vengeance.
And at the worst possible time. No sooner did Jorge keel over
from alcohol poisoning than the LoB striking, and striking hard.
Sabre, panicked without the leadership of Yawn-too, stood perfectly
still and hoped no one would notice a man-boy decked in nothing
but toilet tissue standing next to an assembly line.
"Sabre, stand down any weapon you might have armed and
for God's sake, put some clothes on," Dark said. Space
picked up Jorge and threw him over his shoulder.
Sabre moved behind a pole and put his clothes back on. When
he walked out he saw that entire Legion of Booze stood there
(sans Lolita and Vance), weapons loaded and cocked. He thought
back to his first clone and sighed. He knew he was screwed.
Fortunately, Sabre sometimes has the balls of a lion, and he
quickly pulled out a Colt 45 and shot once, penetrating Sober's
head and pulling part of his gray matter with the bullet. Sober's
body fell to the ground limply.
Space looked at Sabre. Dark looked at Sabre.
"You joining the Legion now?" they both asked simultaneously.
"Oh yeah."
"Let's go pay the Irrelevant Poster a visit."
TIP's domocile
TIP sat around, masturbating wildly and praying to God that
his faction, the one-man weak organization best known for assassinating
Archduke Ferdinand I during the first World War, wouldn't become
a victim of the Legion of Booze.
His prayers were in vain.
TIP didn't even have a chance to pull up his drawls before searing
hot lead ripped through every atom in his body. A grenade destroyed
the top floor of TIP's house, bringing corrugated cardboard
down on him. Bullet after bullet made its way in and out of
TIP's body. Body, you ask? You see, TIP was dead from the very
first bullet. Everything else was just a topping.
The Dominion
Everyone was piss drunk.
"Are all the factions eliminated?" Space asked. No
one had the chance to answer because Vance and Lolita strolled
in. Lolita was on Vance's arm.
This troubled Space.
"What are you doing hanging on him?" Space questioned
"He respects my intelligence!" Lolita barked. "He
doesn't make me act like a dumb chick like you do!"
Vance smiled.
Space rolled his eyes. "What are you talking about? No
one's ever said you couldn't act exactly how you wanted to act!
Hell, you're a skilled ninja AND lover, and you're only 17!
If you've got a brain, don't waste it by acting dumb, be smart
and participate in the Legion!"
"You don't want me to be a dumb bimbo?"
"Oh." Lolita strolled over to her man and sat in his
lap. "Sorry, Space. It's just been a while since I've had
some lovin'."
"Let me rectify that," Space said with a wink. "Hey,
"Yeah, Space?"
Space whipped out an elephant shotgun and scattered Vance to
the four ends of the earth.
"Don't mess with my woman." Space was sure he heard
Vance agree. He turned back to Dark. "So, we got all the
factions, right?"
"All of them except the Doo Rag Crew," chimed in Brand_S.
"The DRC is with us, S," Dark said. "They've
been allied with the Lob since the beginning."
"Chaser9 is LoB?"
"Oh yeah."
Space raised the ABL on his VidCom screen. The images of Chaser9
and QBall79 appeared on the screen. "Legion of Booze, to
what do we owe the honor?" QBall79 said sharply.
Space was as succint as always. "We found one of your strays,"
he said, motioning to BritSlider in the background. "Want
him back?"
"What do you want in return?" QBall said with a sigh.
"Nothing at all, QBall," said Space. "We just
had a little spring cleaning and took care of all of the other
factions. BritSlider was left to fend for himself."
"You don't want anything for him?" QBall was suspicious.
"You're a fool," QBall79 said with a smile. "I'm
glad I'm still holding a massive grudge against you for almost
getting close to scratching my BBoard reputation."
Space looked to Chaser and nodded. Chaser nodded.
"Me too, QBall," Space said. "Me too."
Chaser pulled out a revolver and shot QBall79 in the back of
the head. His body crumpled to the ground.
"Chaser, be a dear and send someone to fetch their illustrious
"You got it, Space. Chaser out," The VidCom said as
it turned off.
Dellyone stood scratching her head. Apparently the Rid™ hadn't
It didn't matter. Seconds later her head was 13 feet from her
hand. And no, it wasn't attached to her body.
You see, earlier that day the Legion of Booze had been sitting
around the Dominion, drinking like champions and cavorting with
members of the opposite sex in such a way that would make even
Larry Flynt blush.
Space finished off a hard-core pitcher of something known only
as The Drink. It was concocted by Kipper2222 and it was HELLUVA
GOOD. It would knock even Norm from Cheers on his ass after
a sip, but Space chugged and chugged until it was all gone.
Then he reached for his woman.
Brand_S came into the room with a snifter of Manhattans in his
left hand. "Did you hear? There's ANOTHER faction."
All festivities ceased.
"Another one?" Dark bellowed as he spanked Tembi's
perfect ass to get her off his lap. "For the love of Pete...
how many does that bring us up to, now?"
"Too many," Space said. "What is the name of
this faction, S?"
"Group X."
Lolita chimed in. "Does the 'X' mean that it's a subsect
of the Nation of Islam?" The LoB all looked at each other.
How did Lolita know what 'subsect' meant? She was a hot, 17-year-old
piece of ass, but damn if she knew her head from a hole in the
ground. Space silenced any further intellectual crossfire from
the underage vixen by making out with her like the King he was.
"In any case, they seem to have kidnapped some key players
from the warring parties," S continued. "It's unknown
how a small group like this was able to obtain intel on the
BFA, but if I don't get a keg of Shiner Bock into my belly STAT
I'm about to become sober."
S barely got the dreaded "s" word out of his mouth
before Tembi stuck an IV of pure Smirnoff vodka into Brand's
"That's the ticket," he said, not slurring his words
like a wuss, but saying them strong and forcefully like the
champion of insobriety that he was.
Five minutes later, the assembled Legion of Booze sat around
the Table of Excess like so:
- Space
- Lolita
- Dark
- Tembi
- Brand S
- Sassy
- JorgeCis
- Sophie
- Kipper2222
- Slider8_
- Sabre-Edge
It was agreed upon that Group X would die, die soon, and die
Cruisin' the BBoard at a respectable 85 mph, the Sassmobile
searched out the undeniable tracks of lameness that Group X
had left behind. It stood to reason that more mercenary group
than warring factions was a dumb idea, and the Legion of Booze
was gonna thin the herd out a little.
Dellyone stood scratching her head. Apparently the Rid™ hadn't
It didn't matter. Seconds later her head was 13 feet from her
hand. And no, it wasn't attached to her body.
The LoB made a quick, surgical strike into the heart of Group
X, slaughtering everyone mercilessly, ignoring their pleas for
mercy and prayers for salvation. Space and Dark took point with
their 007-esque Moonraker lasers, making pretty burn holes all
over the place, until the others filed in and entered into a
battle of such unimaginable carnage that it beggars description.
Mychand sat in a sound-proof vault, oblivious to the goings-on
around her. Suddenly the door blew; Space and Dark made their
way in as blood-curdling screams wafted in along with the stench
of Death.
Mychand was speechless.
Space grinned. "You're being held hostage here?" He
laughed. "This is too much. Me rescuing you. And after
your delicious comments about where someone can stick 'it' in
"Get me out of here," begged Mychand. "I'll make
it worth your while."
"First things first," Dark said. "These genetic
burps have a Clonatizer?"
"No, it's just them."
"So you're saying that there is *ABSOLUTELY NO WAY THAT
"If you killed them, then they are dead, in perpetuity.
Forever. No chance they can come back to life. Ever."
Space sighed and released the clamps on Mychand. He handed her
a shot of tequila and had her drink it. Then he pounded 14 beers
in succession.
It had been a long day.

hmmm |
From: Mychand
Next time make it a Sex on the Beach shooter!

Timefor someSpace |
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:I don’t live in a corrugated cardboard box its
just a regular cardboard box!!!!
Bonus TIP:I used, used cereal boxes!!!!
Double Bonus TIP:I only have 3 walls, I’m applying for the 4th,
but I not sure if I want to trade in a wall for a window!!!!

this mean the BW is over or do we.. |
From: Sabre_Edge
get to kill each other LOL ;) Nice LONG story man.
aaaahhh Charmin triple ply. Only the best for the Sabre man.

thought you liked my poetry |
From: EustiSlider
And now....
'Ode to a little green lump of putty I found in my armpit one
midsummer's morning'
O freddled gruntbuggly...
Thy micturations are to me like plurdled gabbleblotchits on
a lurgid bee...
Groop, I implore thee my foonting turlingdromes...
And hooptiously drangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles...
Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon,
see if I don't!
(Douglas Adams, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)

Matty! |
From: Yeontoo
Dear Matty the Teddy Bear,
Don't spill the kitten's milk.
Nice try killing everyone off :) (did you guys really have to
hit me with a stick?)
ps. nice writing!
