From: dellyone
Group X HQ
Command Center
10:37 AM
“Time to impact in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… impact.” On the screen above,
dazzling light enveloped the target to the delight of dellyone.
“Confirm target,” said dellyone into her comm as she watched
the real time satellite reconnaissance feeds.
In the field, Team leader had the target in his sights. “Confirmed.
Target has been destroyed. Repeat. Target has been destroyed.”
“That was a total waste,” complained PoliteSliderFan as she
watched the intel pouring onto her screen.
An incensed dellyone spun on her heel and scowled at PoliteSliderFan.
“You’re out of line! As long as I am in charge, you *will* do
as I say!” All around halted their work and watched the two
jockey for dominance.
PoliteSliderFan pleaded, “Think of the children. What you are
doing is wrong.”
dellyone had heard enough of her protestations. “Word with you.”
She turned her attention to the rest of her team. “Get back
to work. This isn’t recess time.” All eyes averted from the
two and returned to the screens in front of them.
As dellyone and PoliteSliderFan walked to the room on the right
side, all were secretly hoping that this was the last one. Ever
since dellyone had that conversation with Sabre_Edge, the bickering
between the two escalated to the point where it was mere hours
between their private talks.
dellyone threw the door open, storming into the room. A nonchalant
PoliteSliderFan followed her in and closed the door behind her.
A few minutes later, a lone gunshot reverberated in the room.
All watched in anticipation as the door opened. Smiles flashed
throughout the room as a jubilant PoliteSliderFan exited. That
was the last ‘insanely happy yellow rat’ target as dellyone
called it. Now she had to use the regular ones. All were spared
from her maniacal tirades and rantings during her target practices
for at least two weeks.
