Article: The Beret War scares me
Date: 4/17/2000
From: VectorAnomaly
You people are getting a bit vicious aren't you? What seemed to start as simple fun and games has become a matter of life and death.

Well, count me in! The services of VectorAnomaly will go to the highest bidder, so listen close ABL, BFA, LOB, GOCUB, Dec-10 Boyz and Group X. I am the master of the VectorAnomlay Quantum Matrix. If you have any clue what this means then you realize what a great service I have to offer.

The bidding will start at 5 cases of Oreos and the elusive Krusty The Clown Simpsons action figure.


Reply Title Created by
1. Don't forget the HFL 4/17/2000 TheIrrelevantPoster
2. Sec, Dec10 Boyz bids 4/18/2000 Yeontoo
3. The ABL makes its bid 4/18/2000 EustiSlider

Reply: Don't forget the HFL
Date: 4/17/2000
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:HFL=Headless Federation League=THE WINNING SIDE!!!!!!


Reply: Sec, Dec10 Boyz bids
Date: 4/18/2000
From: Yeontoo
Dear VectorAnomaly,

Sir, you have admirable qualifications. I'll meet the required bid and add 2 cases of Oreos with it. I believe my bosses would put you to work in the lab.



Reply: The ABL makes its bid
Date: 4/18/2000
From: EustiSlider
You obviously have a commanding grasp of technobabble. We could use just such a person as our plan enters its implementation phase.

We'll see your 5 cases of Oreos. The Krusty action figure is yours regardless. In addition, we'll include an autographed edition of the Star Trek Omnipedia, a three month supply of Little Debbies, and our patented Kathy Lee Gifford image-blocking filter.



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