Sorry. I didn't really mean that. It's just that I'm reposting and
I'm hoping these get more replies than the originals did. These were
some ideas I had that I thought turned out underrated. Please tell me
what you think:
Subject: Sliders Game
This has probably been posted before, but I think Sliders would make
an excellent game. It could be a PC game, console game, or maybe even
a board game. I mean, there would be so much to do.
When you slide into a world, you'd have a real-time timer (which you
could pause) and you have to decide who keeps it. Then you'd look around
the world you were in. Each world would be a level of the game. Of course,
the levels could not be linear, as it would make the plot too easy,
but rather generated randomly when the previous one is completed. You
could talk to people and try to get as much information and make as
many allies/friends as possible, a la Sid Meier's Civilization. The
worlds could be a combination of worlds from actual episodes and new
worlds for the game.
Of course, it'd be best if it had the original cast, plus the original
recurring characters, like the lawyer [Ross J. Kelley], the cabbie [Pavel
Kurlienko], the Dominion hotel clerk [Gomez Calhoun], that African-American
waiter in Season 3 [Elston Diggs], Bennish, Quinn's mom, and yes, even
Quinn's cat, Schrödinger.
Does anyone else have any ideas to build onto this?
Subject: s_the_great gets philosophical.
I was thinking about something just now. Being "unstuck"
in the way Damron describes it is impossible. Also, Geiger can't combine
"every" world in the Multiverse and the Kromaggs can't take
over "every" world. Here's what I mean.
The Multiverse, for the purposes of Sliders, is the set of every single
universe in (and maybe outside of) existence. As I see it, it could
be made up of two ways.
I) INFINITE universes. First, some S the Great terminology. A "split"
is the term used when a world diverges into two or more worlds. The
number of worlds is the number of "directions." Splits happen
at any given time because anything that can happen does happen. In the
time it takes to blink your eyes--hell, in the time it takes to read
a word here and have it register in your brain--there are an infinite
number of splits in an infinite number of directions. This happens literally
II) FINITE universes. What if the Multiverse isn't all that infinite?
What if splits are more controlled? Maybe splits are a natural phenomenon.
At a random time a split occurs in a given number of directions. It
doesn't happen all the time and for every action that is taken, but
just naturally and apparently randomly, like a lightning storm.
If I is true then the following things should be true too.
1) If you are unstuck, then splits will continue to happen, making
more doubles of you. There won't ever be just one of you, except maybe
for the moment you become unstuck. There would be more unstuck doubles
of you who are just as unstuck as you.
2) Why would the doubles be destroyed? There are SO MANY factors that
contribute to what makes an alternate a bona fide double. What if the
person has different chromosomes? Is s/he a double then? What if the
person has a different mother? A different father? What if a different
sperm cell met the egg? What if a double was actually a pair of identical
twins? (The cell split a different way when the person was conceived.)
Siamese twins? What if a double was three days late in being born but
still had the same name? (I think this is what happened to Mallory.)
Who gets destroyed if an identical twin becomes unstuck? How do you
define a double?
3) You can't take over every single world. Because then the worlds
would split again based on whether or not you invade them. Combining
worlds is no way to become any less stuck, because the multiverse grows
constantly. The number of worlds won't even decrease depending on whether
or not you invade them.
infinity - x = infinity
infinity - infinity = infinity
infinity×infinity = infinity
infinity^infinity = infinity
4) The minute you first slide, you have no home world. Earth Prime
continued to split. There are now infinite Earth Primes. There are ones
where the Kromaggs did take over, and ones where they didn't. There
are ones where Maggie can and can't breathe. There's no ONE home anymore
for them, because they weren't on a world when it split into infinite
The minute you become a slider, you have no one home world, because,
if you stay on one parallel world all your life, you are part of that
world, and you are there for every one of its splits. When you leave
it, the world splits without you there. However, you continue to split
too if you are on any world. When splits occur while the Sliders are
on a different world, this leads to "others," something Chaser9
can describe quite well, so I won't go into it.
But if II is true, then that changes everything.
1) Doubles are still not clearly defined, so it's not possible for
them all to be destroyed.
2) Just because a number is finite doesn't mean it's attainable. If
Geiger or the 'Maggs wanted to take over the Multiverse, it would take
multitudes of lifetimes to do it, and there would still be a few left
over. Also, if this was true, the number of worlds would still probably
be astronomical, far beyond the comprehension of any human (although
maybe Red XIII could grasp it. ;-) ).
3) Splits would still occur, so there wouldn't be just one home world.
There wouldn't be just one set of Sliders either, though.
So WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? It means that the Kromaggs and Geiger had
unrealistic goals. It also means that Colin's and Geiger's predicament
isn't what anyone thinks it is, even Keith Damron. But this all adds
up to one thing: I didn't like the way Jerry and Charlie were written
out. Now, I think Robert and Tembi are great actors, and I like them
much more than the Brothers O'Connell of Season 4. I don't regret for
a second that Robert and Tembi are on Sliders.
But, I really think that the writers should have found a better way
to write the brothers out. I understand that it was short-notice, but
I could think of something good in twenty-four hours. Imagine the show's
writers, who get paid for thinking. The only way I can see out of this
current story arc is "Finite Worlds; Finite Possibilities."
Feel free to debunk me on any of this. It's mostly just off the top
of my head.
DISCLAIMER: I want it to be made clear that I am writing this post
from the most pro-S5 possible standpoint. I am by no means a Jerry-lover
or a Charlie-lover. I really like Robert Floyd and Tembi Locke as actors.
I have made it clear on several occasions that I agree completely with
my friends Hunter, Buffyboy, and SoK666/EPT/SC69. I am doing my best
not to come off as some kind of sellout. Please tell me I'm not a sellout!