Two years ago today the BBoard Hall of Fame opened with this post:
A few HoF stats:
As of 1:00 p.m. today, there have been 3045 recorded hits at the HoF.
No more than 2500 of those are mine ;) It opened with posts from 15
different authors. Today there are posts from 101, not counting some
from the Beret Wars, Studios USA's "Party Time!" posts, darkslider's
Tournament of Pee, and the Earth 62 board's version of Sliders Survivor.
In all, there are 706 posts archived, with 361 general posts, 90 from
fan fiction, 29 from the first Beret War, 76 from BWII, 56 from Party
Time!, 42 from the ToP, and 52 from Survivor.
The fanfic section features a story from Brand_S, HunterD_Raven, Slider_Quinn21,
ThomasMalthus, and 3 stories from SouthernSlider.
General posts broken down by handle are as follows:
Afl - 1
Alternaty_Orange - 1
BillyShears - 1
Blinker - 21
Brand_S - 23
BritSlider - 1
buffyboy - 2
Callie21V - 2
CanadianSlider - 1
CaptainGalaxy - 1
CharmedClass2005 - 3
Chaser9 - 4
Chris Authier - 1
CinnamonSpiceGirl - 1
Consecutive - 6
CoolSlider - 1
Cryin_ - 1
Daniel_2 - 2
danooh - 1
daveyramone - 1
darkslider - 11
dellyone - 5
DieselMickeyDolenz 1
Doctor_Quinn - 1
Dorky - 1
dragonl - 1
ElectricPeterTork - 6
Executive - 9
Fish_Bone - 30
FogBoy - 2
FunnyManJake - 1
Galiz13 - 1
Gwam - 1
hakavonn - 1
HunterD_Raven - 16
HurriKain - 5
Informant - 5
Jaguar71 - 1
JaseFace - 1
JessieMallory - 3
JLBanker - 2
Joey_Starr - 3
JorgeCis - 2
kaythia - 5
ke_chara - 1
KllyWlls - 2
lexilynn - 1
Mallory - 1
mars_2003 - 1
Matt_2 - 1
Michael_Mallory - 1
Michael_Reaves - 1
mrbrown_1602 - 1
mrbrown1602 - 4
Mychand - 5
NAnnie4334 - 1
OzSlider - 1
QBall43185 - 1
QBall79 - 16
rdwebster - 1
Recall317 - 2
Rocks1966 - 1
Sabre_Edge - 3
Saval - 3
Shannon_Stone - 1
SillySillerson - 1
SingularVisions - 1
SL4ever - 10
Slider8_ - 7
Slider_Mike - 1
Slider_Quinn21 - 8
Slider_Sarah - 3
SliderNum5 - 3
sliderseth - 1
Slidersfreak - 1
SlidersRocks - 2
slippin_slider - 2
SonGoku2000 - 2
SouthernSlider - 2
SpaceTime - 24
spaz119 - 4
Stax_ - 1
TemporalFlux - 16
TemptressInfinity - 1
The_Cynic - 2
TheIrrelevantPoster - 1
Third_Of_Five - 1
ThomasMallthus - 1
ThomasMalthus - 4
Tico#7 - 1
Tigs - 8
trapperben - 1
Twizzler - 2
Vigeant - 3
vortex62 - 2
v6 - 1
wade1013 - 2
WestWorld - 1
Thanks to anyone who's ever nominated a post or graciously allowed
me to host their fan fic, and especially to QBall79 for add-free space
on the Slidersweb server.
I had hoped to announce an update at this time, but I've had too many
other things taking up time. I'm still hopelessly backlogged on getting
nominated posts archived, but if you've got a post you'd like to nominate
or a fanfic that needs a home, e-mail me the URL at