Hall of Fame now online.
Date: 05/03/2000
From: EustiSlider
Well, with the pending purge, I thought I'd better get the site up.
The navigation needs work, but the basics are there.
The Dominion Sliders BBoard Hall of Fame is online now. Some of the
first posts to be inducted come from Brand_S, The_Cynic, darkslider,
ElectricPeterTork, HunterD_Raven, jlbanker, Mychand, Slider8_, Slider_Sarah,
QBall79, TemporalFlux, SpaceTime, rdwebster, TIP, and Third_Of_Five.
Perhaps some belong in a Hall of Shame, but they are all there.
The HoF can be found at
Please visit and let me know what you think. Also, if you have any
posts that you would like to have archived, just send me the URL (either
here, or e-mail, or on my message board) and I'll do my best to save
them before the purge.
--Eusti 8^)

How could I have forgotten to thank
Date: 05/03/2000
From: EustiSlider
Special thanks go out to Brand_S, HunterD_Raven, Slider8_, Slider_Sarah,
TemporalFlux and Fish_Bone for responding to my first post requesting
nominatios for the HoF. Thanks also to Blinker for posting the URL of
Brand_S's first 'first post of the new day' post.
I also forgot to mention that I'd like to add a short description of
each poster in his or her own words. I'm not just being lazy, I haven't
been around the board long enough to really get to know everyone. If
you'd like to have a few sentences about yourself (and a link to your
site) on your section of the Hall, please e-mail it to me. Also, if
you would prefer to supply your own description of your posts, feel
free to suggest those, too.
Thanks again,

Date: 05/03/2000
From: FogBoy
It's nice to know that we have forever saved from obscurity a good percentage
of the Dominion board's long history of flames and bitch-fights.
Oh yeah, and a lot of actual worthwhile posts too. :)

about lil ol me?
Date: 05/03/2000
From: Informant
Are you forgetting the brilliant display that was my Mock Peckinpah
chat? (okay, Chaser9's and mine)
Did I say "brilliant"... I meant... um, never mind.

Date: 05/03/2000
From: Brand_S
S is only in his teens, but with his intelligent posts, intellectual
and logical thinking skills, and hilarious spontaneity, you'd never
know it. S vehemently hates this Board and most of its residents, (He
considers himself intellectually superior.) and yet, he's stolen just
about everyone's heart! He even had the dubious honor of 2-3 posters
dedicated entirely against him, but nobody has ever been in his way
for long!

Hunter Self Description
Date: 05/03/2000
From: HunterD_Raven
I'm a pain in the butt who refers to himself in 3rd person
LOL, actually HunterD is a southern teenager who speaks whatever he
feels is the truth, even if it does disagree with pop culture or even
those considered friends. I'm a guy who when i die will have little
to no regrets, cause i said everything i felt and won't have to wonder
"What if?"
As for the personality, i'm a sarcastic, egotistical, brutally honest,
pain in the @ss and i am DAMN proud of it!
End self-analysis.
Also, as much as it pains me to say it...Exec should have a spot too...
Just make sure you find his "I helped kill Sliders by saying SFC
did the right thing" post to include!

correct hit counter please use...
Date: 05/04/2000
From: EustiSlider
Please use this URL. Apparently the hit counter doesn't register hits
Informant, that's a good post for the HoF. It will be in the next update.

Date: 05/04/2000
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:THE GREAT ONE - TIP is Da HoF!!!!!!!!!!!
But Seriously TIP:Since all of these other Roody Pooh Jabronies are
only interested in themselves - The TIP would like to nominate the poster
that made the HoF possible - TIP (just kidding) - EustiSlider - So I
nominate this post that announced the opening of the Sliders BBoard
Hall of Fame:

you gotta be kidding me!
Date: 05/04/2000
From: Bitch_Slap
ROTFLMFAO TIP???? LOL He's barely been here for a month. What are you
judging this by? How somebody impacts the board and influences it? LOL
Even TIP hasn't reached that level. To put TIP up with the likes of
Brand_S or TemporalFlux is a joke. TIP didn't make all those "first
post of..." posts to show his devotion to the board. His first
intent was to annoy people, and that he did to several people on this
board. When a few people mistook that for devotion, he capitalized on
it like a dirty little carny.
ROTFLMFAO TIP!!!! Come on Eusti, you've barely been here for a month.
What gives you the right to put this HOF together? You barely know everybody
on this board, and the fact that you put TIP on the HOF shows that.
Stick around for a while and you'll change your mind I guarantee that.
TIP's place could have been easily replaced with someone more worthy,
say, Blinker for example
Rolling On The Floor Laughing My F*cking Ass Off,

Date: 05/04/2000
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:Vell, looks like we know who Bitch_Slap iS!!!!!!!!!
To defend EustiSlider TIP:The reason he put my post in the HoF is because
I replied to his post asking for peoples nominations to the BBoard HoF
- Dont you remember, Brand_S nominated many of his own post too:
Continuation of Defense of EustiSlider TIP:So, dont attack EustiSlider
- Attack me if you want, lord knows you have been through your billion
and a half handleS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bonus Defense of EustiSlider TIP:I think its nice of EustiSlider
to put the BBoard HoF together - He didnt have to - And if he
didnt, all the post of the great Brand_S would not
have got put up!!!!!!!!
Which brings me to this TIP:How is it that Brand_S always gets mentioned
as one of the great posters along with TemporalFlux - Sure Brand_S has
done a lot of great things for the BBoard, but what about people like
Qball79, who gives some of the most relevant info on Sliders - And what
about Informant and HunterD_Raven, who post debates and keep this BBoard
lively - And Blinkers comedy and saving of many post - Now I dont
have time to mention everyone, but I think EVERYBODY and I mean EVERYBODY
contributes to this BBoard and more would contribute, but Some people
intimidate them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brand_S and TIP
Date: 05/04/2000
From: FogBoy
On Brand_S: Hey, from my time here, I have nothing but respect for the
Brand. I think the S IS one of the smartest posters around, from what
I know at least.
And, on TIP's best quote this time: "Now I dont have time
to mention everyone, but I think EVERYBODY and I mean EVERYBODY contributes
to this BBoard and more would contribute, but Some people intimidate
Amen. A-freakin'-men. Truer words have RARELY been spoken.
Well, okay... "everybody" except the bungees.

why TIP is included and not others..
Date: 05/04/2000
From: EustiSlider
As TIP has mentioned, he is in the HoF because he replied to my original
post asking for nominated posts and becacuse the reply he gave was so
quintessentially TIP.
As for what gives me the right to make the HoF in the first place?
Nothing, really. That's why you don't see any posts there that have
been nominated by me. That's also why Informant, Blinker, Chaser9, SlidersCentral,
Stoker_Chick, BritSlider, JorgeCis, Sabre_Edge, Fish_Bone, ThomasMalthus,
etc., etc., are not yet in the Hall. No one has nominated any posts
from them yet (Well, now Informant has, so He'll be in the next update).
As for whether someone belongs simply because they are nominated, maybe
I'll split the site into a Hall of Fame/Hall of Shame and let visitors
vote for where nominated posts belong. I haven't decided on that yet.
If you don't like the site or the idea, I'm sorry. If you'd like to
improve it by submitting some posts for inclusion, please do.

shamelessly nominates his posts ;)
Date: 05/04/2000
From: Sabre_Edge
I sent you an email last night with 3 URL's but to double cover here
is the body of the email.
'nuff said. :)

I'm not Bitch_Slap.
Date: 05/04/2000
From: Brand_S
I shouldn't have to explain myself to this accusing waste of byteage,
but I will anyway just to make it clear.
1. I have no reason to attack EustiSlider. I like EustiSlider, and
he did me a favor. He DID put up a ton of my posts for preservation,
so why would I attack him? I don't flame people who do something nice
for me. That's just common sense.
2. The last message I even wrote with a TIP mention is a "maybe
he's not so bad after all" reply. But then, even I'm wrong sometimes.
3. Bitch_Slap and I don't have the same writing style... I wouldn't
censor the word "fucking" like that if I ever used it.
4. I said I'm not. I don't lie about stuff like this, no matter what
you think of me. That in itself is enough, whether you accept it or
Now, while we're making accusations, TIP reminds me of another famous
accuser in this Board's history, but I don't think I need to go any

the interests of peace...
Date: 05/04/2000
From: FogBoy
...I'll point out that TIP didn't accuse Brand of anything outright.
I can't even tell who the hell he was accusing.
Remember, flame wars are lame as hell.

is correct - Sorry BS
Date: 05/06/2000
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:I wasnt accusing Brand_S of being Bitch_Slap - Sorry, if you
thought I was accusing you Brand_S - I dont know what would make
you think that I was accusing you of being Bitch_S lap - I was merely
analyzing Bitch_Slaps post that attacked me and EustiSlider -
Bitch_Slaps previous post have only said YoUve BeEn
BiTcH SlaPpEd and this post attacking me and EustiSlider revealed
a little more of the character of poster Bitch_S lap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Original URL
Nominated by Blinker
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