Moral of the Story -----------> Slither!
Date: 10/23/2002
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Slider_Quinn21 wins the New Revised King Thomas Bible of the United Peckaholics Church, now with Apocrypha (a taped-together collage of Traci Lords centerfolds)!
ThomasMalthus wins Peck's tale of the South American republic of Costylvania, "Nostromoferatu!"
SL4ever wins Peck's handscribbled memo to push the third season "Family" theme by writing Wade as a dingbat and Quinn as a meathead!
sliderules wins a can of Bacillus Thuringiensis powder, for all his bollworm-stomach-wrecking needs!
MissingSliderRyan wins peace, tranquility and renewed energy!
Ed_The_Sock wins a beer!
TemporalFlux wins yet another Guy Pearce movie that I can't remember the name of! Oh right, "The Count of Monte Cristo."
Recall317 wins a tape of "Hellcats"! Hey, if you can't justify *paying* for it...
DieselMickeyDolenz wins the tube of Carmex lip balm passed off as Vulcan Nasal Numbing Agent in "Sole Survivors!"
Alternity_Orange wins a signed copy of Brand_O's "A Streetcar Named 'The Red Sled,'" and the TOSoD GOLD STAR!
-- "SLITHER" --
BLINKER: Well, the writers sure made THIS one easy... I learned that when it comes to the opposite sex, we can't trust our instincts.
SYNTHIA: I thought that was To Catch a Slider's moral.
BLINKER: No, that was "we can't trust our EYES."
SYNTHIA: Oh, right... Well, looking for a non-spoonfed moral in "Slither" may be like expecting to find a lost George Eliot novel spelled out by used diapers in a landfill, but I suppose we learned that you can walk away from a plane crash in the jungle and lug a strongbox through half of Mexico without ever messing up your hair or even breaking a sweat.
BLINKER: Good enough. Friends, what say you?
EXECUTIVE: I learned that David Peckinpah was capable of making amends for his early-season mistakes and producing a superb return to the show's alternate history roots. ;-) Maggie groin-kicking that pilot harkened back to the subtle character humour of the first season, and the dead COW who continued breathing was a perfect twist ending in the Tormι tra--
BLINKER: I repeat... friends, what say you?
- Blinker 7:-/
"You know, Artisan Entertainment is really beginning to let me down."

Date: 10/23/2002
From: Slider_Quinn21
BT needs to be destroyed by snakes...
The moral is that Peck's obsession with phallic symbols has no end...

And the moral is...
Date: 10/23/2002
From: sliderules
Never look a gift BT in the mouth.
Here's my Moral for this craptacular disaster of an episode:
"Never trust a woman who tries to get you to help her smuggle snakes. Well, unless she's coming on to you, then it's ok!"
And that my friends, is the moral of this sad story we like to call "Slither." I'm sliderules, saying goodnight New York!

My moral...
Date: 10/23/2002
From: SL4ever
...beware of BT bearing gifts!!
..."Never proposition a gutter slut in front of her new friends!"
The Maggie kick has been mentioned and it has always made me wonder. She gives it away for free to anyone on the street, but dare suggest she trade it and she turns into Ramboette. But only because her new friends that she doesn't want to know her checkered past are watching. We also saw these same hysterics in WOW.
That's actually about all I remember from this horrid ep. Thank god. >:-P

Aside from "Don't film the facade"?
Date: 10/23/2002
From: Recall317
How about "Never fly Aztec airlines"?
I learned a LOT from this episode. I really don't know where to begin. I suppose the most important lesson is one we all should take to heart, and that is tobacco kills.
And so do albino pythons.
Don't smoke either.
PS. [Puts his new copy of "Hellcats" deep on the shelf where "Red Zone Cuba" and "Angels Revenge" reside.]

Date: 10/23/2002
I want something dammit. I never get anything in these things... Waaaaahhhhhhh

The moral is...
Date: 10/24/2002
BT is without morals!
If a hot woman wants revenge for her dead husband, go with her. BUT if a hotter woman wants you to help her smuggle and give up slidng, "Go with it!!"

Date: 10/24/2002
From: TemporalFlux
The lesson to be learned from this episode? Always buy super spring bounce shoes if you find a world where they exist. You never know when a drunken Quinn will find it whimsically entertaining to open the vortex 15 feet over head.

A moral of patience...
Date: 10/24/2002
BT should be a mental patient by now.
I learned from "Slither" that if you just have patience, good things will come to you. Although it took most of a season, and there was nary a reference to her between her two appearances, the return of Logan St. Claire was certainly a pleasant surprise that none of us were expecting. I mean just when you thought that David Peckinpah forgot that Logan was still out there, cruisin' the multiverse...
Ed_the_Horse: Um, TM?
TM: Yes?
Ed_the_Horse: Logan St. Claire wasn't in the episode. Julie St. Claire was.
TM: Who?
Ed_the_Horse: You know. That chick-of-the-week that Peckinpah slept with, I mean worked with before on "Silk Stalkings".
TM: He could have made it less obvious if he hadn't called one of the episodes she was in "Was It Good For You Too?". <Sighs.> OK, the real lesson in patience is if you wade (no pun intended) through the muck of the rest of this season, you'll get some slightly better episodes next season. There, happy?
Ed_the_Horse: Neigh.

real life moral
Date: 10/24/2002
From: Alternity_Orange
Jerry O'Connell as we all know suffers from a strange syndrome which extends puperty well into the thirties.
So remember, if he approaches you in a bar and mentions something about his "super intelligent snake that can knock down doors" he is NOT sharing anecdotes about this classic piece of episodic television.

I'll just slither on in here
Date: 10/24/2002
From: The_Seer
BT is a snake in the grass.
The moral of the story here is that just when you think a television show has reached its lowest point ("Exodus, Part II") don't assume it can't get any lower because it can. Sure, "Sole Survivors" tried really hard. So did "The Breeder" and "The Other Slide of Darkness. But then came "Slither" and only "This Slide of Paradise" might have topped this one in terms of overall mediocrity. I guess it would have if it had had both the human-animal hybrid version of Rickman AND the snakes that break down doors.

It's official
Date: 10/25/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
BT is lower than a snake
This episode proves beyone any doubt that snakes do *not* have a fear of silicone.

o/` Bounce wit me, wit me, wit me wit me
Date: 10/26/2002
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT can bounce off the padded room walls for all I care.
o/` Can you bounce wit me, bounce wit me, wit me wit me
Can you bounce wit me, bounce wit me, ge-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi
Can you bounce wit me, bounce wit me, ye-ye-yeah
Uh-huh uh-huh bounce wit me, bounce wit me
Can ya can ya can ya bounce wit me, bounce wit me
Ya-yah-yah, ya-ya-yah-yeah bounce wit me, bounce wit me
Ge-gi, ge-gi-gi-gi-geyeah bounce wit me, bounce wit me o/`
On this world, our friend called gravity was put out of alignment due to the arrival of a strange substance, hence the snakes were able to break down the door due to the gravity shifting sideways.
The question this poses is how high would Maggie bounce if she fell down or off something. I believe Vig had a formula to determine this. ;-)

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