Good Thing, Bad Thing ------> DinoSlide!
Date: 12/18/2002
• Slider_Quinn21 wins Hitchcock's "North by Northwest"!
• sliderules wins a smuggled Beanie Baby snake!
• SL4ever wins "Ramboette: First Kiss Part II"!
• Recall317 wins a ticket to fly Human Sacrifice class on Aztec Airlines! ...hey, it beats coach!
• Joey_Starr wins the hottest woman of all! And I don't mean a Ronald D. Moore vintage Cylon!
• ThomasMalthus wins a silk stocking worn during one of Peck and Julie's trysts! (Which one of them wore it is best left to the imagination.)
• MissingSliderRyan wins this Bounce® sheet that was stuck in the stocking!
• Alternity_Orange wins a pen seen in the episode, which Peck dubiously claims he used to autograph itself!
• The_Seer wins the complete discography of Annihilator!
• TemporalFlux wins the complete discography of SuperSpringsteen, including "National Hero," "Metahuman Touch," and "Born on the Planet Krypton but Raised in the USA Nevertheless!"
• DieselMickeyDolenz wins the "Way Out West" world glossary, featuring such gems as "ugly enough to scare a bull dog off a meat truck" and "lower than
a snake's grandmother's vest button laying in a wagon track"!
• Vance454 would have won something had he participated in the game. C'mon man, it's not hard!
The hallowed GOLD STAR goes to SL4ever: I really got a "kick" out of his response!
BLINKER: Pro: Hey, look: continuity! Con: Oh wait, *pointless* continuity. This episode changes the Exodusites' fate, the Remmy/Malcolm relationship and the Rickman arc not at all. All the Sliders do is kill a dinosaur we never had reason to believe was there before, and it's back to square one. You could miss this episode, tune in for the rest of the series and never know better. 7>:-#
SYNTHIA: Pro: As always, Cleavant Derricks. Con: David Peckinpah.
SYNTHIA: He's just *got* to have served time for something...
BLINKER [turning back to camera]: Well, that's all for tonight, kids! Stay tuned for our touching musical tribute to the most apathy-inspiring non-bartender in Sliders history: "Andrews, We Hardly Cared About Ye in the First Place."
- Blinker 7:-P
"The movie is intentionally being named The Two Towers in order to capitalize on the tragedy of September 11. Clearly, you cannot deny the fact that this falls under hate speech. We believe that if they will not willingly change the name, the government should step in to stop the movie's production or to force a name change."

WOO HOO!! Gold Star!!!
Date: 12/19/2002
From: SL4ever
BT = Horrid Thing!!! >:-#
Good Thing: The dinosaur didn't sing and dance.
Bad Thing: Maggie didn't become a Barney Snack. >:-####
Great Thing: My consecutive streak of not remembering eps in this series has reached double digits!! WOO HOO!!!
Smelly Thing: Unfortunately, I DO remember that Maggie looked particularly unwashed in this ep. Wouldn't have have made her easier to track?

Ahhh...the infamous ep
Date: 12/19/2002
From: TemporalFlux
It would linger on into season four...
Bad Thing: The beginning of "Move and I'll cut ya to pieces!" Would have worked much better if the speaker was holding a knife instead of a gun...*both* times.
Good Thing: The acknowledgement that watching MacGyver regularly does not give the knowledge to make something useful from crap.

Too bad it wasn't an S5 ep.
Date: 12/19/2002
BT had a cameo in S5. Watch the whole thing again and see if you spot it.
Then they could have called it "Jurasik Park". Oh, come on. You know they wanted to.
Good Thing: The one consistent aspect of Maggie's personality is once again put brilliantly on display. No, not her military "skills" or her constant need to hit on Quinn, but her affinity for and constant need to be around wriggling, disgusting things. Why there's the creature from "The Breeder", the worm in this episode, Rickman, the list goes on. Speaking of episodes that should have aired with different casts, I wonder if this little tendency of Maggie's would have come in handy during "Paradise Lost"?
Bad Thing: Colonel Rickman's famous Peckism. I can't believe I'm the first one to bring it up. Apparently the Colonel's been brain sucking some people who can't count. Wonder if any preschoolers made their way to DinoColony? And by the way, shouldn't Quinn and Maggie have checked to made sure there were no frickin' T-REXES around before they deemed the place safe to colonize?!
"Well, uh, that makes...twelve of us."

It just goes to show, TM, that...
Date: 12/19/2002
From: Recall317
Rickman doesn't think much of his subordinates.
Why? Cause they're all imbeciles.
Good Thing: Peckinpah made a good call having the natives die off from diseases the Exodus survivors brought with them. This mirrors what happened to the Americas when Europeans first arrived. And just as it was back then, none of the newcomers seemed overly concerned about it.
Bad Thing: As Blinker mentioned, there is no story development at all. Nobody learns anything nor changes their behavior one iota. It's a good thing this isn't a Moral of the Story game or it would have been over after the first reply.
But we did have a really good time in the Caption That! theatre at this episode's expense, so I guess it was worth the million dollars or so it cost to make.
PS. I've seen my share of imbeciles, but these Two Tower protestors? Perhaps they would be well-served to visit a library. Or read a book. Or get slapped around a bit. Whichever works. Gee, I hope that didn't qualify as hate speech.

I have to find a good thing here?
Date: 12/19/2002
From: sliderules
BT is still not better.
Ugh, this is a toughie. How am I supposed to find ANYTHING good about such a stinker. Oh well, I guess if I try hard enough I shall succeed! Yea, right.
Tender moments between Remy and Malcolm. Aww, aren't they cute?
DINOSAURS, and the survivors of Maggie's world. Need I say more?
Peck to Fox Executives: "Okay, so I think I'm gonna have them land on a world with those survivors from the other world. And I'll put giant Twisters there. OOH, OOH, AND LOCUSTS TOO!"
Execs: "Why don't you just put a dinosaur there for them to battle?"
Peck: "But didn't Tracy...wait, who's Tracy? GO WITH IT!"

The Portable RedShirt Diaries....
Date: 12/19/2002
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT has and always shall be a RedShirt.
... Easy reading in less than 30 minutes.
The good thing..... the capping :-D
Recall317: Oh gee! Another FUCKING CAVE. We're 5 for 5 in this marathon!
That line cracks me up like no other. The cappers ruled that day. Thanks to Blinker for posting the caps.
The bad thing.... having to see the exact same location shots in SaberTooth. At least JRD didn't have to shoot there once again if he was in Dinoslide. No wonder I was thinking "What the fuck, it's Recall's fucking cave scene cap?" :-D
Enjoying my b-day :-D

The Portable RedShirt Diaries....
Date: 12/19/2002
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT has and always shall be a RedShirt.
... Easy reading in less than 30 minutes.
The good thing..... the capping :-D
Recall317: Oh gee! Another FUCKING CAVE. We're 5 for 5 in this marathon!
That line cracks me up like no other. The cappers ruled that day. Thanks to Blinker for posting the caps.
The bad thing.... having to see the exact same location shots in SaberTooth. At least JRD didn't have to shoot there once again if he was in Dinoslide. No wonder I was thinking "What the fuck, it's Recall's fucking cave scene cap?" :-D
Enjoying my b-day :-D

Date: 12/19/2002
From: Slider_Quinn21
Good thing/Bad thing, huh? Yippee!
Good Thing- Malcolm returns. I always liked Malcolm and Remmy's relationship. It could've been really good if Peck had any idea how do do character stories...
Bad Thing- I recently razed Peck's house and found a portion of the script that didn't end up in the episode. Its good that they didn't put it in, but its bad that they even thought it up.
Here it is. The world premiere!
Oh my God! Its a dinosaur!
Wade, Rembrandt and Quinn look at the dinosaur with bland faces. Maggie looks like she's stoned.
This is easily the worst thing to happen since that scientist guy died.
Dr. Jensen?
That guy we used to slide with.
Oh yeah...
The T-Rex is seen coming even closer to the sliders, who forgot it was coming.
We better head for those mountains!
Quinn smiles suavely and turns to Maggie.
I second that!
Quinn reaches his hands to put on Maggies "hills" while Rembrandt and Wade are eaten by the T-Rex.
(End Scene)
I guess it was cut because it featured too much of Rembrandt and Wade.
BTW, I think they should change the name of the author of "The Iliad" and "The Oddysey". I mean, the guy who wrote those books was obviously just trying to capitalize on the fame of "The Simpsons".

Date: 12/19/2002
From: The_Seer
BT found similarites between J.J. and dinosaurs.
Good Thing: Having characters from past episodes return, something that FOX had strictly forbidden previously.
Bad Thing: We get Rickman, Malcolm, and the dinosaur as those returning characters instead of Bennish, Logan, and Ryan.

Okay, here we go...
Date: 12/19/2002
From: Real_Slider
Bad thing: BT!!!!
Good thing: Even someone with as cold and calloused a heart as Rickman can still believe in miracles.
Bad thing: Malcolm, or rather the actor that played him... I mean, the acting all around was pretty shabby already, but I mean COME ON, didn't they hold AUDITIONS?!

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Nominated by Blinker
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