Show and Tell -------> Die, Stoker, DIE!
Date: 01/16/2003
Welcome to "Show and Tell"! To play, just present an object related to the episode "Stoker." Unless you're Stoker_chick, for whom we'll gladly waive the whole 'object' requirement and welcome as is.
• TemporalFlux wins "If They Move... Kill 'Em: The Life and Times of Sam Peckinpah"! []
• sliderules wins THE LOCUSTS: a heartwarming tale of horrible family secrets set in 1950s Kansas!
• ThomasMalthus wins a signed copy of Executive's immortal (if long-since-purged) thread, "Geiger Counter: Peter Jurasik Park"! (He even bragged of how hard it was to sit on such a brilliant title for "weeks.")
• The_Seer and SL4ever win membership in Dexter's Dino-Mite Savings Club! []
• Recall317 and MissingSliderRyan win the "National Lampoon" dam tour, followed by the fucking cave tour!
• Real_Slider (good to see you!!!) wins a moose head I bagged during that infamous summer when moose occupied the Canadian senate and nearly overturned NAFTA!
Finally, the coveted GOLD STAR goes to Slider_Quinn21 for his hysterical world premiere!
SYNTHIA: So on to "Stoker." Well, I brought in one of the frequencies Wade dubiously claimed to have "blown" at a nightclub that fateful evening. If you can explain how she managed to blow it, I'll explain how I managed to carry it onto the set in this jar.
MISSINGSLIDERRYAN: Maybe Maggie... Oh wait, you said *a* frequency, not *with* extreme frequency. Never mind.
CONSECUTIVE: I agree: FREQUENCY * did * blow! ;-)
BLINKER: I brought this copy of TV Guide from April, 1997. I still vividly remember seeing the listing - 'Wade falls for an ancient rock 'n roll vampire who craves the timer. Guest stars: Harker, Renfield, Mina, and Tommy Chong as Van Hell Singer' - and thinking, 'how embarrassing. Okay, THIS is the absolute rock bottom.' Of course, the first lesson of Peckinpah is that there's *always* lower to sink...
SYNTHIA: Did they really misspell 'Van Elsinger' like that?
BLINKER: No, that's just the horrible 'rock 'n roll vampire' pun I assumed they were going for. Of course, seeing as how he actually REMOVED the 'H' from 'Helsing' despite making no change whatsoever to the other stolen character names, it's a far more likely prospect that Josef Anderson simply can't spell.
JOSEF ANDERSON'S BROTHER, RAWBURT: Yeah, it's hereditary, actually.
SYNTHIA [turning to camera]: Over to you, world at large!
- Blinker 7:-/
"I Couldn't Face Another Holiday Being Called the 'FAT ONE'...
Thank God I Found Apple Cider Vinegar Enhanced!"
-- Actual spam e-mail I just opened

I bring Bram Stoker's dignity
Date: 01/16/2003
From: TemporalFlux
While it had suffered from previous productions such as "Blackula", the production of "Stoker" finally left it a withered shell that ironically smelled like garlic.

Object of desire...
Date: 01/16/2003
From: MissingSliderRyan
Obsession for BT always brings out the Michael Myers in you...
... Sarah Michelle Gellar. Hey, JOC did a homage to Buffy! Seeing that Buffy premiered in March 1997 and this eppy was shown in May 1997, it's not inconceivable. Unfortunately, Sarah didn't have a stake around when she kicked JOC to the curb 2 years later.

I'll say extra Hail Blinkers.
Date: 01/16/2003
Putting coins on BT's eyes seems like a good idea.
I brought Rickman's priest outfit. Wearing this get-up was actually probably the smartest thing Rickman ever did (of course, judging from the fact that he died by jumping off a cliff while trying to slide to a world where he couldn't breathe and would die, that's not saying much). However, wouldn't people at the hospital pretty much know all the priests by now? Or at least that Neil Dirksen doesn't look like one?
And I'm not saying David Peckinpah's anti-Catholic, but there's a reason that Jensen wasn't killed in a Buddhist temple, and it's not because there was a Clinton-Gore fundraiser going on. The only thing missing from the Third Season was Maggie as a nun and the T-Rex from Dinoslide wearing a rosary.
P.S. This episode is about vampires, and yet I didn't mention "Buffy" once in this post. Oh. Wait.

Up In Smoke
Date: 01/16/2003
From: The_Seer
BT can really fill a room.
I brought some pot that I bought off Tommy Chong. Smoking it might be the only way I'd be able to sit down and watch this episode from start to finish ever again.

i bring you
Date: 01/16/2003
From: kingofthecold
1.Janic jopplin
2. Hindrix
3.Nixion being reconized as a true blood sucker
4.Kira and Sabrina in tanktops in the same eppisode.
5.And a delousing on Maggie.
P.S. I think this eppisode was crap and have seen three times in December

I'll be a Count Mackula
Date: 01/16/2003
From: Recall317
Big Daddy Kane ain't impressed
Hey, Frequency was a pretty good movie, some continuity issues aside.
I didn't bring anything as I'm afraid I could contract some disease from it. Just quarantine this episode and be done with it!

This is gonna be weak
Date: 01/17/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
But I did win a GOLD STAR!
I'm bringing my tape of the show. I don't care what you do with it, because I'm sure as Hell not gonna watch it again.

Me! Me!
Date: 01/17/2003
From: stuslide
BtBTBTBT bad!!!
I bring the guitar used to create that sucking effect of Rembrandt lifting in the air.
And of course, my Buffy stake. *s*
"Just think of the possibilities."
Season 3 starts January 31 with a leaving.

"Bite you, son? Yes, I believe I will."
Date: 01/17/2003
From: Callie21V
Vampire Priest Rickman—and BT—suck!
I brought the always-handy inanimate carbon rod that was plunged through the archvillain's heart, a cameo it would repeat in "Star Trek: Nemesis." That scene really confused me, by the way. If Picard's double wasn't a vampire, why would a stake through the heart kill him? Stupid movie.
>>> C/21
JERMACHESMOLAUDIAN: Speaking of the tragsteness that is the rock-plus-roll vampire phenomenon, did you recently fall in with another band of them?
CALLIE21V: Uh... no! Of course not.
THE_SEER: So what are all these bite marks on your neck?
CALLIE21V: I, um, bit myself shaving.

I bring you...
Date: 01/17/2003
From: sliderules
BT stake! Get it, stake? HAHAHAHAHA!
I think I'm going to bring cheesy special effects for this one. The un-aired live action 1997 Justice League pilot had better special effects than this, and that says something, really!
"And now, I shoot light at you! See, light makes you levitate and causes you pain!"

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Nominated by Blinker
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