Bad Thing, Worse Thing --> TSoP Edition!
Date: 08/26/2003
Last game: "Dead Man Sliding"
Today's "didn't have the replies with me when I wrote this up" prize theme: your handles!
• MissingSliderLogan wins a "hot" date with Arturo!
• sliderules wins "When In Doubt, Do Nothing: Remmy and Maggie's Complete Guide to Sliding the Peck Way!"
• Slider_Quinn21 wins a 3:2 payout!
• ThomasMalthus wins a sustainable food supply!
• The_Seer wins this pin! [ ]
• TemporalFlux wins constancy of spirit! Don't kill those guys... yet!
• svetlanamonsoon wins a Monsoon™ brand premium audio system. As one of the marketplace's most innovative, prestigious and best-selling premium audio systems, Monsoon™ combines crisp highs and resonant lows to achieve truly dimensional sound!
• Recall317 wins a nomination to replace Gray Davis!
The always-popular GOLD STAR OF DUAL MORALS, ONE OF WHICH BROUGHT A CLASSIC EXECUTIVE POST TO MIND shall go to Slider_Sarah (and not just because her handle is hard to riff.) Affix it with pride!
BLINKER: And here we are: the episode near-unanimously proclaimed in this forum's own Survivor poll to be the worst ever produced. In view of its overwhelming awfulness, we're waiving the usual "Good Thing/Bad Thing" premise and making this one a "Bad Thing/Worse Thing."
SYNTHIA: Bad thing: Nan Hagan's original script, which goes from an X-Files-style "teaser victim"* to supplying fans another reason to hate Maggie: her poor judgment and revenge fixation deny the others their way home.
BLINKER [nodding]: Not bad. I mean... ugh, never mind.
SYNTHIA: Worse thing: David Peckinpah's anonymous rewrite, which adds such highlights as Rembrandt's abrupt and meaningless relationship with a bipedal cat who enjoys licking pans of milk.
THIRD SEASON EXECUTIVE PRODUCER DAVID PECKINPAH: Yeah, I was worried all that interracial romance he got in the first couple seasons might've alienated our viewers in the South. So an interspecies romance was my way of making it up to them.
SYNTHIA [aghast]: You should be shot.
BLINKER: Bad thing: Michael York's appearance in this "Dr. Moreau" rip-off somehow seems even *more* pointless than Robert Englund's NON-appearance in the "Elm Street" rip-off. Worse thing: six years later, I *still* can't get the horror out of my head! [clawing at head] Out! Out, damn TSOP!
- Blinker 7:-)
* Previously seen in "Dream Masters," "Paradise Lost," "The Exodus, Part I," "Sole Survivors," and "Stoker."

The bad, the worse, and the good?
Date: 08/28/2003
From: The_Seer
BT is so bad it's good.
I know it's supposed to be "Bad Thing / Worse Thing" this time but I actually thought of a good thing so I threw it in for the heck of it.
Bad Thing
- Last appearance of Sabrina Lloyd in the series.
Worse Thing
- NOT the last appearance of Kari Wurher or the NAN (No Acting Necessary) method used by Jerry O'Connell.
Good Thing
- Last appearance of Neil Dickson / Rickman.

It's gone from bad to worse.
Date: 08/28/2003
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
*No Beginning Text*
Bad Thing: The idea that Maggie had an affair with Rickman. Sure, the man's a murdering psychopath, but surely he has *some* standards.
Worse Thing: The depths to which this once great show had descended, never to fully recover.
Odd Thing: You posted this two days ago, and I'm only the second person to respond? YOU'RE SLACKING, PEOPLE, SLACKING!
"There's part of me that thinks Paramount should fire and replace me" -Brannon Braga
"If they like weird sci-fi and special effects they're going to love this." -Rick Berman

Date: 08/29/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
It's all about Dr. Moreau in here...
The bad thing is that they copied this movie. I'm sure that it is a decent film about the horrors of genetic manipulation. But there are countless other movies out there that would be much better suited for Sliders.
Not to mention infinite other ORIGINAL "what if" ideas that could've been used.
The worse thing is that I've never seen any of the incarnations of "The Island of Dr. Moreau". So, I missed any fun references to the movie that could've made the episode even slightly more exciting.
If there's a good thing about the episode, it's that it didn't end the series. Seasons 4 and 5 weren't anything to write home about and it screwed with or forgot all our beloved characters, and the Seer wasn't any better ending than TSoP.
But it's at least watchable...

He's a bad man, BAD BAD MAN!
Date: 08/30/2003
From: sliderules
But, of course, BT is so much worse!
Hi there kiddies, it's sliderules again!
Hmmmm...thinking of something bad with this episode is like thinking of whether I want to breathe tomorrow. Should I or shouldn't I? Decisions, decisions, decisions!
Bad Thing: cat costumes worse than those found in that Broadway musical I forgot the name of.
Worse Thing: Quinn chose Tank Girl over friends he's been sliding with for three years. Excuse me, but...WTF???????????????????
I once did a pretty cool rant on this episode. If anyone happens to know what post number it was could you post it here? I'd like to read it again. :-)

First time at this (I'm still new here)
Date: 08/31/2003
From: JTHeyman
'Lo. .
Bad thing: Sabrina Lloyd's last appearance in the series.
Worse thing: Wade never got home ... I don't believe that world was their original Earth, based on events in "Into the Mystic".
Even worse thing: the way Peckinpah would choose to explain Wade's fate when the show got picked up for one more season.
~ JT

Trogg it all, indeed.
Date: 08/31/2003
BT has never met Jermaches Molaudian.
And, with as few Earth 2013 stories as I'm cranking out these days, it's possible nobody else has either. But I digress...
<clears throat> And now, "Bad Thing, Worse Thing", with all apologies to the Troggs. No, really. Sorry guys.
Bad Thing
Rickman and Mag's fling
That made everything...icky
Bad Thing
Bad thing: I think one thing is
Wade as she stands on the shore
Sayin' "ON a beach, OK?"
EMOTE, girl
Worse Thing
Is this the ending?
Quinn does anything for booty
Worse Thing
<interlude of really horrible sounds like Maggie made in "The Breeder", or in any other episode she was featured in, actually>
Worse Thing: I think it's stupid
To ditch Wade and Rem* for S4
Oh come on, a manta ship?
That's lameness
Worst Thing
My eyes are bursting
It's the worst ep of the series
Worst Thing
On TV I've seen
Come on, Wrecked? Sure it was bad but at least the ACTING was competent. Oh, I'm still on. Right. Um, Worst Thing. Shake it.
*Rembrandt has too many syllables. Just ask Peckinpah if you don't believe me.

It's Megamaid, sir!
Date: 09/05/2003
From: Recall317
She's gone from suck to blow!
Bad Thing: The total lack of timer regard. People just keep leaving them unsupervised throughout the jungle.
Worse Thing: I can't even play NHL 94 with the Rickman timer/Sega controller.
"I get Tetris on this thing." - Leela

Date: 09/07/2003
From: MissingSliderLogan
BT care for some grey poupon dijon? :-P
Bad thing.....
Rickman deserved to dive into my crispy whirlpool of love.
Worse thing....
If Quinn and Maggie slid to a technologically advanced world, don't you think they'd have gotten someone to fix their timer and made it so they can find Remmy and Wade on their first slide off Future World? Nope, they wanted to test out the MAYO instead.
I had watched the TV movie version with Michael York and that rocked. When I saw this I was like, um, let's nuke the island and be done with it.

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Nominated by Blinker
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