Note: Prizes for this game are awarded in "Bad
Thing, Worse Thing --> TSoP Edition!"
of the Story --> Dead Man Sliding!
Date: 03/20/2003
From: Blinker
Live, from sunny Elsewhere In Canada, it's "Moral of the
Story"! In today's edition, we'll be tackling two loose threads that
fell through the cracks: assigning prizes for "Applied
Physics," and seeking the moral of "Dead Man Sliding."
dellyone wins five more hours of sleep!
Slider_Quinn21 wins the hot new CD single of Diana Krall, Diana Ross,
and Diana DeGette (D-Colorado) performing Paul Anka's "Diana"!
Brand_S wins gloves, for handling Tembi Locke in any way he chooses!
Recall317 wins a gift cerificate good for $200 of logic and continuity
at The Gap!
ThomasMalthus wins Mallory's straw headdress from "Eye of the Storm"!
EustiSlider wins a Sony remote that's unintentionally compatible with
both Mac Performas and Fembots!
FogBoy wins the right to destroy a name of his choice!
Vigeant wins "Guitars for Crash Test Dummies," the introductory
manual for readers who have no eyes, brains or internal organs of any
sliderules wins "Last Days" Bennish's new atom bomb, "Frat
Now, to the "Stoker" roll call:
TemporalFlux wins Exploitation Theatre's "Blackula," "Blackenstein,"
and "The Blunchblack of Blotre Blame"!
MissingSliderRyan wins Harlan Ellison's "Objects of Desire in the
Mirror are Closer Than They Appear"!
ThomasMalthus wins the nun outfit Rickman made Maggie wear! (Trust me,
it's best NOT to ask...)
The_Seer wins two tickets to BT in concert!
kingofthecold wins Janis Joplin's "Jopplin' to the Oldies,"
Volumes I, II and IV!
Recall317 wins a penguin puppet with Hex Vision!
Slider_Quinn21 wins the tape of "Sole Survivors" that a friend
recorded for me while my VCR was broken! It consists of an hour of static,
for reasons that neither of us was ever able to discern. Like I said,
the ep is cursed or something.
stuslide wins the guitar pick SL4ever didn't want a few games back!
sliderules wins everything he needs to know about the deceptively simple,
yet addictive and fiercely competitive sport of cheese racing! []
[Callie21V gasps in delight... only for Blinker to affix the star to the
object she brought in for "Stoker."]
BLINKER: ...this inanimate carbon rod!
CALLIE21V: >:-#!!!!!
BLINKER: I learned that even the best episodes suffered from missed opportunities.
I mean, they've got Ed Wasser playing the guard outside the Judgment Game
taping -- why couldn't he greet the Sliders by asking "What do you
SYNTHIA: Huh? Okay, my moral is that the laws of gravity and momentum
are trifles that are not to be concerned with by TV scripts. Here's an
experiment, kids: go home, jump off the nearest cliff, somehow aim the
timer straight down and open a vortex IN MID-DROP, extend your freefall
by a kilometer or so by way of one of the longest wormhole interior shots
in the show's history, and see if YOU come out the other side at a leisurely
speed of what might be considered 20 knots BY A TOY BOAT IN A BATHTUB!
STUSLIDE: Uh... yeah, I'll--
SYNTHIA: Oh, and do it without vomiting.
BLINKER: Okay, people, let's hear it! What did YOU learn???
- Blinker 7:-/
BART: Dad, I'm really sorry, but I charged $350 on your credit card.
HOMER: What?!
BART: Don't worry, here's the cash!
HOMER: Woo Hoo! $350. Now I can buy 70 transcripts of "Nightline"!

going to be funny this time...
Date: 03/20/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
Because I have a real moral...
The moral is that David Peckinpah and Company were capable of doing a
good story post-Torme.
They just couldn't do it much more...

my moral
Date: 03/20/2003
From: Slider_Sarah
don't listen to the capital one card!!
My moral: air tunnel thingamies who's name I've forgotton, will always
be plenty big enough to get a person in with extra room, AND they'll always
go where you want them too!
Oh, and always make sure your double has a significatn scar that you don't

news SQ_21
Date: 03/20/2003
From: Recall317
This is the Tormι era.
Fox aired them out of order, but 'Dead Man' was filmed third, back when
the man with a plan still walked the halls of Sliders Inc.
As to the moral (which was hastily debated in a hotel room): Judge not
lest ye be judged on national television. Or something to that effect.
Mr. Burns: Well, if it's a crime to love one's country, then I'm guilty.
And if it's a crime to steal a trillion dollars from our government and
hand it over to communist Cuba, then I'm guilty of that too. And if it's
a crime to bribe a jury, then so help me, I'll soon be guilty of that!
Homer: God bless America!

me this, moral me that!
Date: 03/20/2003
From: sliderules
Who's afrait of this BT Cat? Not me, not me!!
Ahh, it's about time I gave a moral to "Dead Man Sliding." Now
hmmm...what should it be? Oh, I know!
On a world with no people, there is bound to be at least one man with
hippie hair.
How's that? I know, I know...
"Inanimate carbon rods rule!!!"

Trouble with Trials
Date: 03/21/2003
From: ThomasMalthus
BT should join the Moon Rangers for a while.
The Moral of the Story for today is to always read Blinker's episode game
post because it will give you an idea for Earth 2013, Season Seven. The
only problem with this moral is that it only applies to me.
JermachesMolaudian: Speak for yourself.
TM: I am.
JM: Oh. I never quite received that expression.
BTW, thanks for the hat and habit, Blinker! Now I can audition for bit
parts on David E. Kelley shows. Not that I would want to, of course.
FBI Agent Johnson: Attention all units! Be on the lookout for a maroon
1935 Stutz-Bearcat.
<1935 Stutz-Bearcat rolls past him.>
Chief Wiggum: Eh, that really was more of a burgundy.
"Trouble with Trillions" quotes! Good call, Recall!

Date: 03/21/2003
From: svetlanamonsoon
BT is from Staten Island.
There may be more than one alternate universe where people from San Francisco
speak with a Brooklyn accent.

Date: 03/21/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
If the original moral is moot, here's another...
(Hmm, I used "moot" twice today ;-) )
I thought that, while Torme was "around" and contributing ideas
(Guardian), he was basically gone from the beginning of season 3. Maybe
TF can shred some light on this...
So, I'll be cynical.
Fat British Professors are better friends than schitzo, brainy, former-athletes...

for knowledge?
Date: 03/21/2003
From: The_Seer
Off with BT!
What I learned from "Dead Man Sliding" is that a bloodthirsty
television and studio audience can be more receptive to an explanation
of the physics behind sliding and the Einstein-Rosen bridge than a classroom
full of physics students.

Rest of the Moral of the Story
Date: 03/26/2003
From: TemporalFlux
This is Flux Harvey...good day!
The moral: Despite ancient wisdom to the contrary, people do judge books
by their covers. This is why it is helpful to dress like a 5 dollar "ho"
in order to get information from patrons of a stylish club.
Also, Torme was still having input up through "The Guardian"'s
just that most of it was being ignored. To give a timeline of sorts, Torme
had significant involvement in "Double Cross" (even to the point
of creating Elston Diggs), but production began to ignore him starting
with "Rules of the Game" (filmed second and termed by Torme
as a glorified presentation of a video game - something that didn't sit
I have never found evidence of specific Torme suggestions for "Dead
Man Sliding" (filmed third), but I could see him suggesting the alternate
history of lesser known stars in Hollywood (the only real alternate history
of the episode).

Date: 04/04/2003
From: MissingSliderLogan
BT, BT wherefore not art ye? Yeah that doesn't make sense.
Logan: The moral of the story is that you always need a dead man sliding
buddy to throw into the vortex before you just in case the natives are
Blinker: Psst... what the hell are you talking about? I'm talking about
the eppy.
Logan: Oh, I don't recall this one except for the sky diving into the
vortex. Where's my sliding buddy?
o/` My Buddy, My Buddy
Where ever he goes, I go
My Buddy, My Buddy
Where ever he goes, he's my human shield
My Buddy, My Buddy
Damn, I need another one. o/`

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Nominated by Blinker
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