Show and Tell ----------------> Genesis!
Date: 12/12/2003
(Y'all remember how this goes, right?)
Presenting the dissectors of "This Slide of Paradise":
• The_Seer wins a complete DVD set of "Keeping Up Appearances"!
• DieselMickeyDolenz wins the part of Brannon Braga responsible for "Threshold"!
• Slider_Quinn21 wins "The Island of Dr. Monroe," a Hallowe'en special from a world where Simpsons writers don't overlook the most obvious ideas!
• sliderules wins a ticket to a Mexico City fresh air booth!
• JTHeyman wins a "Frodo Lives" bumper sticker with "Frodo" scratched out and "Wade Welles" written in!
• ThomasMalthus wins "The Mekkan Devil's Dictionary," featuring such definitions as "Kurx: Collective noun for a group of starship captains" and "Space fishing: The sport of kurxes!"
• Recall317 wins TM's nude pictures of Dr. Zoidberg!
• MissingSliderLogan wins "Crispy Whirlpool of Love: The Kari Wuhrer's Gynecologist Story!"
And of course, ThomasMalthus wins the GOLD STAR OF MUSICAL EXCELLENCE. I mean, there's tour de force and there's *tour de force*, and this guy pulls off the latter with ridiculous frequency. There's also Tour de France but I can't see how it's relevant.
-- "GENESIS" --
SYNTHIA: Here's the procedure: watch your tape of "Genesis," then reply to this post and describe an item from or related to the episode.
BLINKER: Er... put it this way: in the last couple weeks, on the heels of my first-ever visit to the United States, I've endured a fever, headaches, sore throat, 3-4 hours of sleep a night, lung congestion, runny nose, sudden vomiting at 3 AM, insomnia due to saliva glands overproducing a strange chalky substance, and - in a side effect of the prescribed antibiotic - my stomach contents bubbling like a fourth grade science experiment. I've even learned what it's like to cough and sneeze simultaneously, and to wake up with one's nose contents mysteriously crusted dry. And despite my extremely limited presence of mind, at no point in this whirlwind of delirium has re-watching "Genesis" seemed like a good idea. So let's say we leave the 'tape' thing as strictly an option.
SYNTHIA [nodding slowly]: Strong words. Strong, bewildering words. [holds up a large cylinder] Itemwise, I brought this burning trashcan. It's standard TV shorthand for a world o' chaos... or, I suppose, for conveying that a being of living flame is gearing up for a rampage in Oiltown, but I can't imagine *that* scenario ever coming up. Your turn.
BLINKER: Well, I have to admit, I didn't entirely hate this episode at first. Not that I *enjoyed* seeing the Kromaggs reimagined as horny Neanderthals and Wade reduced to their sex slave, or the rainy streets of Vancouver and the sunny streets of LA being replaced by a single soundstage with cinematography so false it set my teeth on edge, or the entire mythology of the show torn up and replaced with a half-assed copy of "Superman"... but so help me, after the hell that was 1997, it felt good to get *any* Sliders back on the air that didn't involve giant reptiles or mutants that suck body fluids.
SYNTHIA: And... you brought?
BLINKER [pausing to throw up in the burning trashcan]: A symbol of my revised opinions on "Genesis": the thumbscrews I'd like to turn on David Peckinpah.
SYNTHIA: I can think of a lot more appropriate places to attack him than his thumbs...
BLINKER: When did I say thumbs?
- Blinker 7:-P
Fencing soulstones, fixing zarnfights, weaving those indecent tapestries
These are the crimes for which you've earned
Eternities of getting burned
I'd have to say that you're phlupherned
On Level Twelve of Mekkan Hellllllll!
Hey, is this about me? My eartubes are burning!

Let's see....
Date: 12/13/2003
From: dellyone
BT can see that Galactica 1980 was much better.
Burden of truth
"Keeping the faith"
What a smug remark
Something I didn't think you'd say
Animosity, dominance always on your mind
"It's all my fault"
But you place it on someone else
You don't have the burden of truth
You never will
I hold it in my hands
A ghost from the past
A haunting memory
A broken promise
A responsibility that you will never have
It is mine alone
A double scene NTSS poem :-D

Date: 12/13/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
Note to self: make "bump" post...
I have brought a tape of "Revelations" from Earth 555 (don't think that's an Otherworld). On that world, the "Colin is a Kromagg" plotline was realized.
So that episode from E555 makes this episode bearable (almost likable). Because here on Earth TV Prime, it makes absolutely no sense...

Suckage of biblical proportions...
Date: 12/15/2003
From: Callie21V
That's actually "Genesis," not BT.
Today, I bring my complete and utter bafflement at the interrogation sequence... as symbolized by this copy of the movie "Robot Monster" (the touching saga of Ro-Man, the evil diving helmet-clad gorilla, that was variously known as "Monster from the Moon" and "Monster from Mars.")
See, when I first watched the scene (the one where Quinn asks the human torturer how any man could become a Maggot lapdog, and he morphs into a Magg himself to answer "you'll get your chance to find out") it seemed to imply that humans were in some way being transformed into Kromaggs, and this was the fate awaiting Quinn. Nothing in "Invasion" had suggested that a Magg could take human form and walk around the room while holding a conversation, so Peckinpah's awful scriptwriting led me to entirely the wrong conclusion.
Then again, by the end of the year, *no one* understood the extent of the Kromaggs' mental powers. They couldn't even keep the same special effect for the morphing sequence from one episode to another! And as Principal Skinner would say, "now that's just sad."
>>> C/21

I bring forth....
Date: 12/15/2003
From: sliderules
A can of crushed BT, now with loads of MSG! Mmmmm...indigestion.::drool::
Anyway, I brought with me the chip that Mrs. Mallory hid in her arm. A clever hiding space...FOR ME TO POOP ON!!! I mean, come on! Was there actually any way to justify her being able to cut open her arm in a prison? Since when are prisoners allowed sharp objects? And I thought the Kromaggs were smart apelike creatures. SHEESH!
Ah well, maybe I was wrong about the Kromaggs. Maybe they're dumb after all. Or maybe they were smart, but after Peck turned the show into "Planet of the Sliding Apes," they lost any and all of their characterization. Sucks, don't it?
That's my say on this. Toodles!
"Pass the eyes, or I'll cut out your eyes and feed them to you! How's that for irony, huh?"

Where do I start stacking the bodies?
Date: 12/16/2003
From: Recall317
I've got Marta. (tosses body into heap on floor) That's dead blonde #1 for season 4. You'd best make some room, cause I got a lot of bodies to deliver.
[Pan back to reveal SliderQuinn21 carrying the ashes of Jane, DMD with a mutilated blonde extra from Common Ground, etc.]

The Return of Phluphern...
Date: 12/16/2003
...from "The Lord of the Karsmimmenas" Trilogy. Which had nothing to do with BT.
I bring Ryanne Stylish, the gawky, way too tall woman that Quinn was making time with at the beginning of the episode. A pretty forgettable character, really, except for her solo on the bongo drums during the scat section of Remmy's rendition of "Another One Bites the Dust"...
Oh, wait. That was GeneSis. The tour de farce without the enlarged 'S' is what we're discussing today.
Well, in that case I bring Maggie Beckett's amazing lungs. Fresh from being able to breathe sulphurous air, these little puppies can now handle the atmosphere of Quinn's planet with only mild hyperventilation. This level of adaptation being highly suspect, perhaps Quinn should start regretting taking only one Exodus Prime native on his little mini-slides.
QUINN: "Geez, how much stamina do you think I have? I'm not Superman, you know. Oh, wait..."
But then again, theories about Kromagg environmentalists or being in close proximity to that much silicon might at least be semi-plausible.
"Some kind of 'Lord of the Karsmimmenas'. Oh, but not the scary one. Just a Mekkan." - Maclaygus Taralan.

Quack, quack, quack ...
Date: 12/16/2003
From: The_Seer
BT thinks it's duck season.
I brought Colin. I figured maybe if the gang had actually met "Farm Boy" before going off sliding to find him they would have stayed on Earth Prime and taken their chances with the Kromaggs.

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Nominated by Blinker
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