Rename Game • "Prince of Wails"
Date: 01/08/2004
From: SynthIA
The Learned People of "Unknown Facts":
• MissingSliderRyan wins a cement impression of JRD's forehead!
• Recall317 wins a Super Deluxe Platinum Extended Gold Edition DVD of "Battlefield Earth!"
• SlidersXP (welcome!), who replied to the Pilot game today, wins a free upgrade to the eventual SlidersLonghorn!
Today we'll be playing the Rename Game with "Prince of Wails." That means the goal is to choose an alternate title for the show (as appropriate or as goofy as you wish.)
My country-style title is from the treasonous sheriff's point of view:
"He Got the Throne, and I Got the Chair"
What's yours?
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

I've got it!
Date: 01/09/2004
From: Recall317
The Prince of Slides! Whaddaya mean it's taken?
Sticking with the country theme, how's about "Mens Correctional Facility Blues"? It lacks that poetic ring though.

Chuck chuck bo buck, bananafana fo...
Date: 01/09/2004
...erm, uh, BT. The Name Game!!
"Prince of Wails", eh? How about "I Slid the Sheriff"? It's what Peckinpah would have gone with.
"Succession" would have been its likely name had it been shown a season later. Had it aired in Season Five, perhaps instead of "A Current Affair", it would have been called...erm, maybe I shouldn't say. Let me just hint: it sounds a lot like succession.

Date: 01/09/2004
From: The_Seer
How about "Prince of BT"?
I'll go more toward the appropriate (though they may be thought of as foolish):
"The Royal Treatment"
"Founding Fathers"

"I am not a Merry Man"
Date: 01/09/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT don't make Worf angry.....
This is a tough one...
"Mr. Mallory, where's my cheese?"

how about these....
Date: 01/09/2004
From: Marvello
"the declaration of sliding","the bill of sliding","raiders
one,english zero"
sliding thru,
Marvello :-)

"What a surprise... goofy wins again."
Date: 01/09/2004
From: Callie21V
Beginning Text will NEVER win!
"Robin's Hoods: Prince and Thieves"
>>> C/21

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Nominated by Blinker
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