What Would You Change? • "Fever"
Date: 01/10/2004
From: SynthIA
Special note: seeing as replies continue to trickle in to the "Pilot" game, and these posts get superseded by newer ones on a daily basis, I shall formally encourage anyone who feels like it to reply to old games and be acknowledged as the next one comes up. Come on, it's fun!
And in other news, I was expecting the Rename Game to be the hardest one to play, but everyone who turned out did fantastically. (Instead, it's Unknown Facts that's so far the runt of the litter.) Here's what you win:
• Recall317 wins a videotape of "The Ring"! Or maybe it's the videotape *from* "The Ring." Well, watch it and find out!
• ThomasMalthus wins "She's the Sheriff: The Complete Series"!
• The_Seer wins the royal treatment at the spa of his choice!
• MissingSliderRyan wins "Who Moved My Cheese?"
• Marvello (first-time player, LONG-time poster! Hey!) wins the Indiana Jones DVD box set!
• Callie21V wins an autographed Bippo the Clown nose!
• JTHeyman (WWYC?: "Pilot") wins "Duck, Run and Die: The Colin Mallory Story!"
Now then...
I'd remove the wormhole interior shot from the teaser. I mean, they've only got like a minute of footage, and they've used it over and over AND OVER in every ep to date. The Pilot alone must have taken us through the whole sequence three or four times! It's called restraint, people!
...so what would *you* change?
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

o/`Good morning star shine o/`
Date: 01/11/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
o/` They twinkle above us, we twinkle below o/`
SCULLY: Now we're going to run a few tests. This is a simple lie detector. I'll ask you a few yes or no questions, and you just answer truthfully. Do you understand?
HOMER: Yes! (The machine blows up)
Errrr... Stepping into the Quinntum Acclerator... um...
I think Quinn needed a few more shocks. Hey, if we knew then that he'd become Action!Quinn, I think he'd be fried. Logan would be pleased. ;-)
Still cracks me up seeing Bart, Lisa, Maggie, Marge and Homer hooked together and shocking each other. :-D

Not sexy, or zombie-like, enough
Date: 01/11/2004
From: Recall317
First, the idiot perpsective:
David Peckinpah: "I love the concept of a plague, but did it have to be so drab and colorless? Where are the burning vehicles? Why aren't people trying to eat each other? Why isn't Wade trying to mate with everybody? [shakes head} They really blew this one."
The serious perspective:
John Rhys-Davies: "We have a series where we can explore any world we like, and we spend half of it cooped up in warehouses each week!"
Tracy's rebuttal: "It's called a budget, John. If you'd like to sacrifice some of your salary, I'd me more than happy to expand the sets. . ."
John's reply: "Hack!"
Tracy's reply: "Blowhard!"
Well, sort of serious perspective. :)

o/` A change... would do you good... o/`
Date: 01/12/2004
From: Callie21V
Jerry O'Connell: My answer's pretty much the same for every first season episode: PUT CHARLIE IN IT.
slider75: This ep wasn't too great!! There was a tone of mistakes in it, like in one scene QUin has short hair, and the next its long! Plus they should of done more like my "no colds" story, and left behind the way to qre this world. ugh
Callie21V: Change "Amazing Bargains" to "I Can't Believe They Invented It!"
"[grimly] Dr. Nick, would you say these Flintstones™ Echinacea Tablets promote healing when combined with exercise, a balanced diet, and other medicines with actual active ingredients? [remembers to resume inane grin]"
"Absolutely, Troy. They're lifesavers!"
"[prodding] But not illegally resold packages of the well-known candy."
"Um, of course not! [remembers to resume inane grin]"
>>> C/21

re: What Would You Change? • "Fever" »
Date: 01/13/2004
I would remove the landing sequences. After so many years, you would think that they learn to land on their feet.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4067560
Nominated by Blinker
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