Unknown Facts • "Last Days"
Date: 01/12/2004
From: SynthIA
Speaking of Quinntum Leap, we recently got a DVD shipment from Earth 1712... so that's where the next few prizes will be coming from:
• Callie21V wins "Genesis," the Peck-scripted pilot in which Wade, Rembrandt and Arturo somehow invent a time machine in the hopes of recovering Quinn! Meanwhile in the past, Quinn is shocked to see not his *own* face in the mirror, but his double's. Or as he blurts out, "it's like - looking into a living mirror!"
• Recall317 wins "Kamikazi Kitt," in which Quinn leaps into Michael Knight and leaves a trail of burning vehicles in his wake!
• MissingSliderRyan wins "JOC Theatre," in which electric shocks cause Quinn to manifest the personalities of JOC's various film roles!
BLINKER: Okay, I'm done that coding now! Hand over the mic.
SYNTHIA: Screw you, I'm TAKING this game! :-P All right, the premise of "Unknown Facts" is to reveal something about the episode that no one ever knew... because you just made it up.
BLINKER [sighing]: For instance, were you aware that this episode marked amateur biker David Peckinpah's first contact with Sliders? Check out his unscripted cameo...
SYNTHIA: And I'll point out that "Last Days" won the Environmental Awareness Foundation's 1995 award for Best Makeout Scene. Your turn!
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

"Go with it!"
Date: 01/12/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT takes that to heart sometimes.....
Wise words from David Peckinpah...
"I would think this is akin to "Fonzie jumping the ramp." Come on! That was the greatest episode at that time. Get this ultracool guy in a leather jacket saying, "Aaaaaaayyyyy."
Tracy Torme:
You're an idiot. That's 'Jump the shark!' I swear... that's when a show finally goes downhill.
David Peckinpah:
Much like Star Trek: Next Generation, right after they introduced Vash. So in your infinite wisdom you got her to play this chick in this episode too? Yep, Sliders jumped the shark at this time so I had to fix it. Gotta have bikers jumping something... but what?
Tracy Torme:
<rolls eyes> Yeah... jumping the silcone is the thing
And you thought I wouldn't use any ellipses. ;-)

And knowing is half the battle
Date: 01/12/2004
From: Recall317
Did you know?
It took seventeen takes before they finally captured a useable scene of Arturo busting in on Quinn and Wade's romantic dinner. If you look closely, there's hardly a scrap of food left on the table by the final shot.
John Rhys-Davies: It was a complex set of lines, and I kept stumbling over my explanation of how I'd convinced the government to supply us with a rocket on such short notice.
Sabrina Lloyd: Yeah, lines like: "So anyway, NASA's flying over a Saturn V on a 747...my, this gravy is tasty."

Cheque, please!
Date: 01/13/2004
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Sabrina Lloyd only took the part of Wade on the condition that she never actually have to have intimate contact with JOC. Tormé reassured her that Wade would never be anything more than the wanna-be girlfriend in order to get her to agree to the role. Cleverly, she had her agent insert a clause in her contract stipulating that she get a $1000 bonus for each and every time she had to kiss Jerry.
As a side note to Recall's unknown fact, with each take, Ms. Lloyd's wallet gained more weight than JRD.

What most people don't know is what
Date: 01/16/2004
inspired Tracy to do Last Days. It was during a celebratory evening with Robert K Weiss after Fox contracted them to make a series based on the successful Pilot of Sliders. They decided to go to a rather lavish Mexican restaurant.
After dinner, they went and hung out at Weiss' apartment and Tracy took a MONSTER of a dump in Robert's bathroom. The chunk was so big that it clogged the toilet. Tracy seeks Robert's assistance in dealing with this problem...
<Tracy> Uh, Bob? I seem to have left a meteor in your toilet. Maybe we shouldn't have eaten Mexican tonight.
<Robert> So? Why are you telling me? That's just gross.
<Tracy> well...it's stuck. You won't be able to use this bathroom again if don't do something.
<Robert> Fine, I'm combing in. (walks into the bathroom and immediately grabs nose nearly passing out). Good God! It's like the end of the world in here!
Tried as they did, they could not defeat this obstacle by conventional means. Plungers? USELESS! Drano? UNEFFECTIVE! Nope, they need to resort to something more drastic....an M80! The explosion would break this kryptonite into smaller chunks, making it flushable.
<Tracy> This would make a great episode you know? Having a big rock racing towards earth and the group didn't have time to slide out first. It could be a world that didn’t have nuclear weapons and then we can have Arturo invent it like he invented the Penicillin in Fever. What do you think?
<Robert> I think that's just sick! Those enchiladas have affected your brain Tracy. You are officially banned from using my bathroom again!
Tracy's banishment from the bathroom inspired him to use the title "Last Days" to represent his final excursion into Bob's john.
Hope this fills your trivia hungry bowels with the "substance" it needs. ;)
I promised to use these powers for good.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4067566
Nominated by Blinker
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