Rename Game • "Eggheads"
Date: 01/14/2004
From: SynthIA
BLINKER: Oh yeah? Well I've got one. What product was FOX's August 13, 1995 repeat of "Summer of Love" sponsored by?
CALLIE21V: Pantene Pro-V Shampoo and Pro-V Conditioner, duh.
BLINKER: 7>:-#!!!
CALLIE21V: I was going to use that in a trivia game, but it seemed way too easy.
SYNTHIA: I *told* you not to go after her on a shampoo question.
CALLIE21V [to Synthia]: Ready for that guest host thing?
BLINKER [blinking slowly]: I need to decompress slowly from the surrealism. I'll be watching "Lexx."
• Recall317 wins a $100,000 settlement! Less, of course, all applicable legal fees.
• gdzilla65 wins the bullet Arturo eventually took for Quinn!
• MissingSliderRyan wins a Waterford crystal rhinoceros!
SYNTHIA: Now "Eggheads" may be one of the best episodes, but it sure as smeg ain't the best title. Then again, the working title "Genius" was even lamer.
CALLIE21V: Ugh! Why didn't they just call it "Brainland" or something?
SYNTHIA: And I'd go for the obvious and call it "Mindgame." Good night!
CALLIE21V: Hey! I--
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

The Way life Should Be
Date: 01/14/2004
From: Recall317
Yeah, that's my title.
"The Way Life Should Be". Am I bitter? Noooooo.
Or how about this one? "The Fox Audience Isn't Going To Understand This One...and Neither Will Its Executives."
You don't have to worry about any of the executives getting mad about the title as most of them probably can't sound out "audience."
Or given the use of Latin by the gangsters, why not put the title in Latin?
Jacon Epstein: Oh man, and look it up in a book or something? How much time do you think we have?

First thing that comes to mind is ...
Date: 01/14/2004
'Lo. .
Instead of "Eggheads", why not "How You Play the Game"?
After all, we find that our heroes' doubles make what our heroes deem to be the wrong choices with their stardom and success from the game they play? In the end, it really *isn't* whether you win or lose.
"Wade Wells Lives!"

How about "Games People Play"
Date: 01/15/2004
From: The_Seer
BT wants to play.
It's a somewhat commonly used phrase. In the context of this episode it can have several meanings (the game Quinn has to play, the shady and illegal activities of the gangsters, the behavior of Quinn and Arturo's doubles, how Arturo's double treated his wife, etc.)

Quid est tibi nomen?
Date: 01/15/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
Mihi nomen est BT.............
Iacta alea est - The die is cast... gambling ;-)
Quaerere verum - Seek the truth
Sub rosa... under the rose ie. secret

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Nominated by Blinker
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