Unknown Facts • "The King Is Back"
Date: 01/15/2004
From: SynthIA
• Recall317 wins the ultimate FoxTrot compilation! One book. Nine storeys tall.
• JTHeyman wins stardom and success!
• The_Seer wins "The Least Excruciating of the Alan Parsons Project"!
• MissingSliderRyan wins a Borellian Nomen costume!
Welcome to the Satellite of TWIW. Today we're playing Unknown Facts, the game where you present fictional truths about the ep under the microscope. For instance:
SYNTHIA: In the "Firefly" universe, Captain Jack act Waylon Chung's blend of country music and Chinese culture is idolized as being 500 years ahead of its time.
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

On the Blood Trail...
Date: 01/15/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT's the target this time instead of Chameleon. Bagk! Bagk! Bagk!
In the scene where Arturo and Rembrandt are attacked by their fans thinking that he's Pavorrati and he's the real Crying Man, we had to do that take several times. Every time John was picked up, someone would yell "ASPS!" Of course, they dropped him because they were scared. Then John goes into a tirade about them dropping him and they got back at him by ripping his clothes. Fickle crowd since we had forgotten to feed them earlier in the day.
~~~Vern Gillum, director "The King is Back"
The Dixie Chicks, circa 2043.
Dixie Chicks in the future
As you can see in this video, both Recall and MSR have the same haunting vision of the future Dixie Chicks.
*crossing fingers that I can cap LOTD on Monday*

re: Unknown Facts • "The King Is Back" »
Date: 01/16/2004
From: gdzilla65
Did anyone notice in the first scene outside, when Quinn walks around the corner he does not have handcuffs on. The next scene he has them on again.

I'm just a simple hyperchicken
Date: 01/16/2004
From: Recall317
Daddy done good today.
Did you know?
"Little Richard threatened to sue the producers of Sliders for defamation of character over Tom Pickett's portrayal of Maurice Fish. He settled when they allowed him to take Cleavant's first season wardrobe."

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4067579
Nominated by Blinker
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