What Would You Change? "Love Gods"
Date: 01/17/2004
From: SynthIA
BLINKER: Oh dear, it's finally happened. gdzilla submitted something *true* to Unknown Facts...
SYNTHIA: Oh, just give him that autographed Robert Floyd photo you found on the street. We're never going to get rid of it any other way.
MissingSliderRyan wins a textbook on Active Server Page development!
gdzilla65 wins an autographed photo of Robert Floyd!
Recall317 wins "The Buyin', the Bitch, and the Wardrobe: The Shannon Doherty Story!"
Joey_Starr (UF: "Last Days") wins the M136 AT4 rocket launcher seen in "Innocence" and "Him," with which Xander was to unclog the toilet in "Dirty Girls" until Joss thankfully intervened!
Callie21V (UF: "Summer of Love") wins a letter opener with the handle clearly marked, to ensure absolutely no further scarring!
BLINKER: Well, yesterday's episode (against all sense to the contrary) was "Love Gods"... or as the Sci-Fi Schedulebot called it, LOVE OF GODS.*
SYNTHIA: Oh, for the love of--
BLINKER: Hey: ours is not to reason why; ours is but to diss Sci-Fi. And, at the moment, to modify some aspect of the ep they gave us, optionally impersonating a member of production.
SYNTHIA: All right, I'm replacing the Australian accents with something marginally less dire, like David Boreanaz's *Irish* accent.
BLINKER: I don't think *anything* is dire enough to call for that. Including the threat of nuclear annihilation. As for my change: how 'bout actually *showing* us some of the sex going on at the Repopulation Center! 7:-P Oh, and I was impersonating David Peckinpah when I said that. Yeah.
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

The first appearance of the NAN?
Date: 01/17/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT would you be as kind as to don't make that face at me?
Sci-Fi's schedulebot calls this episode "LOVE OF GODS." Oh for the love of...
"Love of Gods? That's the name of this episode?"
"Good God man, this Scifi channel is populated by uneducated yahoos."
Sliders Windbreakers and Sliders Leotards just didn't sell like Sliders Jeans.
David Peckinpah:
This is the episode where I got the inspiration for Wade being a breeder. Frankly, the story should have shifted to her instead of the guys. Hey, we could have had some sex scenes. Who wants to see the guys naked? I'd rather have Wade in something see through, but that hair's got to go. Also they should have that freaky blue aura around Quinn's picture at the end... you know like in 'Quantum Leap'. So we need an Evil Slider... and Quinn Mallory never gets home.
BTW I thought I was temporarily losing it since I was sure that Love Gods was a S2 episode and that they hadn't finished up S1 yet since Monday's eppy is Luck of The Draw. Good I'm not the one insane. :-D
MakingSureIRecordLOTDonceagain,can'thaveenoughcopies :-D
"The old Battlestar was too shiny and futuristic. No one can relate to that. So now we film it in some guy's living room." - Bonnie Hammer
The freakish irony that the BSG marathon was next after this episode. Bwahahahahhaha RedEye!

I forgot this was on Friday
Date: 01/18/2004
From: Recall317
So with LOTD on Monday, I'll grab the torch on Tuesday Blinker.
Jerry O'Connell: I have to agree with David. The only scantily clad people we saw all episode were men, which was not what I had in mind when I heard about this one.
Tracy Tormι: As it has been pointed out to me again and again by this guy Recall317 who just won't let it go, the Iraq war was too recent to make this world work. The country would probably just be coming out of a rebuilding stage and most of the alt-cultural references--Brooks Sisters, the Frsh Princess of Bel-Air, well they don't really make a hell of a lot of sense in this context. These are Weaker Sex jokes, not Love Gods jokes. But you gotta give it up for the Chia Man, right?

A change would do Bonnie good
Date: 01/18/2004
From: The_Seer
BT can think of many ways to change her.
I get it now. Don't you all see? Slowly but surely the names of all our favorite Sliders episode are being changed ... by Bonnie Hammer.
BH: I would change the name of this LOVE GODS episode. Not just this one but every episode of Sliders. But for this one how about LOVE THE GODS? LOVE OUR GODS? LOVE A GOD? LOVE OF GODS? Yeah, that's it ... LOVE OF GODS.
BH minnion, er I mean employee: Change the name of every Sliders episode ... brillant!
BH: I was also thinking about replacing this stupid Farscape show that no one can understand with better quality programming. You know, something that would appeal to dum... I mean, the common person. Why don't we do a t.v. show based on my all time favorite 3 movies ... Tremors I, II, and III. You know, the ones with the dad from Family Ties.
BH employee: Replace Farscape with a show based on the Tremors movies ... brillant! Bonnie, you ARE a GOD!
BH: Now let's see, about renaming those other Sliders episodes ... let's change CALIFORNIA REICH to CALIFORNIA RICH ... EYE OF THE STORM to EYE OF THE STROM ... LIPSCHITZ LIVE! to LIPSHI...

"Luck of the Draw" is Tuesday
Date: 01/19/2004
From: Callie21V
Today we're pre-empted for a Godzilla marathon. Then Season Two begins in Fox order, except with "Love Gods" missing. Hey, this *is* the Sci-Fi programming staff we're talking about here.
John Rhys-Davies: You know, everyone talks about Quinn and the child he may or may not have left behind, but didn't all three of us get in some breeding on that world? What about our reactions, hm? What about our paramours? And where's that blasted cherry PIE I ordered?
Keith Damron: Uh, this is -- lipstick. Thick, chunky lipstick. [whimpering] Well what else am I supposed to do 'til we reach Season Four?
>>> C/21

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4067588
Nominated by Blinker
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