Rename Game • "Luck of the Draw"
Date: 01/20/2004
From: SynthIA
• MissingSliderRyan wins the collected scripts of Nan Hagan!
• Recall317 wins a transcript of George W. Bush using this episode as proof of Iraq's WMD stockpile!
• The_Seer wins a sixpack of Kreldar™ brand Strom Thurmond eyes!
• Callie21V wins a Godzilla® print formal gown!
SYNTHIA: Welcome to the Rename Game, the show where we retitle an episode and call it a night. Today's ep is "Luck of the Draw," a-
SYNTHIA: But... that doesn't make any s-
FIRST SEASON NONENTITY DAVID PECKINPAH: All right, how about "The Lotterslide."
SYNTHIA: What are you even *doing* h-
SYNTHIA: Would someone get this guy OFF THE SET?!
[Security guards drag Peck out the door, but not before he's had a chance to blurt out "A Whole Lotto Episode," "Wade and Rembrandt Get Lucky," and "Luck of the Slirish."]
SYNTHIA [sighing deeply]: My title is "One-Way Ticket." What's yours?
FIRST SEASON NONENTITY DAVID PECKINPAH [faintly audible]: "Saving Ryan's Lottery Winner's Balls!"
Stay tuned tomorrow as faithful player Recall317 steps into his new role as host with one of his favourite episodes, "Into the Mystic!" You won't want to miss a min...word of it!
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

Dueling cappers....
Date: 01/20/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT doesn't like us capping it, do you?
Wade and Ryan in the Garden of Lights…
MSR: "Damn cappers! Stop capping us with your lame caps! And tell MSR to stop leering at Ryan!"
DMD: The cast is introduced to 3rd season executive producer David Peckinpah, resplendent in the black jeweled battle-shorts.
Random commercial moment…
MSR: "Be very quiet... we're hunting duck"
The many facets of NAN…
MSR: "So sleepy... so sleepy... NAN is my friend"
DMD: Line, please!
DMD: One of the few times we actually see Arturo's lips move as "Quinn" is "speaking".
DMD: "It's the script, Jerry, THE SCRIPT! Try reading it for a change!"
Black screen….
MSR: In the darkness of the heart of David Peckinpah... images of Sliders episodes to come
DMD: Sliders' future's so bright... I gotta wear shades.
DMD: "... one day, I'm gonna make it to a REAL network, with REAL writers..."
MSR: Wade, look, it's MSR trying to cap... uh... I think she's totally speechless.
Juliann appears
DMD: A Diana Davis precursor?
MSR: And I'm going to be an Ensign on the Enterprise? Whoohooo! I get to save the Enterprise!
Henry appears on screen…
MSR: Yes, Einstein, it's me! Marty from the past!
DMD: Henry!!!!! [Porthos can kiss my ass]
Arturo is on the ground…
DMD: "Dammit, Mr. Mallory! I know I dropped that M&M RIGHT HERE! Help me find it!"
MSR: My ham sandwich was right here! Right here!
The Sliders logo appears…
DMD: Hey, cool! Another time travel show! Ha! Beat that MSR!
MSR: Nothing can beat that… NOoooooooooooooo
SynthIA: This is the Rename Game!
MSR: Very well.... How MissingSliderRyan got her name. A Balancing Act. A Rose By Any other name. How to butcher poetry in 20 ways. How to impress women. One night stand. Russian roulette. How Ryan met Wade.
DMD: Those are lame.
MSR: Excuse me! I was watching the episode. I haven't seen Nick in a long time. I skip Andromeda even though he's on there.
DMD: That bad?
MSR: Very. Please don't die again.

Shall I have JRD complain some more?
Date: 01/20/2004
From: Recall317
John Rhys-Davies: I mean, for heavens' sake, if all you can find for the Professor to do is go fishing and chauffeur Wade around, you may as well just leave him behind and be done with it.
Rename Luck of the Draw. Hmmm...
How about Welles v. Wade, playing off that right to life theme?

"White Card Lottery"?
Date: 01/21/2004
You know, like a green card lottery... never mind.
"Carte Blanche"? Nah...
I came in thinking this was one of the weaker titles, but it's actually pretty hard to beat (especially without giving away the central surprise.)
Well, on to "Into the Mystic."
PECKINPAH [from miles off]: "That Doggone Dog's Gone"!
- Blinker 7:-/

Here's one: "Prize of a Lifetime"
Date: 01/27/2004
A greatly diminished lifetime, get it?
Nah, still sucks.
- Blinker 7:-P
PS. In order to make sense, one of Peck's titles should read "A Whole Lotto Sliders." I dunno why it says "episode." But then, that's why the Satellite staff is on holiday.

Wells vs. Wade??!
Date: 02/07/2004
"Wells vs. Wade" makes no sense. "Arturo vs. Wade" would sound better but wouldn't apply to the episode.
My Suggestions:
The Quick-Pick and the Dead
Easy Come, Easy Go
Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Lose
Take a Chance
That's the Ticket
A Ticket to Slide
Phantom Dennis writing as JulianSimon

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Nominated by Blinker
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