Unknown Fact • El Sid
Date: 01/26/2004
From: Recall317
The object of this game is to name an unknown (i.e. fake) fact about the episode "El Sid", recognized widely -by Blinker- as one of the greatest episodes in Sliders' history.
Did you know?
That El Sid smokes only Virgina Slims? He's come a long way, baby.

I hear from good sources...
Date: 01/26/2004
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
... that BT still blows.
... that it was during the filming of 'El Sid' that JOC discovered the "Secrets of NAN." Obviously if Jeffrey Dean Morgan could make a living at "acting," no real amount of talent or *effort* was required.

In the "Hall of the Serpent"
Date: 01/26/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT knows that this is my favorite Burning Zone eppy. :-)
The thing that sucked the most was Jeffery Dean Morgan. His single minded dedication to sucking was so successful that he overshadowed a script appalling enough that it would embarrass a “General Hospital” writer, a plot so contrived a “Saved by the Bell” fan wouldn’t believe it, and a premise that was a direct “Escape From New York” ripoff. Jeffery career high watermark in suckiness single-handedly elevated El Sid’s pain quotient to such a high level that “El Sid” tapes are now being used by the CIA to torture hardened criminals who have resisted all other forms of encouragement. I hear that “El Sid” tapes are even more successful in breaking the toughest prisoners than “Waterworld” AND “A Simple Plan” viewed back to back!
~~~ Sl4ever's "Guest Star Profile! JDM (GSPR)"
I've also liked that post. :-D
Recall: Stop digressing!
MSR: Very well. Here's what I learned from Paris Barclay. In the effort to fill in the space or should I say lack of dialogue that JDM could utter in a sensical manner, i.e. act, we let him smoke instead.

I'm just visiting San Francisco...
Date: 01/26/2004
...I get to sleep with BT tonight. Trust me, I don't get the best end of this deal.
Did you know... that "El Sid" was originally a Season One episode called "Fresh Fish". Tom Pickett reprised his role as Maurice Fish, crazed lunatic-turned-Spinning Topp (or quite possibly the other way around) who was so obsessed with keeping his girlfriend Michele that he jumped into a large blue swirling hole in the sky which he knew nothing about just to keep her. It was pretty much like what aired, except with a number of largely irrelevant O.J. Simpson references.
How did we get the version that aired, you ask? Let's just say Jeffrey Dean Morgan was a cameraman who went mad with power and leave it at that.

"We know there are known Unknown Facts…"
Date: 01/26/2004
Beginning Text must be imprisoned!
BLINKER: Ahhh, "El Sid"... never have I been so entranced by detailed alternate history, so terrified by well-acted villainy, or so thrilled by an unforeseen plot twist.
RECALL317: Haha, good one! Okay, who--
BLINKER: Hey, I haven't gone yet! Those are REAL facts!
MISSINGSLIDERRYAN: [scrunches up face in sidtaste, which is like distaste, only multiplied by a factor of eight]
BLINKER: Okay, the Unknown Fact is that when the last few minutes of the April 3, 2003 airing were replaced by the words "Searching for satellite signal. Please stand by," it marked the first salvo in the Zeta Reticulans' plan to decimate Earth's morale! Thankfully, after an appropriate period of mourning, the episode aired on a rebuilt satellite this morning and proved that humanity remains unbowed.
DMD: I'm not sure which part of that speech was loopier... oh right, the part about "El Sid" being good.
BLINKER [shaking fist at sky]: Yeah, put THAT in your probes and smoke it!
- Blinker 7:-/
"First of all, my name ain't Fish. I mean, it *is*, but it's tha surname, not tha given name. So I'd appreciate a li'l respect, y'dig?" [retrieves knife that was thrown at him] "Second thing, I ain't no slave, and third, y'all stand back or I SLICE YOU LIKE A BISCUIT!"
-- Scene from "Fresh Fish"

Date: 01/26/2004
From: Recall317

Casting Call
Date: 01/29/2004
From: Recall317
Did you know...
Jeffrey Dean Morgan was the second choice for the role of Sid. The first choice? You guessed it -- Frank Stallone.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4067614
Nominated by Blinker
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