WWYC • Time Again and World
Date: 01/27/2004
From: Recall317
This was scheduled to be a What Would You Change game, but that's WAAAAAAY too easy. So instead, WWYC stands for:
What WOULDN'T You Change about "Time Again and World"?
Play as yourself, cast or production member, or network executive.
Yeah, it's tougher than you think.
John Rhys-Davies: I liked the tie wardrobe gave me. We should definitely keep that.
Jerry O'Connell: I thought casting Rebecca Gayheart was a coup. Did I mention I went to high school with her? And with Sarah Michelle Geller?

The catchy title!
Date: 01/27/2004
Beginning Text is more kitschy than catchy.
Also, the men in skirts. Sure, women couldn't even play baseball well in skirts, but I'm sure our, er...their, law enforcements officials are a hardier lot. Plus, you'd capture a lot of criminals who couldn't run away because they were laughing too hard.
Ooh, and let's not forget the Rosenbergs as circus clowns angle. Or the no rock'n'roll except in this basement plotline. Voice of America radio stations spreading anti-U.S. propaganda was certainly a revolutionary turn. And Arturo's recitation of the Second Gettysburg Address? Classic.
If I were to get rid of anything, I guess it would be the Constitution subthread. It didn't make much sense.
"Forget that. If it wasn't for my generation, we'd all be listening to the Kurt Cobain Christmas Album right now." -Rembrandt, in response to Arturo's comment about only one generation having created the U.S. Constitution.

Is it cheating to employ sarcasm?
Date: 01/27/2004
You know, like saying I *wouldn't* replace Rebecca Gayheart with Morena Baccarin... it is? Aw crap...
BLINKER: Well, we've gotta keep that shot of Quinn sliding at the end, where the bridge is distorted by the wormhole. That's one of the most beautiful vortex shots of the season. On the other hand, the shot where it first opens at the beginning is one of the ugliest, so it and the other 47-odd minutes of the episode are up for grabs.
SYNTHIA: Uh... the tiny black discs that don't quite match any real storage medium were a nice touch.
DAVID PECKINPAH: What wouldn't I change? What wouldn't I NOT change! Stock footage, bearded ladies, conflicting time references up the wazoo... now THAT'S what I call family values!
THE WEBMASTER OF "HERMAN'S HANDCUFF HEAVEN": All I noticed was the women in handcuffs! WOO HOO! :-P
- Blinker 7:-O

I guess I would keep...
Date: 01/28/2004
From: sliderules
BT in a can of green beans!
I would have to keep the bar scene at the beginning, as I love it when Arturo is on the rant! And just how disgruntled the gang felt on Bearded woman world was actually quite amusing.
Can the rest though. Skirts on men...BLEH!

Recall: Damn where's the cave?
Date: 01/28/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT knows that my first two times posting this reply it said "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Recognition failure."
ABC Network Daytime Programming Executive:
Let's pawn off the soap stars from our ABC lineup to 'Sliders.' We'll get out fans back once they show up on this show. They'll come back to 'Loving' after seeing Rebecca Gayheart. Karen Witter from 'One Live To Live' was on already. Susan Haskell from 'One Live To Live' is also on tap.
pining for the days of Frisco and Felicia

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4067617
Nominated by Blinker
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