Rename Game • Electric Twister Acid Test
Date: 02/10/2004
From: SynthIA
• Recall317 wins a Pabst Blue Ribbon!
• ThomasMalthus wins a soul-cleaning brush!
• MissingSliderLogan wins an internship at the Mayo Clinic!
• PhantomDennis wins "The Mallory Twins on a Houseboat," "The Mallory Twins at Snow Lodge," and "The Mallory Twins at Meadow Brook!"
• T h e D M D wins a can of urine!
RECALL317: I'll trade you.
SYNTHIA: "Electric Twister Acid Test." What WERE they thinking?
SLIDERULES: Well, obviously of a play on "Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test," Tom Wolfe's account of the 1960s psychedelic movement. An acid test is a "decisive or critical test, as of worth or quality," hence, the title refers to the catastrophic unleashing of the electromagnetic tornadoes.
SYNTHIA: Well yes, but... right.
BLINKER: As long as we're riffing on controversial texts of the late sixties, I'm going with "The Naked Twister."
SYNTHIA [barely suppressing urge to snicker]: Uh... and I'll say "Eye of the Desert Storm."
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

Date: 02/10/2004
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
barring that, "Goonies II: Electric Boogaloo"

"Twister Slide"
Date: 02/10/2004
Chubby BT needs to lose a few characters.
Clearly we need to signify this show has moved into "homage" land. So how about "Twister Act"? "Slid With the Wind"? Or a reference to the change in radius in "Double Cross", "We're Not in San Francisco Anymore"?

Chubby Checkers should have appeared
Date: 02/10/2004
From: Recall317
He could have worn Remmy's shirt from Slither.
The title should have been "Let's Twister Again (Like We Did Last Year)". It works on so many levels.
Had this ep appeared in this decade, we could have called it "Law & Order" cause you won't believe the twist---er!
"Hey, Mitchell, can I not have your autograph!"

Forget Tom Wolfe
Date: 02/10/2004
How about Ray Bradbury:
I Sing the Tornado Electric
Something Twister This Way Comes
Or Phillip K. Dick
Do Electric Tornadoes Still Stuck Hot Air?
We Can Build Twisters For You Wholesale
Or Maybe Tom Clancy
Electric Storm Rising
The Sum of All Electric Twisters
Finally: this since is the first episode where S3's new direction becomes apparent
A New Twist
PhantomDennis writing as JulianSimon

Date: 02/11/2004
I had an inspiration Gap, before.
One of my P. K. Dick entries should be:
Do Electric Twisters Swallow Android Cows?

Maggie VO: Tongue Twister... mmmm
Date: 02/16/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT's on a Witch Hunt instead of a Toupee or Tribble Hunt.
A Dunking We Will Go
Desert Sliding
Dude, Where's Corey Haim?
Requiem for Wade: The Prelude
Sliding Twisting Electrifying Slide
Darla: The Early Years
Hey I have no idea.

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Nominated by Blinker
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