What Would You Change? • Double Cross
Date: 02/09/2004
From: SynthIA
Change one of the most revered episodes of all time? Preposterous! And also your job for today, so get CRACKing.
• DieselMickeyDolenz wins a tube of Fat Bastard™ Crimson Hair Dye! "I'm RED SEXY!™"
• Recall317 wins the "Best of Lethal Game Shows" DVD box set, including "Jeopardy!!!," "Family Feud: Verona," and "The 40,000 Megaton Chain Reaction" starring "Luck of the Draw"'s Geoff Edwards!
• JTHeyman wins a meeting with Sabrina Lloyd!
And now, the *producers'* idea of a season premiere. You'd think FOX would love it: it's stuffed to the gills with action, humour, CGI, chase sequences, women in bikinis, *still* no historical referents, and JRD sex talk... okay, getting their point now.
Personally, I'd replace the biothermal scanner with a DNA scanner. It could flag Quinn's profile as being suspiciously similar to an existing one, without the need to 'average' anything for gender differences. Would that even work? And why try it in the first place? Is someone in the back room trying to figure out which employees are secretly related?
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D
[picture of Arturo on a cellphone]
KIPPAGE: "Yes, I'd like the Carls Junior Mega Meal, and would you supersize that please, with extra mayonnaise? Thank you!"

Congressional Medal of Honor? Pah!
Date: 02/09/2004
From: Recall317
That's like winning a blue ribbon at the rotary club.
John Rhys-Davies: The alternate Arturo should have won a Nobel for his efforts. Alas, the Nobel committee never awards posthumously, so he will forever be denied just reward for his accomplishments.
Tracy Tormé: Oh for Christ's sake...
John Rhys-Davies: And shouldn't alternate Arturo have figured out what Logan was planning beforehand? He would never have turned his back on that harlot.
Tracy Tormé: It's a TV show! Arturo is a FICTIONAL character. This isn't even Arturo, but a double of Arturo!
John Rhys-Davies: And that woman is not Arturo's wife! His memory of his beloved Christina prevented him from ever considering remarriage...
Tracy Tormé: I can't take this anymore.
*The OTHER reason Tracy quit.*

I would change Logan's outfit...
Date: 02/09/2004
Beginning Text must be destroyed!
Seriously, Quinn's line about "What dark part of our soul did you crawl out of?" would take on a greater resonance if there were some darks in that outfit of hers. Maybe a nice black-and-purple ensemble...
MSL: Grimace!
And what about Wade's double? Couldn't they have done something interesting with her?
Peck: <imagines something horrid and is about to speak>:
Eh, never mind.

"Do you see me, Kirk?"
Date: 02/09/2004
From: MissingSliderLogan
BT's blind as a Tiberan bat.
Peck: I would have wanted some double on double action! Hot, hot sex between Quinn and Logan. As for Logan and Crispy Max, order extra mayo!
When I was a little more than a year old my parents brought me to this place. I remember seeing the colors red and yellow everywhere. It must have made an impression on my parents because I would always be wearing red, yellow or a combination of both together or with other colors. I hate those colors, but I'm drawn to them. Sometimes, I subconsciously pick out outfits with this color scheme. Thanks a lot mom and dad! You ruined my life.
Stupid kids ridiculed me about my parent's choice of clothes. I told them I was colorblind and couldn't tell what I was wearing. They showed no pity and neither did I. Somehow all their red and yellow markers, paints and crayons ended in my possession.
I always asked, “Is this red or yellow? I can't tell.” I did that repeatedly while picking up a different item just to annoy the hell out of them. It didn't help them that I had most of the top grades in the class either.
My classmates would look at me and whisper, “Isn't she colorblind? Then how did she know that the sun was yellow and the bricks are red?”
~~~ Logan's Run: The Search For Grimace

A Double is a Double, Dammit
Date: 02/09/2004
Logan St. Clair and the 5th Season Quinn Mallory are not truly Doubles. A better term would be alternate or counterpart.
Doubles are called that because they are the exact SAME person. Logan St. Clair obviously has a DNA code, even if she was boring in Quinn's place.
It's entirely possible there are alternate universes where they both exist as Fraternal twins, perhaps with a younger set of twins named Colin and Colleen.
The Mallory Twins Mysteries, anyone?
Phantom Dennis writing as JulianSimon

Borrowing from PhantomDennis
Date: 02/10/2004
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Clearly the producers would have been better off in keeping with 4th and 5th season continuity if they'd named this episode "Alternate Cross". It has such a nice ring to it, and none of that clever word-play that hampers "Double Cross".
T h e D i e s e l M i c k e y D o l e n z

Date: 02/10/2004
I would have Quinn decide to keep Logan's timer instead of throwing it in the vortex at the end.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4067674
Nominated by Blinker
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