Unknown Fact Rules of the Game
Date: 02/06/2004
From: SynthIA
SYNTHIA: But first, the traditional giving of Season Two prizes. Do we have that roll call?
SYNTHIA: To cut down on overhead, each of you receives one of those magic spiky dinner rolls from "The Last of Eden." Just bite in and it'll reconfigure itself into whatever you want!
JOHNMU1 [takes a bite, then opens his eyes]: Wow, a new Ferrari! :-P Ugh, chipped my tooth. [suddenly realizes he's holding a Ferrari in one hand, causing it to smash to the floor]
JOEY_STARR: [takes a bite]: All right, sliderseth's mangled corpse! >:-P [drops it in disgust, then spits repeatedly] EW!!!
SYNTHIA: And now, welcome to FOX's idea of a third season premiere: guns, robots, Humvees, dead blondes, and no historical points of reference whatsoever. The rules of our own game are simple... make something up. For instance:
Traumatized by the stupid-looking hairstyle he displayed in this episode, Jerry O'Connell refused to go near a barber for the remainder of the season. And if you don't believe me, just watch the finale.
TRACY TORMΙ [looks up from TSoP publicity photo, disturbed]: I know Quinn was meant to be kind of a longhair, but DAMN!
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

Wade and the Amazing Technicolor
Date: 02/06/2004
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Hair. David Peckinpah's suggestion that Sabrina Lloyd undergo breast augmentation prior to the third season was flatly (ba-dump-bump) rejected by Ms. Lloyd. Failing that, Peck went to his backup plan, changing Wade's hair color to red, because as we all know, RED = SEXY! Red also has the effect of pulling viewers eyes toward Ms. Lloyd's face and away from her unaugmented breasts, thus Peck thought he'd managed to both add sex appeal to the show AND hide his bargaining failure.

If you're going to pay homage...
Date: 02/08/2004
From: Recall317
...Josef Anderson's original draft had a different teaser. In it, Quinn was at the controls of a helicopter and an order was given for him to fire on rioters down below. In a thick Austrian accent, he was supposed to say, "But those are women and children! For God's sake they only want food!"
It was cut when they decided to pay homage to The Running Man with two episodes instead of just one, and Dead Man Sliding was commissioned as a result.

Strange but true (in another dimension)
Date: 02/09/2004
'Lo. .
Due to the magic of Compositing and ADR, Joshua Malina (the announcer for the game) never met the rest of the cast. Rumor has it that the evil Peckinpah (in a rare flash of knowing something good when he saw it) wanted to make sure Joshua Malina never met Sabrina Lloyd, for fear that their onscreen chemistry would make her even more popular, and thus harder to get rid of when he gained complete control over the show.
One year later, Mr. Malina and Ms. Lloyd met when both were cast in "Sports Night".
~ JTHeyman
"Wade Wells Lives!"

Death by Hopscotch :-D
Date: 02/09/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT do you like playing Army Dodge Ball?
MSR: Hey, this dinner roll didn't change it's configuration into what I wanted!
SynthIA: No people, MSR.
MSR: Damn you... you're almost as bad as Humorless Trill Symbiote. I was promised certain things! PROMISED!
SynthIA: MSR, that's you're RPG character Logan. Get real and live in the real world.
MSR: Bite me, HAL ripoff!
Peck: Hey, that's my line!
MSR: (fires Rail Gun at Peck) DIE! DIE! DIE!
Peck runs off, yelling, "I AM INVINCIBLE!!!!"
MSR: DAMN ROMI! DIE! DIE! DIE! At least Max lost his favorite finger and Quinn did a header into the chasm,
SynthIA: Get with the program MSR and stop RPGing.
MSR: FINE! Let's see Unknown Facts, eh? (pops in EasyBake Oven pepperoni pizza in mouth) Did you know that the hopscotch scene where Quinn asks Wade about her weight was based on the elevator scene where MacGyver asks the research scientist lady, same one that played in V, her weight? Except Mac took his jeans off in that one. Mmmm.... jeans off... (zones out)

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Nominated by Blinker
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