Rename Game • As Time Goes By
Date: 02/05/2004
From: Recall317
As Time Goes By is an appropriate title, but it says here that we have to do the Rename Game today so we have no choice but to try and improve...or completely destroy.
Fox Network Exec: "I Only have a Third Grade Education and Don't Know What the Hell is Going On."
Nah, too unwieldy.
Bill Dial: "Time World"
No, too profoundly obvious.
Scott Miller: "Timecop"
My God, Scott, can you come up with one original title?
I've always been partial to an old Earth 69 title, "Time Going Backwards and Backwards and Backwards Again."
Scott Miller: Now who's being unoriginal?
Me: Easy there, Raging Quinn.

How 'bout "Richards the Third"?
Date: 02/05/2004
Even BT cringes at that title.
Or possibly a reference to the first world: "Loves, Laborers Lost". Or to the middle one, "El Dennis". Or to the final one, "Yb Seog Emit Sa".
I think you're right, Recall. The real title was a good fit. Best to keep it.

"You don't belong here...."
Date: 02/05/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT did you laugh when Guinan told that to Tasha?
Three Strikes and You're out!
Time Rift
Rifting through Time and Space
Mr. Burns Brings Us Love
Call Me Wesley Crusher
Love Isn't A Wonderful Thing
This will never do
The Universe Hates Me
Wait For My Brother!
Smiling from watching both 'The Springfield Files' and 'Yesterday's Enterprise' yesterday.

A suggestion ...
Date: 02/05/2004
'Lo. .
My suggestion is "Thrice Upon a Time" - since there were three stories and the last one had the time-motif and Quinn just kept trying for fairy-tale endings with Daelin that never happened.
This, by the way, is also the title of a decent hard-SF novel by James P Hogan, about sending messages into the past. (And, I suppose, it also deals with alternate realities, in its way.)
~ JTHeyman
"Wade Wells Lives!"
p.s., "Dopamine" (with Sabrina Lloyd) comes out April 13 on DVD

Yes, a great title...
Date: 02/06/2004
From: Callie21V
BT, not so great.
It cements the Casablanca homage, plays on the climactic world, and suggests both the theme of lost love and the week-in-the-life feel.
So I'm just going to make FOX real happy, and summarize all of Quinn's "backwards world" explanations into a movie homage:
"Forward to the Past"
>>> C/21

How about
Date: 02/07/2004
"4 Worlds, One Girl"
After all, there are 4 worlds including Phone Booth World.
By the way doesn't Charlie O'Connell appear as Kit, Daelin's Brother?
Phantom Dennis writing as JulianSimon

More Suggestion
Date: 02/07/2004
"Forever and a Daelin"
"You Can't Go Back"
Phantom Dennis writing as JulianSimon

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Nominated by Blinker
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