Rename Game • The Prince of Slides
Date: 02/19/2004
From: SynthIA
• Recall317 wins a framed print of William McGonagall's "The Tay Bridge Disaster"! []
• PhantomDennis wins a collection of those tiresome "Animaniacs" shorts where a talking flame sheds light on American history!
• sliderules wins a mincemeat muffin!
Today's game: retitle "The Prince of Slides." You know, the one that combines an American monarchy, men giving birth, and the second never-before-spoken-of love of Rembrandt's life in three weeks... and then tacks on winged humans for good measure?
I'm going with the obvious "homage" choice: "Rembrandt Junior."
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

"Quest for Water"
Date: 02/20/2004
"Raiders of the Lost Wells" Oops, not "Desert Storm" anymore. Am I?
For this episode, I choose "Baby, It's You" A song title makes more sense for Rembrandt.
This episode is really much like "Junior". In "Jr.", Arnold can't bring himself destroy his science project, so he injects himself with it and becomes pregnant. Kind of pro-life. I wonder what the reaction would have been if it came out closer to the Stem Cell debate.
The idea of transferring the Pregancy to the Man for the final trimester comes from not a movie, but Alien Nation: the Series.

Date: 02/20/2004
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
"If you had wings, had wings, had wings..." Sorry, Disney World flashback there.
I'll blatantly rip off the Enterprise title, "Unexpected".

"Thomas Jefferson still survives"
Date: 02/20/2004
John Adams' last words to Beginning Text are unprintable.
Nah. Too obscure for S3.
How about "He's Having My Baby"? "The Jeffersons"? "Bassinet Monticello"? Or, my personal favorite, "Declaration of Dependents"? Sorry, I can't seem to pick just one.

Sticking with the puns
Date: 02/20/2004
From: Recall317
Labor of Love?

Date: 02/21/2004
From: Callie21V
Beginning Text must be demeaned!
"Birth of a Nation"? "Hemings' Way"? "The King is Black?"
OH! I got it...
"The Duke of Hazards"
>>> C/21

The Artist Formerly Known As...
Date: 02/24/2004
From: sliderules
BT! He likes to me called $ now.
Hmmm...I dont know about this one. How about "Mr. Mom?"
What, that's taken?
Okay, then "Mr. Momslide." Genius!
"Anything sounds good with a slide in it!"

BT needs to be renamed
Date: 03/12/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT how about being named something else for once.
A Womb With A View
Baby Sliding Blues
We all have a life in our hands. I have yours... you have Mulder's... and Scully has her unborn child. It's who's willing to sacrifice.
~~~ Krycek in 'DeadAlive' the one with Muldering Mulder

BT needs to be renamed
Date: 03/12/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT how about being named something else for once.
A Womb With A View
Baby Sliding Blues
We all have a life in our hands. I have yours... you have Mulder's... and Scully has her unborn child. It's who's willing to sacrifice.
~~~ Krycek in 'DeadAlive' the one with Muldering Mulder

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Nominated by Blinker
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