What Would You Change? • The Fire Within
Date: 02/18/2004
From: SynthIA
• Slider_Sarah wins a boot! With the original owner's leg still attached as a bonus!
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• sliderules wins the sword Excalibur! There, there.
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SYNTHIA: "The Fire Within"? I'd change the ending so that we actually see what becomes of the flame. Does it really go home? And if it can manage that, why can't it take the Sliders to Earth Prime? These are troubling questions... or would be if anyone cared.
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

I'd start with Act 4
Date: 02/18/2004
From: Recall317
You know, by actually writing an Act Four instead of just hanging out while cannisters slowly light and occassionally explode.
This thing's a train wreck.
FOX Executive: Good idea! Add it to Act Four!

Make it a Musical!
Date: 02/19/2004
It's just that if you're going to have a talking animated flame,why not have it sing.
Why saddle yourself with a dreary labor union subplot, Instead make the story about a talking flame seperated from it's family and the Sliders touching attempts find a new home for it. (If Stuart Little get adopted,Why not someone who can help with a barbecue.
A sentient flame stranded from his homeworld is a great fish out of water, so to speak.
You could even set the story in a garish Casino World, so you could use title "When You're Hot, When You're Hot."

First of all...
Date: 02/19/2004
From: sliderules
Kids, don't do BT. it's bad for you, really.
I would change the talking fire to a talking muffin. That way there would be more motivation from the actors, as they've probably never seen a talking muffin before. Everyone's seen talking fire at least once.
Wait, they haven't?

Do you smell the Cajun frying?
Date: 03/12/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT would you like to be in Logan's vortex?
Seriously, if Quinn was that drunk and working at an oil refinery, don't you think he'd catch on fire? So when Flame saves his life from being run over, he'd burst into flames.
BTW, the answer is 'Money No Object' from the previous reply. :-D

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4067712
Nominated by Blinker
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