Unknown Facts • DragonSlide
Date: 02/17/2004
From: SynthIA
• PhantomDennis wins tickets to a Fifth Dimension concert!
• ThomasMalthus wins tickets to a Rutles concert, featuring everybody's
favourite Beatles homage group! Except maybe for fans of these other 27
groups. [http://dir.yahoo.com/Entertainment/Music/Artists/By_Genre/Rock_and_Pop/
• Recall317 wins tickets to a Soup Dragons concert!
• MissingSliderRyan wins tickets to a Desert Rose Band concert!
• Slidemania (WWYC: Dream Masters) wins tickets to a Jack Logan concert!
BLINKER: Did you know? Executive Producer and highly regarded thinker Alan Barnette cast Saxon Trainor as Officer Kelley based on her "consummately medieval-sounding name."
BLINKER: That's the idea.
SYNTHIA: Here's my fact: Page 132 of the Archvillain's Handbook states that any enchanted weapon which only the hero can wield is to be clearly displayed in the villain's lair, such that the hero has a fair chance of retrieving it. If said weapon is buried in solid rock, it must be excavated at great cost in time for the hero to use it in the final battle, and if the hero is unaware of said weapon, he or she must be duly taunted to come get it.
JOSS WHEDON: Hey, I'd like to see *you* run three shows at once, okay?
BLINKER: [starts to open mouth]
JOSS WHEDON: On second thought, I really walked into that one.
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

Hmmmm. perhaps I'll finally have a go
Date: 02/17/2004
For the record, I prefer the Bootleg Beatles.
My unknown fact: Charlie was originally considered for the part of the other Mallory, but the producers thought that moving with a sword might be too difficult for him and got someone else to play the part instead.
Sorry.... its been a really long time since I watched

Dragon Again and Slide
Date: 02/17/2004
Beginning Text forgot this wasn't Rename Game.
In the originally titled ep, "DragSlide", the cops from "Time Again and World" would return in skirts to arrest the sliders for dressing in clothes appropriate for their gender (that was pretty much the plot of the entire episode). However, Charlie O'Connell looked so laughable in his outfit that production had to be shut down for a day due to the cast's hysterics. The script needed to be changed.
Unwilling to deviate from his original vision of having the words "drag" and "slide" in the title, David Peckinpah managed to hear only part of a John Rhys-Davies diatribe on the season's direction thus far where he joked that the latest episode should be called "Drag on Slide". Peckinpah thought it would be a cute homage to John's idea to retitle the episode "DragonSlide". John Rhys-Davies then thought it would be cute to leave a flaming bag of chloroform bottles outside Peck's trailer.

The Mallory
Date: 02/17/2004
'Lo. .
Unknown Fact: Although Tracy Torme chose "Mallory" as Quinn's last name *because* of its Arthurian connection, the Evil Peckinpah was under the impression that it was based on Alex P. Keaton's sister from "Family Ties" (which explains why Quinn seems a lot dumber in Season 3). When presented with the script for "DragonSlide", the Evil Peckinpah was heard to remark, "How could a ditzy girl be the destined wielder of a magic sword?" before someone explained it to him.
Bonus fact: No one now living knows why "Quinn" was chosen as our hero's first name.
~ JTHeyman
"Wade Wells Lives!"

Did you know...
Date: 02/17/2004
From: sliderules
BT is allergic to chicken?
An interesting fact I dug up about this "glorious" episode...
Did you know: When told that he was going to be able to work with something like Excalibur, Jerry O'Connel was ecstatic. He was thrilled to be able to pay homage to the Alan Davis wiritten comic book series he grew up reading.
When he found out they meant the sword Excalibur, Jerry got upset. He cried. A lot. Then he ate pie. A lot. poor Jerry O'Connel. :-(
"Whedon on X-Men! Yahoo!"

The Kit/O'Hara/Colin Connection
Date: 02/18/2004
Charlie O'Connell makes his second appearance as Officer O'Hara.
Oddly enough, Quinn doesn't recognize him, even though Kit Richards (the Character COC played in ATGB) was an old childhood acquaintance.
Later Of course, the same actor pops up as long lost brother Colin.
The big secret these are all doubles of the Same Person. Kit is the byproduct of torrid affair between Michael Mallory and Daelin's mother. (Star-crossed love is such a generational thing.)
On DragonSlide Earth, O'Hara's mother sought to hide his true heritage because of the obvious drawbacks to be being a Mallory on this World. No doubt Officer O'Hara has some charm to shield him from being recognized as a Mallory.
Quinn doesn't notice the resemblance, because the Kromaggs wiped Kit Richards from his Memory in Invasion. They recognized Kit as fearsome enemy of theirs and that's why they are so eager to find Quinn's homeworld.
Unfortunately for the Kromaggs, another set of Kromaggs was able to intercept the Homing Device signal (which was in Wade. I mean, did you really think that Kromagg invasion was a coincidence.)
(Since Kromaggs originated on Earth. Multiple Earths mean different sets of Kromaggs, and if reality is constantly splitting. Any attempt ot consolidate the Kromaggs would just create realities in which the consolidation never happened.)
These Kromaggs had a different agenda and wanted Quinn to find the Colin from the Nazi Kromagg HomeWorld since they believed he had the Key to the Slidecage. They had been able to steal one of the Microdots meant to lead Colin home then they arranged for Quinn do track him down. (Which was why was told Quinn had the tracking device. It was in the microdot.)
Unfortunately, according to the events of "The Unstuck Man" all Kits, Colins, and O'Hara have been wiped out the multiverse, when Colin became unstuck. Or have they? After all the multiverse. Is a rather big place. And if someone is wiped out in one universe, doesn't that just create a universe in which didn't happen?
Phantom Dennis writing as JulianSimon

Did you know?
Date: 02/18/2004
From: Recall317
A lot of people involved in production thought this episode was a good idea? Incredible, but true!

TOS violations
Date: 02/20/2004
From: Callie21V
Taken from Crap Magazine, Vol. 41, Issue 2:
A devout "Star Trek" fan, Peckinpah has worked hard to incorporate homages to the series into "Sliders." "We've got this chick who was horribly scarred and stuff, but the bad guy grants her the illusion of looking hot in exchange for her co-operation. A couple eps down the line, Quinn is going to get turned into an android, but he foils the plot with his thoughts during the duplication process. And you know those pancake parasites from 'Operation: Annihilate'? Well, let's just say everyone who's questioned the ball of mucus on my desk is in for a big surprise come sweeps.
"You can go too far with that stuff, though. Next year we've got a whole new generation of original ideas you're gonna love. Like, there's this bubble universe created by the Sliders' thoughts, and there's one episode about VR, and we think the VR part is over... but it's not! It's just another trick. No one's gonna see that coming, 'cause it's never been done before. And then there's my favorite original creation: the Kromaggs. They're this fierce warrior race with guttural accents and these wicked daggers and stuff, and all their names start with K, like Kang, and Koloth, and... I dunno, Kryoptus or something.
"Also, I think Marc Scott Zucker had some crazy idea about sending the gang into space, but that's really not what 'Sliders' is about."
>>> C/21

There can only be one.
Date: 03/12/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT you are not on Holy Ground.
In an effort to increase the rating for Sliders, they took a little from Highlander the Series namely the sword fight. Besides, they wanted to highlight the fact that two Sliders alums were going to appear the next night on a Highlander episode.
Any guess? :-D
"I'll be waiting for you to dig me up."

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4067707
Nominated by Blinker
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