WWYC • Slide Like an Egyptian
Date: 02/26/2004
From: SynthIA
Remains of the day:
• JTHeyman wins the remains of the unfinished Sliders Jeans TV promo campaign! [http://www.earth62.net/gagreel/s3gag/3gag07.JPG & http://www.earth62-1.net/s3gag/3gag07.zip]
• Recall317 wins the remains of the initial brainstorm... namely several fragments of David Peckinpah's skull, and half a slice of pizza!
• sliderules wins the remains of Matthew Broderick's career!
• PhantomDennis wins the remains of the lost Earth 69 episode that featured Hayley Mills as twin doubles of Howard the Duck! That is, if I can find them... ahh, screw it. You just win the remains of the Library of Alexandria instead.
What would you change about "Slide Like an Egyptian"?
You can offer your own opinion...
SYNTHIA: I'd have spent a *few* more minutes working out that scarab model. I mean, I could build a more convincing one with free software. Possibly even with ASCII text.
...or someone else's:
TOM BUTLER: I would've maintained continuity by flying down the original Michael Mallory from Vancouver. Preferably first class. You know... for continuity.
Have at it.
SYNTHIA: See? See? ,o.O,<
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

Can you smell what the Max is cookin'?
Date: 02/26/2004
From: The_Seer
BT is a fan of the Rock.
EXEC PRODUCER DAVID PECKINPAH: It's too bad those "Mummy" movies hadn't come out yet. We could have gotten Jesse Ventura to guest star in a role that would have been a cross between the Rock's character in the 2nd and 3rd movies and the role he played in "Predator". We could have also had Wade die instead of Quinn and then resurrected her like they did with that Austrailan ... or was she Scottish ... chick Rachel Weisz in the 2nd movie.

Change is a wonderful thing
Date: 02/26/2004
'Lo. .
I'm tempted to say I'd have had Cryin' Man jump through the wormhole alone (and thus leave the show) but I won't. I'll focus on other things, this time.
What would I change? Several things:
The slave girl's hair, for one. Since when does a slave girl have the time to spend (or be able afford the hair care product) to crimp her hair like that?
The Egyptian society. They seemed to be getting *very* lackadaisical when it came to alternate societies in season three ... it's like they just used the same basic things over and over and put out a call to general casting and wardrobe - "Gimme 7 extras of vaguely Mediterranean or Middle-Eastern aspect and matching Egytpian costumes made out of modern materials ... we'll use our own guns and automobiles".
But most importantly, I'd change the writers' and producers' absolute ignorance of natural laws. Giant scarab? Uhh ... ever hear of the square-cube law governing the size of critters? And that spinning pyramid? There's a little thing called *momentum* which kinda dictates that the force of the spinning pyramid should have ripped it off its spindle when it jerked to a stop at that speed.
That's what I'd change.
~ JTHeyman
"Wade Wells Lives!"

Peck never met a law of physics..
Date: 02/27/2004
From: Recall317
...he couldn't break. That's called leadership!
Good point, JT. I never got past the nonsense of a rotating pyramid to analyze the momentum piece of the equation.
What would I change? I'd probably do away with the pyramids entirely. Many societies built pyramids for tombs in ancient times, but they all evolved past it. Probably cause it was just an exquisite waste of space and energy. Even if they were still doing it for some unfathomable reason, why in Los Angeles? How many freaking pharoahs they got on this world?
PS. Pharoah? Pharaoh? I can never spell that word right. Neither could the prop guys.

The title
Date: 02/27/2004
The 'B' in 'BT' does not stand for 'Bangles'.
But I guess that would be better suited for Rename Game, wouldn't it?
OK, I guess if I had to change one thing, I'd say either make the Egyptians speak some language that we can't understand and have subtitles or make this out to be an American culture that became obsessed with the Egyptians. Maybe back in the 1920s, after Howard Carter's discovery of King Tut, America became fascinated with pharoahs and pyramids. They could even have an old movie poster of Lon Chaney in "The Mummy" to drive home the idea of this retrocultural revolution. As a Season 1 or 2 ep, it could be successful and tongue-in-cheek.
Then again, this is the Peck Era. Just be glad we didn't get talking crocodiles.
Rembrandt: "Check it out, Professor. Elizabeth Taylor's still playin' Cleopatra." Remmy holds up an ad for ThinFast that has Taylor in her Cleopatra garb and a caption that reads 'Lose Weight Now, Asp Me How'.

I actually wouldn't change it
Date: 02/27/2004
From: Grizzlor
I know, I'm shocked too. Actually, I would have changed that idiotic Scarab. that was so bad it was criminal. Instead, how about a big spider with Kari's head?

Special Guest Star: The Bangles
Date: 02/27/2004
Well, I just realized that my last 3 WWYC entries all suggested adding a musical number, so why not be consistent.
My suggestion would be to be to alter the alt-history.
My premise Cleopatra is that becomes Empress of Rome. Egyptian culture comes to dominate Rome but falls out of favor with the eventual fall of the Roman empire.
However Egyptian culture comes back with the renaissance. Meanwhile, in the Middle East. A brilliant Egyptian makes a discovery that forever changes the balance of power. Seems an Egyptian scientist long ago had long ago made many incredible inventions that would have revolutionized the world. But was unexpectedly murdered, betrayed by a lover.
His discoveries were lost and written off as legend.
The Egyptian discovers the long hidden inventions and scrolls. He is a smart enough to reproduce the technology. He eventually becomes the Mohammed-like head of Neo-Egyptian movement that overthrows Islam and eventually leads to the successful conquest of the west.
This would explain Cairo and Alexandria and the English speaking.

"Oh, my."
Date: 03/11/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT thought Kirk's last line was the lamest ever.
Couldn't have Quinn stayed dead? It would have saved us from the horrors of NAN.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4067736
Nominated by Blinker
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