Rename Game • Paradise Lost
Date: 02/28/2004
From: SynthIA
• The_Seer wins the governorship of Minnesota!
• JTHeyman wins a new "Ford Lexus" from "DragonSlide" world!
• Recall317 wins the greatest nonsensical props of Sliders history, including the "Rules of the Game" newspaper and the "Prince of Slides" diary entry!
• ThomasMalthus wins this shiny gold...ish bangle!
• Grizzlor wins the REALLY scary direct-to-video "Eight Legged Sluts!"
• PhantomDennis wins the remains of the Library of New Alexandria!
This weekend we're renaming "Paradise Lost," the episode that begged the question: how many degrees of Kevin Bacon does the plot count for?
You might borrow your alternate title from elsewhere in the series...
BLINKER: If you're dead set on calling an episode "This Slide of Paradise," THIS is the time to do it.
...from Shakespeare...
SYNTHIA: Romeo and Juliet, Act III, Scene I. "They Have Made Worms' Meat of Me!"
...from the mind of Peckinpah...
BLINKER: "Shamegri-La."
...or even devise a genuine improvement on your own!
Make your pick, and let's hear it.
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

Fecal matters
Date: 02/28/2004
From: Recall317
Given that the plot revolves around excrement and the episode isn't very good, a whole host of appropriate names become available to us. I, however, will take the higher road--for now--and select "What Lies Beneath."
It works on 3 levels:
a) There is a literal subterranean threat
b) It refers to the facade of the people of Paradise
c) It shares a name with another piece of cinematic crap

I'm gonna take the easy way out, today.
Date: 02/28/2004
'Lo. .
I'm just gonna go with "Worm Food" because of the double meaning (worm sludge is villagers' food and sacrificial victims are the worm's food).
<shrug> Sometimes, you just have to take the easy out.
~ JTHeyman
"Wade Wells Lives!"

Samson Agonistes
Date: 02/28/2004
Because this episode is so worthy of a Miltonian tile.
I'll go with
"As the Worm Turns"
"Passing through Paradise"
I won't bother to explain that one. ;)

Worm Food and Worm Turns taken?
Date: 02/29/2004
Beginning Text must be eaten by worms.
In that case, I'm going to go with "Temptation Beach". Fox execs would have loved it and it speaks to the often unspoken about temptation that the sliders felt to stay on that world. That was a development that really harkened back to Season One, don't you think?
P.S. The sad thing is that they could have pursued this angle easily with an eternal youth world if only they hadn't played their hand so quickly with the worm goo.

This one's easy!
Date: 03/01/2004
From: sliderules
It's BT! I knew it! Ha!
Anyone, I'd rename this episode "Strange Medicine." Because isn't worm goo some strange medicine? I thought so.
"Got a headache? Stomach Ache? Pnemonia? Try some Worm Goo! From the makers of Pepto Bismol."

"Get thee to a nunnery!"
Date: 03/11/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT do you talk to poor Yorick?
The Spice of Life
I've always liked this line from 'Dune'...
Wait for my brother.
Um... yeah Charlie's coming.

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Nominated by Blinker
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