Unknown Facts • The Exodus, Part 1
Date: 03/01/2004
From: SynthIA
• Recall317 wins a haunted bathtub!
• JTHeyman wins a Worm Soufflé from the Bait-N-Breakfast!
• PhantomDennis wins the guardianship of a fair infant dying of a cough!
• ThomasMalthus wins "The Best Simpsons Episodes Whose Titles Play On 'The Last Temptation of Christ!'"
• sliderules wins a role in a Worm Goo commercial! "Worm Goo. It tastes like crap, and it works."
After a protracted run of episodes that teetered on the edge of crap (and sometimes plunged straight in), Sliders stood at a crossroads. In many ways, "The Exodus, Part 1" looked promising: the plot was relatively original, we were finally looking at sliding in a novel way beyond "slide in, have an hour-long adventure, and slide out," and hey look! Our first cliffhanger! Just try to ignore how these (and pretty much all the other) aspects were handled with comprehension-defying stupidity. It'll make tomorrow's letdown all the more crushing!
But for now, how about telling us something we *didn't* know:
The last shot (with the legend "To Be Continued") was intended to be shown in widescreen, but what with nobody putting in any effort whatsoever, they forgot and stretched it vertically to fit.
Wait, that actually sounds plausible. So I'd better point out to any new players that the notion is to *make up* your facts. Okay, let 'er rip!
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

The Plagues of Exodus
Date: 03/01/2004
Many of noted that there are no obvious Move Rip-offs in this episode but that wasn't always the case.
Noting that the title was "Exodus", Peckinpah's original plan was more the mysterious killer (i. e. Rickman) to kill each of his victims with in a manner similar to the Egyptian plagues ala the "Abombinable Doctor Phibes"
Rickman's wife, you see was injured in a physics experiment and reduced to a coma. So Rickman is killing those he holds Respobsible.
Ironically, Professor Arturo's double was killed before Rickman had to chance to exact Revenge. So Rickman sees an opportunity for vengeance.
There's a moving scene when the Slider's find Arturo's body pinned to a wall by a unicorn and begin searching his pockets for the timer.
Fox executives made Peckinpah abandon this scenario. Mostly because the idea of Revenge Killings mad them nervous. "Wouldn't want to give the fans any ideas," they muttered.

Unthought Idiocy
Date: 03/02/2004
Beginning Text must be recast!
Did you know... to foreshadow the Professor's death, Dr. Jariabek was originally supposed to be played by John Rhys-Davies. Mr. Rhys-Davies complained that it was illogical for him to remark that he knew Dr. Jariabek's double without also remarking on their similar looks. However, it was Krzysztof Reczynski's photos of David Peckinpah in a compromising position with a cete of badgers that actually killed this cost-saving casting move.

Thou shalt not steal
Date: 03/02/2004
From: Recall317
Continuing the religious imagery implied by the title and the odd choice of location, Rickman was supposed to present two folders containing the lists of personnel, a la Moses and the 10 commandments. It was cut because the Fox censors didn't understand the reference.

"Good People, Good Food."
Date: 03/10/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT does seem rational at times, doesn't it?
The motto of Chaco Chicken. ;-)
The reason why Captain Beckett couldn't hold her gun in the standard position was the fact that she and her husband were racing in wheelchairs earlier. He wanted to teach her that it's far harder to do things in that chair... well some things. O:-)
Catherine: You got my message.
Chris: You sounded hungry… I was thinking dinner at the Bellagio.
Catherine: Alright
Chris: What are you in the mood for?
Catherine: Room Service.
~~~~ CSI's "Getting Off"
MSR wolf whistling at this scene :-D

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4067742
Nominated by Blinker
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