What Would You Change? DinoSlide
Date: 03/10/2004
From: SynthIA
Recall317 wins 349 "Whose Line Is It Anyway" points!
ThomasMalthus wins a cherry popsicle!
MissingSliderRyan wins a set of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog diapers! "These are great diapers... for me to collect and save!"
DieselMickeyDolenz wins the complete PETA comic book collection, featuring "A Chicken's Life" and "Mommy Kills Animals"!
PhantomDennis wins the last point!
"As traps go, it's a good one."
Yeah, right. I would've had Rickman just paint a hole on the cliff face and trick Quinn and Maggie into running into it.
I mean, really. This is an episode where the dinosaur's head explodes not with showers of blood and bone and brain, but with a whimsical puff of smoke. You want to introduce a modicum of realism now?
NOTE: "Yes, please" does not constitute a valid entry.
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

How did the Dinosaurs get there?
Date: 03/11/2004
Do you expect us to believe that they've been there the whole time? Wouldn't Paleontologist Quinn noted signs the last times he was there.
Taking a cue from the Season 3 Babylon 5 episode "Gray 17 is Missing", I suggest that the Dinosaurs were imported as eggs by a group by sliding cultists led by a double of Aldohn (Robert Englund).
You see on their original world, Japan rules, and Aldohn's followers believe the only way to the strong is to embrace the perfect death which they decide is to be eaten by dinosaurs. So they stole some eggs from "In Dino Veritas" world and planted them in what they suitable enviroment.
We could have subplot where the leadership of the colony is challenged and Maggie fights the chalenger a duel to the death.
BTW, in "Gray 17" Garibaldi defeats the Zarg by boiling some bullets and sending them through a tube making a "gun" that defies all the laws of physics.
Who says Peckipah and JMS have nothing in common.

Date: 03/11/2004
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
I think the one change that would have brought the most improvement would have been for the dinosaurs to have eaten Malcom before the episode started. It would have spared the audience a great deal of pain, and given Rembrandt some much needed RAGE for hunting down Malcom's cold-blooded killer.

Meep! Meep!
Date: 03/11/2004
From: Recall317
I'm going to blow up the earth.
I don't really have anything for this one. It's another off the wall conceptual episode that can't be fixed without throwing it all out and starting over.
Like this:
Okay, maybe it's not that much of an improvement... :)

Date: 03/11/2004
From: sliderules
Foxy BT! Badadada...
I would change the premise of a return to Maggie's homeworld and the return to Dinosaur CGI. SO basically, I'd change the entire episode into a plot where Malcolm somehow starts sliding just to fing Rembrandt. You know, a Rembrandt focused episode. You know, the black guy?
Okay, I'm done. :-)
"Peckinpah is not bread."

The eps, they are a-changin'
Date: 03/11/2004
Beginning Text should be blown to the wind!
It's academic to say that any one of us could come up with a better episode than this one. But could there be even a better Peck-style "DinoSlide"? Let me tastelessly submit that there could.
You see, the colonists only *think* the natives are dead. Actually, the natives are zombies who keep resurrecting themselves by eating dinosaur eggs. Decidedly not pleased by the fact that humans are horning in on their planet, the native zombies soon release their biggest T-Rex from its cave (the natives managed to pen up dinosaurs in caves, see). Then the sliders manage to trick the T-Rex into overeating the colonists, making it sluggish and lethargic. Afterwards, Maggie clubs it to death.
Then it turns out, pointlessly, that the natives *aren't* zombies, they're actually possessed by dinosaur embryos. Quinn shrugs, says "Hey, it's a parallel world!" and the five of them slide off. That's right, five. Quinn offers a hot possessed native girl the chance to slide with them, putting the sliders into conflict with a group called the zygote protectorate on the next world.
Worse than what we got or better? You decide.

Heheheh do I have to pick one?
Date: 03/11/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT do you think Angel has a chance at renewal?
Peck: One day I saw in the props department this book by Dr. Michio Kaku called 'Hperspace.' I was thinking SpaceBalls, but it wasn't about that. I vaugely remember seeing this books in some episode. Eh, I can't remember which one. I turned the pages and saw these wicked dinosaurs looking at each other through a mirror. I couldn't understand the technobabble, but I think they were doing an Alice in Wonderland thing or something like that. Anyways, I saw this hot babe walk by and lost the page in the book. Oh well, we came up with this dinosaur script anyway. Hmm... I wonder if we could have used that Stargate set and let the dinosaur run through it and slide to another dimension. Oh... another hot babe... what was I saying?

How about...
Date: 03/11/2004
From: BillOReilly
...recasting Roger Daltrey as BT?!
I'd tack a scene onto the end with Roy Dotrice waking up in a cold sweat. He takes a few desperate breaths and finally says, "What the hell?!"
We wouldn't understand it until the series finale, but we could at least hold onto the hope that it was nothing more than a bad pizza episode.

Mmmm... Maggie
Date: 03/11/2004
From: The_Seer
BT was eaten by the dinosaur.
I would have had the dinosaur eat Maggie, leading to Malcolm joining the group as the 4th slider. There could have even been a funeral scene where Quinn and Rembrant say something nice about Maggie (QUINN: "Uhhhhhh ... well, she was nicer to look at than the Professor." REMBRANT: "Well, she was nicer to land on than the Professor.") and then when it's Wade's turn she just starts laughing hysterically and then the scene fades to credits.

I would add
Date: 03/15/2004
From: SlidersRocks
Hi - I think a better story for Dinoslide would of been Rickman going to that earth to get those tubes of brain fluid. If you remember he brought a ton a brain fluid with him in a container but left it on that planet. So going back to that earth for the brain fluid would of added a tiny bit more to that story.

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Nominated by Blinker
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