Rename Game • Stoker
Date: 03/11/2004
From: SynthIA
• PhantomDennis wins a cheque for $5,000,000 of the non-explosive persuasion!
• DieselMickeyDolenz wins the most controversial paleological find of the century: a hand-knit dinosaur sweater!
• Recall317 wins a lifetime supply of Flintstones vitamins!
• sliderules wins a lifetime supply of bread alone!
• ThomasMalthus wins a Zygote Protectorate membership card!
• MissingSliderRyan wins a very special Crystal Star for her dozens of replies posted overnight! Wow!
• BillOReilly wins free lodging on a publicity junket for his latest book, "600 More Reasons Why Gratuitous Personal Attacks Do Not Constitute Satire!"
• The_Seer wins a comfy Wuhrer brand mattress!
...and now, the Rename Game for "Stoker."
BLINKER: I'll borrow a title from one of the group's songs: "Dead Beat." 'Cause they're vampire musicians, right? Plus, their hearts no longer beat... right? Hey, at least I didn't stoop to some gag about Wade "vamping it up."
SYNTHIA: I'm going with "Wade V--" ...I mean, er, "Tommy the Vampire Staker." Or, uh, "Staker" for short.
SLIDER_SARAH: I still like the German title, "Song of the Vampire." It makes the episode sound a lot cooler than it actually is :-)
THIRD SEASON EXECUTIVE PRODUCER DAVID PECKINPAH: "Harker! The Herald Demons Sing"? Wait, work with me here. "Transdimvania?" Hey, how about a subtle tribute to the fans: "Suckers!" With an exclamation mark.
BLINKER: Good night.
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

Why change it?
Date: 03/12/2004
"Stoker" is actually a pretty cool title. All the complaints I've heard about this episode, none have been about the title. It could be much worse
OK, here's my suggestion: "Band of Blood Brothers"
See what did I tell you?

What? No "Bram"?
Date: 03/12/2004
BT thought that was the obvious choice.
"Stakeholm Syndrome." Wade's post-traumatic sympathy for her captors make this an appropriate title.
"The Grateful Undead." A rock band. Vampires. It's a no-brainer. But maybe that would be more fitting for the zombie episode.
Or a shout out to 'Rocky and Bullwinkle': "That Voice! Where Have I Heard That Voice Before?"

Still partial to Sci-Fi's Stroker
Date: 03/12/2004
From: Recall317
Those wacky schedulers and their sense of humor. Or lack of spellcheck...
If I remember my Dracula stereotypes, vampires always say "Blah!" That's as good a title as any for this one.
"Look, kid, let's not turn this into [censored] Abbott and Costello. Just call me [censored] Blah and leave it at that, all right?" - Count Blah, "Greg the Bunny"

In honor of an MIA board member
Date: 03/12/2004
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
"Stoker Chick" - works well with Wade's new groupie image as well :P

Crystal Star :-D
Date: 03/12/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT gets nothing! Nothing!
Rickman's Choice
Blood, it's what's for dinner
Shock Theater
Rock Me, Dracula
That depends on what you think it looks like, Sheriff Hartwell. Vampires have always been with us, in ancient myths and stories passed down from early man. (Scully stands behind Mulder, smiling, eyes wide, rocks from side to side, goofing around) From the Babylonian Ekimu to the Chinese Kuang-Shi to Motetz Dam of the Hebrews, the Mormo of ancient Greece and Rome to the more familiar Nosferatu of Transylvania.
~~~ Mulder in 'Bad Blood'

Crystal Star :-D
Date: 03/12/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT gets nothing! Nothing!
I hope this doesn't get reposted once again.
Rickman's Choice
Blood, it's what's for dinner
Shock Theater
Rock Me, Dracula
Wish we had the Who
That depends on what you think it looks like, Sheriff Hartwell. Vampires have always been with us, in ancient myths and stories passed down from early man. (Scully stands behind Mulder, smiling, eyes wide, rocks from side to side, goofing around) From the Babylonian Ekimu to the Chinese Kuang-Shi to Motetz Dam of the Hebrews, the Mormo of ancient Greece and Rome to the more familiar Nosferatu of Transylvania.
~~~ Mulder in 'Bad Blood'

And the hits(sorta) just keep on comin'!
Date: 03/15/2004
From: sliderules
As does BT. A shame, no?
Well this title is the best I could think of. A play on one of America's favorite slogans:
"Rock And Roll Will Never Undie"
"Note to self: Think before you sleep. I mean...D'oh!"

I'm going for the record!
Date: 03/31/2004
From: Callie21V
Beginning Text uses steroids.
That's right: I will now be playing all six episode games in the same reply. Fear me! Or admire me.
Ahh, fear makes more sense.
I've got the lead pipe Quinn used to stake the head vampire. Wait a minute... lead pipe?! *sigh*
I learned that when a scantily clad groupie practically throws herself at a vampire, oozing innuendo from every pore, the vamp's reaction is to immediately kill her for her blood. And who says chivalry is dead?
Good Thing: Holy CRAP, can Sabrina sing!
Bad Thing: A plot about, say, Wade's musician double and our Wade's bafflement given that in three full years she has *NEVER DISPLAYED ANY MUSICAL APTITUDE* would have been a much more logical way to showcase Ms. Lloyd's talent.
Besides, um, everything? Lose the "Dracula" homage names. Anyone well-read enough to get them is probably intelligent enough to realize that they make no sense in the episode's context.
Does the crucifix's effect on the undead amount to an endorsement of Christianity in the Sliderverse? According to a scene cut for time, no. Tokens of any religion will do just as well, including L. Ron Hubbard novels, Slack-blessed 'Bob' pipes, and ever since a recent census on that world, green or blue toy lightsabers.
Well, if I called "Sole Survivors" "Eat Me," this one would have to be its companion piece: "Bite Me!"
>>> C/21

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Nominated by Blinker
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