Rename Game • Prophets and Loss
Date: 03/16/2004
From: SynthIA
BLINKER [watching a tape of "Prophets and Loss"]: Are these even the same people from Season One?! Wade's already been written off, and all Quinn can think about is this brother he's never met! While Remmy's focus, meanwhile, is on giddily robbing his doubles' bank accounts!
SYNTHIA: Uh... think it's prize time.
• ThomasMalthus wins a "Pilot"-style underground basement full of revolutionary inventions!
• DieselMickey Dolenz wins a 'D M D'-engraved bauble of his choice!
• Recall317 wins Peck's notes! Which mostly consist of "Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalala" in D Minor!
• PhantomDennis wins a wooden bat made of Charlie O'Connell acting!
BLINKER: Just how many times has "Star Trek" used this same lousy pun, anyway? "Prophet Motive"... "False Profits"... "Profit and Lace"...
SYNTHIA: Every time the Ferengi came on screen, basically.
BLINKER: Okay, I'm going with "Ashes to Ashes." If most viewers assume it's a direct Bible quote, so much the better!
SYNTHIA: Mine is somewhat blunter: "Organized Religion Is Intrinsically Evil."
CALEB [chuckling at the Welcomers' demise]: Now that's a cleansing fire! Why couldn't I have been assigned to this diocese?
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

Date: 03/17/2004
From: Recall317
Not to be confused with Dam Nation
I'd call it "The Rapture" and then rewrite it to follow the comic book of the same title scene by scene. Prophets is clearly inspired by the Ultimatum two-parter and Ultimatum is simply better. Replace the Wade double with a Maggie double--which would be entirely believable--and replace alt-Arturo with Quinn's father. Or keep alt-Arturo and plead with JRD to do the guest spot.
Heavy-handedness is clearly not a concern, so I'd see no objections being raised by the Sci-Fi channel to go to the 9s on this one with Ultimatum's Rapture and Damnation. (Each comic book is essentially 2 acts long, so both would form one episode.)

Religion and science mutually exclusive?
Date: 03/17/2004
Beginning Text must be excluded.
Guess that lets out all thought during the Middle Ages. Or anything coming out of the Middle East in the last few millenia. But I digress.
How 'bout "Separation of Church and Hate"? "The Religious Wrong"? "Samson and De-Lie-La"? That last one could feature Maggie in a leading role and have a catchy 'Beauty versus Beast'-style promo.
"A Fire Power"? Nah, that could be too easily confused with any Maggie-centric eppy.

"Heretic Today, Gone Tomorrow" (n/t)
Date: 03/17/2004
From: Callie21V
>>> C/21

The Burning Zone
Date: 03/17/2004
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
or is that too direct? Then, of course there are copyright issues with the series of the same name.

Date: 03/17/2004
From: MissingSliderLogan
BT doesn't like it when I start laughing.
Follow the Yellow Slide Road
Sliding up to Heaven or Hell
Logan's KFC: Keep Frying Crispy
Urning Your Way To Heaven
Do You Smell What Logan's Cooking?
Baby: Mommy, can I fry someone too?
Logan: When you get older honey. And it's called sliding not frying.
Baby: Okay Mommy.

Prophet and Loss
Date: 03/17/2004
When I first saw this I thought I heard JOC announce the title as "Prophet and Loss" which makes sense as a pun, because prophet sounds vaguely like profit, but prophets has a distinct FETZ sound.
Anyway my suggestion is "The Ragrats Go to the 4th Dimension"

If it were made this year...
Date: 03/18/2004
From: TemporalFlux
Universal would probably make a lame attempt at deceptive cross promotion and title it:
"Mr. Monk Goes To Hell"

How about
Date: 03/18/2004
From: Celestial7
"Life's too short and then you slide" <>

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Nominated by Blinker
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