Rename Game • World Killer
Date: 03/20/2004
From: SynthIA
• Grizzlor wins a gilded mirror!
• Slider_Sarah wins a plate of Molotov cocktail shrimp!
• PhantomDennis wins "the special!"
• Recall317 wins a mini Julie McNab! Er, Mercedes Benz!
• The_Seer wins wizardly powers!
• ThomasMalthus wins one of those Evil Project Handlinks that turned up on eBay!
• Callie21V (UF: Slither) wins a snake that magically deflects asteroids!
SYNTHIA: So... "World Killer."
BLINKER: How 'bout "Empty World"?
BLINKER: Kidding, kidding. This is a solid title, even if when I first heard it and "Slidecage" reported I got mental images of enormous planet-devastating spaceships and concluded that Sci-Fi had imposed some rather drastic format changes. Anyway, the best I can do is "Doubled," which is basically the poor man's "Double Cross."
SYNTHIA: Well, we could tie it into the marquee at the beginning... "The Man Who Would Be Boss."
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

Wurld Killaz
Date: 03/20/2004
From: Recall317
The title if aired on MTV.
It may be corny, but I like "The Last Man on Earth." And in this case, it's literally true.

I too would look to "Double Cross"
Date: 03/20/2004
From: TemporalFlux
And continue that clever idea that wasn't used as often as it should have been.
"Double or Nothing"
It would apply to both the world situation and the fact that Quinn needed another version of himself to figure out the Colin coordinate. :-)

"For I Am Shiva"
Date: 03/21/2004
... Destroyer of Worlds.
Have you considered what screw-ups Quinn and his doubles have turned out to me.
Let's See:
"As Time Goes By" Although I don't think a universe should be that delicate that it can be destroyed by a little time paradox.
"Other Slide of Darkness" Although which Kromaggs so-called "smarter Quinn" gave the equation to remains a continuity puzzle.
"Genesis" Although the writers screwed up the implant storyline in "Common Ground", making the invasion of Quinn's Earth, a coincidence.
Now this fiasco.
I was going to suggest the more prosaic "Between Two Worlds", but I think "For I am Shiva" is actually more appropriate.

"The Killer is Me"?
Date: 03/21/2004
Beginning Text in chains would be a good idea.
It could end with JOC on his knees, crying over Wade, and calling out "Come back, baby." Oh, wait. That's been done.
OK, how about "Two by Two"? It references the Sister's speech and ties into the fact that we're going to have four sliders again very soon. The title also brings to mind the Smurfs, but I have no clue why.
P.S. TF's idea was exceedingly clever.

The obvious ones.....
Date: 03/21/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT do you like
There can only be one! :-D
One is the loneliest number!
The Prize
Did I do that?

Since I'm on a roll ...
Date: 03/21/2004
From: LiquidSunshine
Or not.
"I Feel All Alone"
"Oops, I did it again"
"Is Anyone Out There?"
LiquidS -- ya know?

How about these?
Date: 03/21/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT just ignore me like usual.
I think I'm alone now
Two Nuns are better than one
Hogg Heaven
Double or Nothing
Quinn Mallory: From Scientist to Bum to the Only person left on his world
Mr. Hand, do you feel lucky tonight? O:-)

The Odd Couple
Date: 03/21/2004
From: Grizzlor
Yes, Quinn one and two are forced to work together. They hate each other's guts. Neither can act.

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Nominated by Blinker
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