What Would You Change? • Virtual Slide
Date: 03/18/2004
From: SynthIA
• Recall317 wins a new pair of boots with a crazy green stripe!
• ThomasMalthus wins the same boots, but with stripes of lime green, lime green, and tangerine!
• DieselMickeyDolenz wins a "Guinness World Records" broadcast of a daredevil performing the tango with his prehensile tongue!
• PhantomDennis (RG: Prophets and Loss) wins "The Best of Star Wars Gangsta Rap," featuring "Fett's Vette!" And, um, very little else.
• TemporalFlux (RG: Prophets and Loss) wins a bulletproof cassock!
• Celestial7 (RG: Prophets and Loss) wins an extended-lifetime supply of the Unspecified Caveman Vitamins (With Worm Goo!) that David Peckinpah tried to market on Earth 5260!
You're not going to tell me you're HAPPY with "Virtual Slide," are you? Well, start changing things!
But I'm in a rush (as usual), so I'll just address the one element that's drawn more ridicule than any other... Maggie shooting the blackboard.
That's not to say I'd take it out. No, I'd have her explain that it was standard coverup procedure under Rickman's command:
"Don't you reMEMber when I shot up Jariabek's STARmaps?"
"Oh yeah... man, you musta put a hundred bullets through that globe..."
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

Not made the focus Maggie
Date: 03/18/2004
From: Grizzlor
Would have had a dream/flashback angle involving Quinn or Rembrandt. It would have allowed a reappearance of Wade or Arturo, if those actors would have been available.

2 things
Date: 03/19/2004
Am I even allowed 2 things?
1) Stopped Maggie singing. That always makes me cringe.
2) When she dreams about her and Quinn, I'd put a frigging background in!
Sorry, two things that bug me, though on the whole I like the episode.

I liked this episode.
Date: 03/19/2004
As a matter of fact, I considered it the best of the first 4 episodes of S4.
Although, it helped that Maggie was a blank slate to me. I had only seen one episode of S3 Sliders ("The Guardian")prior to SFC's airing of "This Slide of Paradise".
I had assumed she was same character that was talked about in some write-ups for S3, the recurring character that was going around stealing natural resources.
I thought this episode, (Keith Damron's first, which is why it's referenced in "The Seer) developed Maggie's nicely. Using the movie comparisons, it actually compares very well to David Cronenberg's "ExisenZ"
Anyway, what I would change. I wouldn't have Quinn aware of Maggie's fantasies. That made me cringe.

Deja vu
Date: 03/19/2004
From: Recall317
This was the test episode for this game when Sliders returned to the daily rotation. I started writing up my comment and thought 'this seems really familiar.'
My comment then--as it is now--is dump the correlation between sliding technology and harmony. It's forced harder than Arturo in a Mini Cooper.

Home Sweet Home?
Date: 03/19/2004
From: The_Seer
BT wouldn't have returned to EP so quickly.
I would have gotten rid of the part about the sliders supposedly having returning to Earth Prime. How believable was it for them to have "randomly" slid back to EP after only a handful of slides when it took them a whole season (season 1) and also intervention by a Quinn double (the "wizard") to get them home the first time.

Virtual Jimmy
Date: 03/20/2004
Beginning Text must be destroyed!
In honor of the upcoming QL DVDs, I'd put Carolyn Seymour in the Conchita Leeflang role.

Date: 03/20/2004
From: Recall317
I finally got some time today to enjoy a Slider marathon and I watched this week's eps. The surprise of the lot is Virtual Slide. This episode is far more sophisticated than I gave it credit for the first time through. (Note: Strange as it sounds, there are many 4th season episodes I've only seen once or twice.)
Congrats to Keith Damron. This may be his best work. I'm still not fond of the musical sequence=sliding initial sequence=utter bullshit, but he did do a good job projecting Maggie's fears and dreams into Quinn and Rembrandt and distracting you from the truth that the ENTIRE episode is about Maggie, start to finish. I didn't see it the first time around, mistakenly interpreting the character inconsistencies as, well, mistakes. Not so at all.

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Nominated by Blinker
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