Rename Game • The Alternateville Horror
Date: 03/25/2004
From: SynthIA
• Recall317 wins the reagan? album "She uses punctuation."!
• Slider_Sarah wins a bottle of Kari Wuhrer's Caffeine Pills!
• PhantomDennis wins "Steal This Book on Tape!"
• The_Seer wins an autographed Nan Hagan script of his choice!
• Grizzlor wins Elvis' body!
SYNTHIA: [shrug] I'll be lazy and just drop the "-rror."
BLINKER: If it'd convince Aimee Mann to perform, I'd gladly call it "Ghost World."
FOURTH SEASON EXECUTIVE PRODUCER DAVID PECKINPAH: "The Sliding." [looks around fearfully] I mean... "The Slidding."
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

House IV
Date: 03/25/2004
From: Recall317
It's too bad they didn't film Sliders at Disneyland. It could have spared us that Eddie Murphy film.
I've got nothing, so I'll just call it "The Honking" and quote Futurama.
"Mumbo? Perhaps. Jumbo? Perhaps not!"
"I'll believe what I was programmed to believe!"

"Have No Fear"
Date: 03/25/2004
Smith is here. Is here.
Given that a character named Smith has a key role in the storyline, I think the title "Have No Fear" really works.

More "Slidding"?
Date: 03/26/2004
Beggginnning Text must be ddestroyed!
Well, that's one more thing David Peckinpah ripped off of Tracy Torme...
"Funhouse Mirror". It might have spoiled the surprise of our idiotically inverted trio, but does that really matter that much? "FrankenSlide" would have been more up Peckinpah's alley, though.
"We would have called it that if Al Franken had been available to play the monster."- DP

How about...
Date: 03/31/2004
the vanishing timer?

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Nominated by Blinker
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