Unknown Facts • Slidecage
Date: 03/26/2004
From: SynthIA
• Recall317 wins four two-storey houses!
• PhantomDennis wins a tasteful pewter replica of the Robot!
• ThomasMalthus wins an Al Franken beer mug!
Yes, we know the sets are from "Timecop," the costumes are from "Waterworld," and the exterior shot features the Vasquez Rocks. We know that Armin Shimerman was meant to deliver that "Beauty and the Beast" homage, and we remember that the co-ordinates to Kromagg Prime are "405 134 101 118."
Well, some of us do.
But "Unknown Facts" challenges you to dig deeper... into the realm of pure BS:
Quinn's line, "I feel like I've just been through the longest car exhaust in the world," comes from experience. His experience at Hicksticks, Iowa's local attraction was the worst childhood vacation he ever spent.
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

Love in Sci_FI Prime
Date: 03/26/2004
When they got the Timecop sets, it was originally thought they got the show's star T. W. King. So the original script had a homage to the Soap Opera LOVING.
When King, was not availible. The role was given to Shimmerman and the homage was changed to Beauty & the Beast.

I must kill...the Quinn
Date: 03/27/2004
From: Recall317
Where's Ricardo?
Rembrandt's reprogramming as an assassin inspired a quick and subtle homage to the Naked Gun.
Quinn: Surely, you don't want to do this.
Rembrandt: I do want to do this, and don't call me Shirley.
Chris Black countered that these lines were from Airplane! instead. Since no one could be bothered to do the research, the lines were removed.
Rembrandt: Get back, Quinn! I gotta practice my stabbin'. Wa-ha!

Hicksticks, Iowa?
Date: 03/27/2004
Beginning Text mus' be destro-ee-ed.
In Riley country?! Naw, everybody should know that the longest car exhaust in the world is in Rubetown, West Virgina, and is a big attraction every year at the Cox County Fair.
My unknown fact? Kaldeen's look was a shoutout to Fat Albert's Donald. Apparently, MSZ is a big fan of the series, saying it perfectly captured the "surreal energy" of his other favorite show, "The Twilight Zone". Zicree added that the Bill Cosby cartoon's treatment of "The Howling Man" was far superior to the original from Rod Serling's Sci-Fi anthology series. Plans to make Colin a Mushmouth-like character were scrapped earlier in the season, due to longterm hatwear concerns.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4067818
Nominated by Blinker
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