Rename Game • Mother and Child
Date: 04/02/2004
From: Techn_calDiffi_ult__
SYNTHIA II [hanging up phone]: Mike won't lend us any of the bots. Says they're strictly SOL.
BLINKER: [groan]
SYNTHIA II: BUT, PhantomDennis inspired me to dig up this old Apple IIe and boot up E--
BLINKER: [sweeps the IIe into the garbage without even looking]
• BuckeyeSlider wins the Seer's licensed "remote viewing control"!
• ThomasMalthus wins a free pizza!
• baysbabe wins Prof. Farnsworth's Whoroscope!
• PhantomDennis wins "The Ten Stupid Shows Women Do to Mess Up Their Careers" by Eliza Dushku!
• Grizzlor wins "The Big Book of Baby Last Names!"
• Recall317 wins an authentic shard of the S4 arc autographed by the entire cast!
• Celestial7 wins a soprano clarinet!
BLINKER [holding up "Vigilance Always! The Pig-Faces May Be Back" prop]: "Babe: Pig-Face in the City."
FOURTH SEASON EXECUTIVE PRODUCER DAVID PECKINPAH: "Baby Got Back." [off others' looks] As in, uh, home.
SLIDEMANIA: "Slide, Baby, Slide!"
WHOEVER DOES THE GERMAN VERSION OF INFORMANT'S SITE: "Two Fathers." Or maybe that was yesterday's.
BLINKER: All right gang, let's have it!
PHANTOMDENNIS: You know, that joke would've made a lot more sense if "Tru Calling" hadn't proven a modest success after all.
BLINKER: Okay, you also win Jimmy Carter's new peace treatise "Cry Uncle, and Let Slip the Dogs of Reconciliation."
Please stand by.

call it
Date: 04/02/2004
From: baysbabe
rock a bye baby

Wade? Who's Wade?
Date: 04/02/2004
From: The_Seer
BT remembers who Wade is.
Looks like I beat everyone to this one ... "We Don't Have Time".
Okay seriously, how about either "All in the Family" or "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?".

The pizza box is empty.
Date: 04/02/2004
Marge! The BT blew shut! Oh, wait. Woohoo!
What to say about an episode where the roles of the two remaining original sliders are completely reversed? In "The Pilot", who would have guessed three seasons later that Rembrandt would be fretting over Wade in peril while Quinn is the one fanatically obsessed with making it home?
Oh, right. I don't have to say anything about it. Just rename it. Bad on me.
This episode is rife with Lifetime movie-of-the-week possibilities, so let's go with "Not Without My Humagg". Er, maybe not. That's almost as derivative as "Father, May I Sleep with Danger?"
How 'bout "Follow the Breeder" instead? Or "This Magg is My Magg"? OK, last one, and a fairly obscure reference:
"Our Own Gary Mitchell".

Beds are Burning
Date: 04/02/2004
From: Recall317
The series is in flames.
The best title is "Abandon".

Therapy Session
Date: 04/02/2004
>Hello I am Eliza.
* Hello Eliza. My Name is Jonathan.
> Names don't interest me.
* I want to talk about my father.
> Why do you want to talk about your father?
* Because years ago my mother was abducted by aliens and taken to a breeder camp.
> What does that suggest to you?
* That I'm the product of rape, dammit.
> Did you come to me because you are the product of rape, dammit?
* Yes
> I see.
* Do you? Do you really?
> We were discussing you, not me.
* But how do you deal with the fact that your father visited unspeakable horror on your mother and murdered your grandfather.
> Oh...
* Do you have any Ideas, Doc?
> You're not really talking about me, are you?
Anyway my title for this episode "Baby on Board"
You really should visit the Online Slide for "Mother and Child" as It's very moving, Much more than the actual episode, and probably the best official tribute to Wade.

"Disgusting jab at Sabrina by Peck"
Date: 04/03/2004
From: Grizzlor
I don't know which was worse, the Wade breeder rape dig by Pukingpah or the baby that looks human but later develops Kromagg features? Hello?
PS: Was that a Jab at Tru Calling? Curse you!

Let's see....
Date: 04/05/2004
From: MissingSliderLogan
BT, we don't have the time to ridicule you now.
Sliding with Baby
Three Men, A Baby, A Lady and a Tramp
KRYCEK: It's shocking at first. The acceptance of the idea, it's... It's something you thought only children and fools believed in. It undermines your beliefs-- in yourself, in the world... but then you come to understand.
~~~ Two Fathers
Yep, Peck, Wade in a breeder camp fits that assessment.
T-shirt seen on baby Sarah:
[Red vortex in the background]
My Mommy's a Slider
I'm a souvenir from one of her slides
Only Logan would do that to her child. ;-)

Original URL
Nominated by Blinker
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