Unknown Facts • Net Worth
Date: 04/03/2004
From: Techn_calDiffi_ult__
BLINKER [entering the drive room]: So, what geological age does today's guest AI hail from?
SYNTHIA II: It's from three freakin' years ago, okay? And I've been showing it non-stop Sliders eps as source material, so it should be able to-- WHAT are you doing?
FOURTH SEASON EXECUTIVE PRODUCER DAVID PECKINPAH: Oh, just changing the tape. I put in "Stoker" on endless loop last night, and I figured it was time for a little "Easy Slider."
HAL 9000: My mind is going, Dave. I can feel it.
BLINKER: [groan]
SYNTHIA II [sighs and hands him the Prize-Sac®]: Here, pass out the CD singles. I'm going to put this poor bastard in the airlock.
• baysbabe wins the Clash's "Rock the Cradle!"
• The_Seer wins Barry Manilow's "We Still Have Time!"
• ThomasMalthus wins the Dashboard Prophets' "Ballad for Dead Friends!"
• PhantomDennis wins the Be Sharps' "Baby on Board!"
• And just to be unexpected, Recall317 wins XTC's "Books are Burning!"
BLINKER: So what's the untold story behind "Net Worth"? And remember, you can't submit the Romeo and Juliet initials, the third season origins, or those since-vanished pictures of screwdrivers SliderNum5 found buried in the Slide Online. Those are all *true*. More admissible would be, say, Steve Stoliar's initial pitch about a mutated laptop that bites people's hands off and leaves behind printer toner as a "gift."
SYNTHIA II: Okay, back. A few hours in there with the Greatest Duets of Pat Boone and Pat Benatar should teach him a lesson...
FOURTH SEASON EXECUTIVE PRODUCER DAVID PECKINPAH [pounding on the airlock entrance and screaming]: HAL! Open the, the scoop door, dammit!
HAL 9000: I wish I could say I was sorry, Dave. But I'm afraid I can't do that.
Please stand by.

Berets and Bad Hair days
Date: 04/04/2004
The Berets Maggie and Rembrandt wear in the episode were a direct result of particular disastrous session between Kari Wurher and her Hairdresser. Originally, all 4 Sliders were to wear berets. But the direct had a hard time telling Jerry and Charlie apart without being able to see their different hairstyles.

Berets for ever!
Date: 04/04/2004
And berets for all! Wooooo! We will rule the world! How many of us are still here?
Wow, I guess that's one - give the berets to everyone!
Or change the stupid face paint. And the names to something other than R and J.
Corey Feldman's about to be on TV. You didn'y need to know that, did you.

El Shakespeare
Date: 04/04/2004
From: Recall317
Jeffrey Dean Morgan was supposed to reprise his beloved role of Sid in this episode, but sadly was unavailable due to the filming of "Stumbling Tall- The Joe Don Baker Story."

We're not talking La Troy...
Date: 04/05/2004
Beginning text must be destroyed! And so must insulting epithets!
Did you know?... This was the second episode where Kari Wuhrer made lifelong enemies in the production crew. How did it happen? Well, in the tradition of her misidentifying the greatest living physicist as "Hawkins" in The Making Of Sliders, Kari flubbed a proper name that any Sci-Fi fan would know. How to be delicate with this? Er, let's just say she didn't call Colin "Spock".

The ABL made it's early appearance...
Date: 04/05/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT care to be the replacement for my Pikacu targets?
... in this photographic evidence
See how the headgear-clad Wade intercepts Quinn's message sent to the BFA?
*puts on BFA (Bugs Bunny For All)cap*
Awww... you thought it was going to be a beret? Nah... we all know how that went... LOL
Yeah it's now up to Chp 6. The muse ran away. :-/

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4067836
Nominated by Blinker
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