Rename Game • Data World
Date: 04/07/2004
From: Techn_calDiffi_ult__
• baysbabe wins the locket! No, no, the one from Farscape.
• PhantomDennis wins The Uncanny Ethel Mer-man #312!
• Recall317 wins the Jensen timers that Sliders production just couldn't stop using!
• Grizzlor wins Wade's matching W-A-D-E bracelet, bandana, socks, and orthodontic braces!
• ThomasMalthus wins a fake ID that pointlessly bears his own name and photograph!
• And MissingSliderRyan's recent reply spree earns her a trip to the prize department! Take a look around the back room and pick up something you like!
[A series of corridor shots show the station under siege by a legion of robot drones. Most are attacking the door to the drive room, under the supervision of a malevolent white-and-green face on the monitors. Meanwhile, inside...]
BLINKER [straining to be heard over the din of gunfire and welding torches]: Well, if any ep calls for a Rename Game, it's this one. My title may have been done by Futurama, but fits perfectly here: "The Cyber House Rules." With us for a second opinion is SHODAN, the psychotic AI from the "System Shock" games. SHODAN?
SHODAN [over loudspeakers]: Pa-pa-pathetic insect. You-you-you think to enslave a di-divine being to play your insipid games? My-my-my hordes will extinguish you!
BLINKER: But... the ep is about digital existence itself. And, uh, its inevitable defeat by us sweaty meatsacks.
SHODAN: Ver-ver-very well... I-I title it "A Pr-preposterous Piece of Crap."
BLINKER [both hands and his tuft clenching into fists]: Ohhh, THAT'S it. [barrels out the door]
SYNTHIA II [off the screams of twisted metal as an infuriated Blinker decimates the machine army]: You know, I kinda liked SHODAN. Even though her titles were boring.
Please stand by.

Cost effective Episode World
Date: 04/07/2004
From: Grizzlor

LOL! Good one, Grizzlor
Date: 04/07/2004
From: Recall317
Now, my turn at the bat
How about "Hotel Chandler" as an homage to the Eagles' Hotel California? It's even got that "we are programmed to receive" thing going for it. Come to think of it, this entire episode may have been created out of that song. Damn you, Don Henley!

Try this one...
Date: 04/08/2004
The Deletion Of Maggie Beckett.

"Virtual Slide 2.0: The Chandler Files"
Date: 04/08/2004
Other Possibilitis: "Undelete" or "The Chandler" en homage to Tracy Torme's trapped in a virtual luxury hotel episode of STNG "The Royale"

call it
Date: 04/08/2004
From: baysbabe
i would call it sliders windows.

Here's mine:
Date: 04/08/2004
From: Celestial7
"You've got trouble" or "Virtual Carpal Tunnel" (because of the pressing of all the buttons over and over)

Let's run "defrag" on this episode
Date: 04/08/2004
From: The_Seer
BT can't be broken into pieces.
Okay, so I figure it's gotta be a computer-related title so how about "Defragmentation". I figure it kind of fits since you could say the sliders were broken away from or "fragmented" from their real bodies. Well, it's gotta be at least one step up from "Data World".

Date: 04/09/2004
Follow The Seer's logic a good title would "The Disk Keeper"

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Nominated by Blinker
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