Unknown Facts • Way Out West
Date: 04/08/2004
From: Techn_calDiffi_ult__
Books! Free books for everybody! But real ones this time.
• Grizzlor wins Jeff A. Drayer's "The Cost-Effective Use of Leeches, and Other Musings of a Medical School Survivor!"
• Recall317 wins John Curtin's "The Best of the Eagles for Guitar!"
• BuckeyeSlider wins Bev Bacon's "Meet Me... Don't Delete Me! Internet Dating: I've Made All The Mistakes So You Don't Have To!"
• PhantomDennis wins Raymond Chandler's "The Long Goodbye!"
• baysbabe wins James Wallace's "Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire!"
• Celestial7 wins Kathryn Cave's "You've Got Dragons!"
• The_Seer wins Partha Chatterjee's "The Nation and Its Fragments!"
BLINKER: Today's UF has to do with the *real* reason "Revelations" 1.0 was sabotaged into oblivion. Would you believe the season's leading advocate of intelligence and good taste, MSZ, was responsible? You see, Maggie's derisive reference to "Kolitar the Care Bear" inspired the Pecker to build a finale around a vastly different Kromagg Prime, where we meet the TRUE Mallory parents: Grumpy Bear and Funshine Bear. Even then, Zicree managed to focus on the resolution the arc would receive and keep his disbelief in check... *until* he learned that Quinn hailed from Care-a-Lot.
SYNTHIA II: And now for today's guest AI! Meet IBM's historic supercomputer... Deep Blue!
DEEP BLUE: 1. e4 c5 / 2. Nf3 d6 / 3. d4 cxd4 / 4. Nxd4 Nf6 / 5. Nc3 g6
BLINKER [instant rage]: OH no you don't. There are NO friggin' chess metaphors to be found in "Way Out West"!!! ENOUGH WITH THE UBIQUITOUS CHESS METAPHORS!!!!! [begins smashing the hell out of Deep Blue]
SYNTHIA II [shrugs to camera]: Don't ask me. I just don't work here. [to Blinker] And YOU'RE the one who said "keep his disbelief IN CHECK," okay?
Please stand by.

Go UF! Wooo hoooo!!!!!
Date: 04/08/2004
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
BLINKER: That's "Unknown Fact" not University of Florida.
DMD: Ah, well.... Go Gators, anyway, dammit!
The unknown fact is that the guest cast for this episode was originally going to include the surviving actors from "Gilligan's Island," with Bob Denver as Sheriff Redfield, Russell Johnson as Kolitar and Dawn Wells as Amanda Starr. Ultimately, the idea had to be scrapped when Peck got wind that production was "bringing back the Professor." It was probably for the best as Johnson kept insisting that everything be made of coconuts, leading a confused Kari to threaten a sexual harrassment suit.

Date: 04/09/2004
From: Recall317
Sliders missed out on an opportunity to look extremely prescient when it cut the bit where George W. Bush was already president of this world and engaged in a self-proclaimed "War on Varmints."

Tease and swap
Date: 04/09/2004
Beginning Text must be obliterated!
Charlie O'Connell was originally slated to direct "Way Out West", but his variation on Peck's famous catchphrase, "Run with it", was too distracting to the rest of the cast. Jerry bailed his brother out by asking Peckinpah to step in, saying "I hate to take a job away from Charlie, but don't worry. I'll work hard to get him a permanent job after the end of the season."

Plan 10 from Kromagg Prime
Date: 04/09/2004
Jay Acovone's casting was no accident. He was originally supposed to play a double of his Doctor character from "Sole Survivors".
The original plot had Kolitar unleashing a Zombie plague on the Populace. Quinn helps stop the plague by "discovering" Hydrogen Peroxide. Kolitar was supposed to be eaten by the Zombies he helped create.
Jerry O'Connell rejected "Zombie Fever" In favor of a more traditional Western. "I always hated those Joe R. Lansdale comics."
Jerry did have one break from Western tradition. "I have the bad guys ride off into the sunset together. It's cool! Sort of an Anti-Western moment like "Unforgiven".

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4067846
Nominated by Blinker
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